hash bomb and power plant breeding attempt


Active Member
Subbed and interested to see how this goes. I'm a big fan of Bomb Seeds genetics particularly THC Bomb. Good luck bro.


Ok, so I been banging my head against the wall about what could have caused 6 out of 10 seeds to not pop.

They were sprouting in very rich compost material, but it wasn't sterilized, and the other day, one of these tiny mushrooms pops up


so maybe the compost wasn't all the way composted and the fungus damaged the seeds. Also noticed some mildew in the garden. Maybe it would be wise to use some h202. Regardless, am using mostly red rock with just a small amount of compost now.

less food for the fungus


Ok, well, not much going on. The plants weren't doing well, because my nutrient mix in the soil wasn't right. Added some fertilizer, and one of the plants was so weak that it got nute burn. None of the plants were happy under my CFL LED combination set-up, so took them outside. They've been outside for a few days and are starting to perk up.

Hash Bomb #1

Hash Bomb #2

There is some variation in the Hash Bomb plants, but the Power Plant seedlings are very uniform. Looking forward to finding out which is female/male. Very exciting.

Here is a picture of the Harlequin out in the yard. Trichomes forming, starting to look all crystally. Smells very mellow, lemon-y

Hoping to be able to get more cuts of the harlequin from the local guy.


Hope the hashbomb works out for you man. I have been growing it for the past two years and have a mother of hashbomb that is a fast finishing, frosty, super tasty stoney bud. 45 days till done in flower, Hope you find that one. Easy to clone and cross with other strains. So far I have a Hashbomb x Kc 36 and Hashbomb x Cherrybomb cross. Good luck my man.


Ok, so the plants are all outside. Had them inside, but the pp wasn't happy. Now, the hb is starting to show signs of sex. Hoping someone can tell me if these are males or not. Pretty sure they are.

Actually hoping that they're males. The Harlequin is ready to get impregnated. It's a high-CBD strain that we have available locally, which you may have heard about. Only good things could come out of that mix.

The harlequin smells sweet and lemony, plus it's a really vigorous plant and seems to be fairly early.

A mix between the two would have a 25% chance of having the high-cbd, low thc of the mother, %50 chance of having both cbd and thc, and %25 of having the cannaboid profile of the father. Not bad odds, since all 3 possibilities are awesome.



Latest update:

All 4 HB plants turned out to be males. Well, at least I got some pollen. Lately I'm more interested in high-CBD strains. The harlequin is coming in nicely. Am thinking about crossing with that instead of crossing the HB and PP. Also looking around for ACDC, which has almost no THC. Figure a cross with that plant will give a much more distinct separation between phenotypes for testing purposes. Will post some pics soon of my new greenhouse box that I just built in anticipation for the winter.


Here's the top of one of the males in a solo cup, all ready to shed pollen.


Next question. Can anyone look at this picture of the harlequin and tell me if it's ready to be pollinated? It doesn't really show in any of my pictures, but some of the trichomes are starting to turn amber, and most of the calyxes, or whatever you call those white stringy things are brown on the end. Hopefully it's not too late. We only need about 20 seeds or so to make sure we get a high-cbd male to back cross with the harlequin clone.

Another question, does anyone think it's time to harvest?



No new news so far with the power plant. Transferred them into 3 gallon buckets and they're just growing and growing and growing.

My buddy told me that it's way too late to fertilize the harlequin. Still, I'm going to try and dust off some of the little nugs at the base and cross my fingers.

Harvesting some of the harlequin, and then going to hit it up with some H20 and molasses, then plain water, then nothing. He said that would beef them up a little.


Active Member
Just stumbled across your grow and interested to see how this one turns out. I'm a big fan of their THC Bomb, any update?


All 4 of the hash bomb plants turned out to be male, and all 3 of the power plants as well, so the only opportunity for breeding would have been with the harlequin, which is apparently past the point of being pollinatable...if that's even a word. Sooo, collected some pollen from both types, and am preparing to harvest and clone the harlequin. We'll see how it goes. I may attempt an indoor grow, or a greenhouse grow, but probably just going to take a pass until next spring since I don't have the cash for a hps system right now.

Good news is, got around 5 oz from 4 plants outdoors. 3 oz harlequin, 1.5 oz plum pit bull and about .5 oz grapefruit romulan. The harlequin is nice and mellow and lemony, very cool smoke. The pitbull and romulan are also fairly mellow since they were grown in a low sunlight part of yard. The romulan has a strange odor to it, not sure what it is, but it's odd.

Will post some pics of the harvest before abandoning this thread.

stoned redneck

New Member
Hey Man...i too am a Hash bomb fan.I just ordered a mess of regular seeds of hash bomb and berry bomb.I thought about going w/ feminized but don't like relying on a chemical to make a female plant...Just dosn't sound right...Anyway I am just studying up for next summers garden.i too am a "Old timer"haha just learning this home grown thing.One thing that really works good for me is I use Mushroom compost from my local soil supply store.It comes from a Whidbey Island,Washington state mushroom farm. I have heard nothing but good about useing it and it seems to work fine with me too.. This is no BS.When i first brought some home and used it inside I saw some tiny bugs in it...Uh Oh...my first thought ..spider mites.....But no.....they were something,something redbacked jumping something bugs. hey it was a while back ok?? and the best thing about them ,They eat spider mites..No Lie I tell people that and they kind of look like "oh yea sure" and smile and go use there high priced spider killer and i just smile and know I haven't seen a spider mite in two years...Mushroom compost.... check it out.seems there are lots of mushroom farms around and good luck on your new farm ... c Ya Red hey if you are in washington state,They are trying to shut down MMJ and homegrown meds,they want us to rely on there 75% taxed stuff,call your leglasature..sp?? you know...Let your voice be known !!!..


All done. Two cups of pollen obtained. One from each power plant and hash bomb.

black seeds.jpg

about 100 seeds, only 20 percent viable from match up of hash bomb and harlequin.


roughly three oz of low-grade product, organically grown.


High CBD is the stuff.