Hash and Oil Picture Thread

I wouldnt redissolve it. You probably wouldnt gain much purity and youd lose taste along with adding more solvent to the mix that you arent able to purge off. If you get a brake bleeder and a mason jar you can get by for like 30 bucks. Ive managed to pull big muffins and get to a shatter consistency. Definitely underpurged compared to what i do now but it was the best i could do at the time. If you have a harbor freight and have a few more bucks a cheap vac pump can be had for 90 and if you get a coupon which harbor freight cant give enough away alot of them are good for 25% off so it brings it down to roughly 75. That and a mason jar can get ya by for a while. jusst try not to redissolve.
Hey BuD
Was wondering if you think the cheap one stage 2.5 is good enough that's what I was just using one of those and a mason jar but mine just burnt out yesterday (had the baby for A year) she did good but would take kinda a while to get honeycomb and shatter and what not I was going to upgrade to a 4 cfm 2 stage
But do you think all that is unecasary and I could get by with the cheap 90$ pump again.
Its really up to you and depends on your system. Either will work. Heres some things to ask yourself to determine it.

Do you plan to upgrade at any point or to increase the size of your production? Because if so go with the 4cfm 2 stage. Itll probably last longer and youll have to use it less since itll pull a vac quicker and most likely a deeper vac as well.

You should start to consider a chamber as well because pulling a full muffin that can drop on itself helps purging go by faster VS puling until it gets close to the edges then releasing. Also you probably want to grab an extra bottle or 2 of pump oil. Its cheap and especially the cheaper vacs tend to really spit it out the exhaust. That could have been why your pump died.

We have a 6cfm 2 stage and it rips. Change the oil every month or 2 depending on how much we use it. Pulling all that butane/water/other shit out of your hash and into the oil tends to wear it down over time which could lead to premature wear and tear.

You can get by with the cheap pump but for barely 1/3 more the price you could get one thatd probably last a good amount longer.

Another thing people often forget is to replace the oil on the motor. I dont know about the cheaper pumps but our pump has a little nipple you pop off for the motor that allows you to replace/refill the oil keeping the motor running fine. I didnt even notice it until one day the motor sounded a lot different. The pump sat for about 6 months to a year in a garage before we discovered it and started using it so after we cleaned everything and changed the oil we were wondering what could be wrong. Checked the "drive shaft" if you will and then realized theres a place to change the oil on the motor. Ever since that bitch runs so quiet its awesome. Basically silent when it hits the deep vac sound. Sounds like a microwave heating up popcorn.

Hope this helped, sorry for the book. Ill be making a thread at some point just chronicling my runs and tek and how it may change over time. Wish i started one earlier when i was still purgin in a mason jar.

Crazy how that was only a few months ago now we have a 3 gallon chamber and 6cfm pump. Soon to upgrade to a vac oven after we get together the money for a closed loop system.
Thanks man no that all really helps I actually just moved my pumped leaked oil all in one of my boxes and I went to use it so it had to be my fault it musta had like no oil in it and for the past year I never added oil even though I saw it spitting little bits out of the exaughst like you said.

Ya I really don't have any plans on upgrading I usually buy my bulk from friends with better set ups so when I do blast it's smaller runs like 3 to 10 grams of oil, so I don't thing a big pump will be necessary.
But it would be nice for it to run quieter iv heard from other people also that the higher end even stronger pumps run quieter then the cheap 2.5 cfm harbor freight one.

Such a big decision haha I'm going back and fourth so much in my head.
The cheapo from harbor freight is now a bit different than a year ago...

It actually has brand name, Pittsburgh.
I've run the dog shit out of it, changing the oil every 4-6 runs depending on how big the run(s) are, and how early into the purge you place your oil in the chamber and begin pulling a vac.

Spend the 20$ on the 2year free replacement warranty, and even if you destroy it from neglect, bring it back, you get a brand new vac in the box, no questions asked.

Mine is running like a champ still, pulls full vac in about 30 seconds or less,and is fairly quiet in comparison to some of the 2stage pumps(Robinar?) My friends run.

If the pump is in good condition at the end of the 2 years... I'm getting a new one right before the warranty expires..muwahahaha
*in the voice of Mumra, the villain from Thundercats.
Edit: also consider installing a cold trap between pump & chamber.
You can cold boil alcohol and whatnot.
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always wanted to mess with a cold trap but havent gotten around to it.

and everything sir dabs said is good. Also, not sure on the harbor freight pumps but our pump has threads on the exhaust for a hose so you can connect it and run the exhaust out the window. Thats what we do and we have it run up from the pump so any pump oil that recondenses on the hose falls back into the pump. Kinda saving all that pump oil from not only leaving the pump but getting into the air around your chamber/you.
Yeah, hook a garden hose to the exhaust,it should screw right into the exhaust(most models).... I use the "pocket hose"(awesome for gardening) I got two sets .

Lead it out your nearest window, you'll notice a clarity in the room you're purging in...
Yeah, hook a garden hose to the exhaust,it should screw right into the exhaust(most models).... I use the "pocket hose"(awesome for gardening) I got two sets .

Lead it out your nearest window, you'll notice a clarity in the room you're purging in...

Hell yeah we even debated making a little carbon filter for the end to catch any oil/smoke/vapor that is to come out of the end. But we never got around to doin it cause it works so well with just the hose.
change oil every 4-6 runs? damn ive ran my pump so long it basically ran itself dry. probably didnt change it for a year, 30 or so runs, and probably over 100 hours of sucking time (usually let it run for half hour at a time.. 3 or 4 times per purge) it still pulls a full vacuum and runs fine. cheap chinese no name off ebay.
change oil every 4-6 runs? damn ive ran my pump so long it basically ran itself dry. probably didnt change it for a year, 30 or so runs, and probably over 100 hours of sucking time (usually let it run for half hour at a time.. 3 or 4 times per purge) it still pulls a full vacuum and runs fine. cheap chinese no name off ebay.

Yeah theyll work for a while but eventually the internals get worn out even with perfect maintenance.

Also for me my vac chamber is a 3 gal and to get to the full 15 microns it takes about 5-10 minutes on a 6cfm. Also depends on which stage im at in the purge process. The needle stops reading for about 2 minutes before the pump makes the "done" sound. And we kick it back on every hour or so until it gets back down to that which usually only take 30 seconds depending on the purge stage. Anyone using a vac oven has to wait/run even longer so thatd kill your motor runnin on little to no pump oil.

We got our vac for free and its a $300-$400 pump so were gonna run it so it lasts the longest because fuck payin that. Because of that we were able to buy the nuwave2 and the vac chamber and still have a killer pump.

We average about 5-10 runs a month so topping it off every 2 weeks or so then full drain and refil every month or 2. Pump oil is cheap and once it starts to get opaque its time to change.

Last but not least we scrape/throw ours in when its a lil more soupy so its pulling off a lot more shit into the vac oil.
hmm interesting. I think I need to upgrade my vac gauge. its junk and if I tap it it will go up and down .5" of vac.
Yeah most wont read past 29.5. I really just use them as a visual guide to see if any vac has dropped. I go by the vac sound for when i hit a full vac because the sound is the same in all vacs give or take.

Theyre all junk unless you got a digital micron gauge which ive debated getting since the vac i have pulls down to 15 micron. Theyre probably pricey though. And digital so thatd be cool!

bho, with winter