Hashberry/Lockdown Cross


Well-Known Member
First a little back story. On my very first grow back when I was on HG420 I had the grow from hell. First of all I had a two week power outage when temps dropped into the 20’s. I also let them get really dried out a couple of times and to top it off I did the entire thing under CFL’s. I had three Hashberries and one Lockdown and all of them had around 12 seeds per bud when I got around to harvesting. I didn’t think about it much at the time but I stored the seeds and labeled them so I knew which plant they came from.

A little over a year ago I decided to try sprouting them and planted a total of 8 seeds, 2 from each of the original 4 plants. Everybody spouted and when I vegged them out I found that the seeds from one of the Hashberries looked different from the others. Basically it looked like a cross between the Hashberry and the Lockdown. All of the plants were females. I’ve been cloning from my "Hashberry/Lockdown" strain every since.

Wednesday, June 3rd 2009
Veg +0
I took three clones, two for flowering and one to become a new mom. I stuck them under a humidity dome and put them under one 55w 6500k compact T5.

Wednesday, June 17th 2009
Veg +14
All three clones had nice roots so I transferred them to 4” pots. For soil I’m using 4 parts FoxFarms Ocean Forest and one part Perlite. I also use FoxFarm nutrients (Grow Big, Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom, Beastie Bloomz, Cha Ching). Turned on second 55w bulb, this one 3000k.

Wednesday, June 24th 2009
Veg +21
Transferred all three plants from the mom/seedling cab to my veg cab. Lights are two 55w 6500k bulbs and one 55w 3000k bulb.

Saturday, July 25th 2009

Veg +52
Flower +0
Finally have room free in the flower cab. One of the clones went back into the mom/seedling cab to become my new mom. Transferred the other two clones into 10” ports and placed in flower cab. Lighting is one 270w Super Agro HPS in a cool tube.

Wednesday, August 19th 2009
Veg +77
Flower +25
Water today, first time using Beastie Bloomz.

Wednesday, August 22nd 2009
Veg +80
Flower +28
Took some photos today



Well-Known Member
Sweet :hump: HG420....lol I was there too and was pissed when it just dissappeared. Just so happend when doc chronic started getting really bad raps on his seed service.


Well-Known Member
I never had any problems but then I only got one shipment from him. In fact, the White Rhino seeds I just started are from that original shipment back in 2006.


Well-Known Member
The bulb is hot to the touch but I can leave it about 2" off the top of my plants without any problem. They put out 4800 lumens so they probably put out more heat than a standard 55w CFL.

I've attached some photos of what my 3 bulb veg lighting looks like. The bulb shape give me nice even coverage in my veg cab. The bulbs are 21" long and the inside of my cab is 22.75" wide. I usually run a 3000K bulb in the middle with two 6500K bulbs on the outsides.

The first photo show's the underside. I got the reflectors from an aquarium store.
Second show the three bulbs lit. You can really tell the difference in spectrum.
Third photo shows the hood from the top where the ballast is.

Basically all I did was take the white particle board shelf that came with the cab when I bought it and trimmed off a little of the length and width. Ballast on one side, reflectors and sockets on the other.

so what would you say the heat put off from 1 or 2 of those 2G11 fixtures is comparable to ?


The bulb is hot to the touch but I can leave it about 2" off the top of my plants without any problem. They put out 4800 lumens so they probably put out more heat than a standard 55w CFL.

I've attached some photos of what my 3 bulb veg lighting looks like. The bulb shape give me nice even coverage in my veg cab. The bulbs are 21" long and the inside of my cab is 22.75" wide. I usually run a 3000K bulb in the middle with two 6500K bulbs on the outsides.

The first photo show's the underside. I got the reflectors from an aquarium store.
Second show the three bulbs lit. You can really tell the difference in spectrum.
Third photo shows the hood from the top where the ballast is.

Basically all I did was take the white particle board shelf that came with the cab when I bought it and trimmed off a little of the length and width. Ballast on one side, reflectors and sockets on the other.
I was actually pricing them and found the bulbs, clips, and socket (4-pin) and could not find a reflector nor a reflector with sockets :(

they do come in different wattages though lowest i found was 18w. my main concern would be with heat though, that is why i asked because if 2 were to hot then maybe just 1 would suffice.

I just would'nt want to get something that produces to much heat and end up scraping the whole project.

also, the lower wattages seem to drop considerably in lumen output so I am hesitant ...


Well-Known Member
So I actually still have my old plans for when I first built my hood. The reflector looks like it's not being carried anymore but if you go to the Fluorescent Parts for Aquariums section at petstore.com there are some options. The Canopy Light Reflector would be good for a 2 bulb or maybe even a 3 bulb setup. The Sunlight Supply TEK II T5 Retrofit Reflector would work for individual bulbs. At the time I spent ~40 for 3 reflectors. A search for "aquarium reflector" will give you all types of places to research. Basically you can use a lot of the same parts that DIY aquarium people use when building their tank hoods.

As for heat, I just don't think they are that much hotter than standard CFL's.

I love my 2G11 bulbs. The long flat design is perfect for my smaller cabs

The only thing I want to change is to add some switches so I can turn individual bulbs on and off.

I was actually pricing them and found the bulbs, clips, and socket (4-pin) and could not find a reflector nor a reflector with sockets :(

they do come in different wattages though lowest i found was 18w. my main concern would be with heat though, that is why i asked because if 2 were to hot then maybe just 1 would suffice.

I just would'nt want to get something that produces to much heat and end up scraping the whole project.

also, the lower wattages seem to drop considerably in lumen output so I am hesitant ...


Well-Known Member
Monday, August 24th 2009
Veg +82
Flower +30

Had to water today so I decided to snap a few photos. I put some whiteboard behind to make it easier to view than with Mylar behind.

First photo show both plants
Second photo is tops of plant #1
Third photo is close up of bud on plant #1


Monday, August 24th 2009
Veg +82
Flower +30

Had to water today so I decided to snap a few photos. I put some whiteboard behind to make it easier to view than with Mylar behind.

First photo show both plants
Second photo is tops of plant #1
Third photo is close up of bud on plant #1
the whiteboard actually seems to reflect more light and looks a lot brighter in there.


Well-Known Member
My flower cab is a modified Home Depot special. First photo shows it closed. Light is on but using some foam weather stripping I got it to be lightproof.

Second photo shows it with the doors open. My ventilation chain is Carbon Filter -> 250w air cooled hood -> 4" Vortex fan -> Exhaust.

That lower section under the plants is actually my "light box" for the air intake. If you look closely you can see the pvc 90 degree elbow pieces I'm using for the intake.

Day 34 of flower:
Watered today and started something new, molasses. :) My water today was 2 tsp/gal Tiger Bloom, 1 Tbl/gal Big Bloom, 1 Tbl/gal Molasses and 1/4 tsp/gal of Beastie Bloomz.

I should have used 12" pots instead of the 9" ones I'm using. That or at least 10" ones. I was originally going to have three plants which was why I was using the 9" ones. By the time I decided not to flower the third, these two had already been transplanted and in flower for a week and I didn't want to transplant them again.

It's a Friday, I'm buzzed, you get photos.
Photo 3 shows a side view of my two girls. Sorry for the shadows, I've got the white balance on my camera set to compensate for the extra red of my HPS so if I use the flash, the photo turns blue. It does a good job however of showing my bud/plant ratio.

Photo 4 is a nice shot from the top.

Photo 5 is a close up of one of the buds. Love all those little crystals starting to form. :grin:

your flowers look good man dam whats your set up



Sweet setup. Got a 4'w x 7'h x 8'long space all enclosed like yours, empty as I speak. Plants vegging now in 5 gal buckets using good ol' soil. I need info on exhaust setup , cooling, and filtering as I will be using a 600w hps for flowering. Do you exhaust straight into the room or run it outside? Fresh air intake for the enclosed area? Any info on where to get quality components would ge greatly appreciated. I also remember you saying the mylar is coming out, just whiteboard or good white paint instead?
Thanks for the time.........


Well-Known Member
It's just sitting in my room. Exhaust and intake are into the same room.

For a 600 I would run the lighting on a separate chain from your filter but that's just me.
Intake -> Light -> Fan -> Exhaust
Carbon Filter -> Fan -> Exhaust

I used BGHydro but I know that others use other retailers. Just browse the boards for awhile researching.

For me, I'm just going to use flat white paint.

Sweet setup. Got a 4'w x 7'h x 8'long space all enclosed like yours, empty as I speak. Plants vegging now in 5 gal buckets using good ol' soil. I need info on exhaust setup , cooling, and filtering as I will be using a 600w hps for flowering. Do you exhaust straight into the room or run it outside? Fresh air intake for the enclosed area? Any info on where to get quality components would ge greatly appreciated. I also remember you saying the mylar is coming out, just whiteboard or good white paint instead?
Thanks for the time.........


Thank you TechnoMage,
Next question: Are you saying 3 fans? (intake, exhaust, and fan for the filter?) Any idea of cannister (cartridge size) for the filter? I have about 225 cu. ft. of air to move. I will need to run the fresh air intake about 20 ft. through a 6" duct, any fan size recommendations for this? Also, should I run the fresh air intake into the bottom of the room? I did check out BGhydro and it looks good to me, found good prices on fans at airbooster.com as well. Thanks for the timely response. I am sorry if I am butchering the thread. I will ask elsewhere if I need to.


Well-Known Member
I don't use an intake fan, my intake is passive. Since I exhaust right into the room the cab is in I don't have any long duct run's so I'm not familiar with those type of issues.

Thank you TechnoMage,
Next question: Are you saying 3 fans? (intake, exhaust, and fan for the filter?) Any idea of cannister (cartridge size) for the filter? I have about 225 cu. ft. of air to move. I will need to run the fresh air intake about 20 ft. through a 6" duct, any fan size recommendations for this? Also, should I run the fresh air intake into the bottom of the room? I did check out BGhydro and it looks good to me, found good prices on fans at airbooster.com as well. Thanks for the timely response. I am sorry if I am butchering the thread. I will ask elsewhere if I need to.


Well-Known Member
Ok, this is from my grow log at home last night.

Sunday, August 30th 2009

Veg +88
Flower +36
Noticed some possible signs of over ferting so I watered with straight water tonight.

I realized that I had been watering with nutes every water and had been forgetting to alternate. Tips of the leaves had started to curl.

Did a big flush last night with straight water. Probably won't have to water for about 5 days or so. Hope I caught it in time.



Well-Known Member
Thursday, September 3rd 2009
Veg +92
Flower +40
Watered with ½ strength nutes and molasses

As you can see from the photos below I still have a little leaf curling which I believe was caused by over nuteing. I'll probably be alternating between straight water and 1/2 strength nutes for the next couple of weeks.

I also checked my old logs and realized that I've been using the same 270w HPS bulb now for almost two years continuously. I'm pretty sure I've seen a drop in Lumens because of it. I need to replace it before my next batch flowers.

