Hash pipe? Anyone? Anyone?


Well-Known Member
i'm gonna make a shitload of hash, have an extra plant :hump: probably bubble or dry ice crompressed, i need a new hash pipe :grin: suggestions? Anyone? Anyone?


Well-Known Member
best tool to smoke hash, would be imo a gravity bong.

nr 14 or so topwrench with a metal screen inserted into it, for a bowl (to fit snugly into a sodabottle)

huge kick and easiest way to do hash (though its even easier if you dry bit of tobacco to mix with the hash (though you have to "bloom" the hash first (lightly heat it and make it "flower" out between your fingers (lol if ya can figure out what i said:))


Well-Known Member
Get an Herb Iron and put little dabs of hash on top when it's cool. Takes a 45 seconds to a minute tops to cool down for another dab. It's saved me so much hash. www.herbiron.com
Not really a pipe though.


e-mail my friend [email protected] who hand makes a classic bamboo hash pipe. I have one that is about 12 inches long and 1/2 inch around with a fitted brass bowl (no glues) . He makes other sizes if you want a more portable size. Mine gives a strong hit without the harshness of small glass, stone and metal pipes. very pretty also. I think you can get a nice one for $25