Hash de Bubble


Well-Known Member
Alright, just to start off I think a good section to add to these boards is a section all about hash and how to make it and a place for us to discuss it. As I searched the site I seen many hash posts listed all over the place and theyre not really listed under one section of the forums, If im wrong please move this thread to that area.
I had promised a while back to some members of the community that I would post a complete guide to making Honey Oil and other Hash Oils using different solutions. I wouldn't call myself a master but I have made plenty of hash in my day and would like to share my information with everyone without it being lost in the web of posts.

With that said I will get into my topic, I finally coughed up the money and bought some bubble bags.... Now I have made hash using ice water before, just no bags. I used the method somone decided to nickname the gumby method... Sorry but where I come from we called it making Ice Water Hash, or just the water hash method. Anyhow, I have been reading alot about these bags and how they work and just wanted opinions on technique and how to achieve the maximum yield.
I noticed there is a difference between people who use Dry vs Fresh material and the outcome of the full melt hash.
Now I purchased a 5 gallon 5 bag kit with the following microns; 220, 150, 75, 45, 20 I am gonna be documenting my process and my outcome to post a guide later in the future. If anyone has any tips or anything that can be of some help please share.

I am a hash lover, and I think there is plenty of people here who would agree on a good place to discuss it, so lets start here.


Well-Known Member
im still prepping.. I am freezing some trim as well as drying the other to compare the yield per gram... The website advtertised up to 800 grams of fresh trim to 200 grams of dry trim per batch. I want to see which is the best.. I will post pics and results soon.