Hate Drinking Alcohol

You know what would be better than a cold one next to your spliff? Another spliff. :)
Dude, i know my stash, i dont need to over smoke...Beer fucking rules next to my shiva, but only one...One beer a day is beneficial to your system, it helps to kick in the BLANK cannot write th right word, i know it but i cannot do it lol!!!fucken english!
well in my experience every time I drank by myself I had an OVERWEALMING urge to call someone..get someone over to hang out at my house... and I"m naturally an introverted person so this is not something I like....

and as far as those first ones go...cannabis does all that, very very very effectively.. makes playing guitar amazingly productive and fun..reaching new levels of creativity every time I pick it up stoned...

idk but I didn't find alcohol to be as relaxing as cannabis in most cases.. maybe if I"m in some place I don't want to be... a few beers helps... but as far as in general cannabis is much more effective as a sedative-hypnotic...

Which is why I drink and smoke. :)

I'm naturally introverted. I dislike going out, and in fact almost NEED alcohol in very social situations because I feel uncomfortable without it. I don't like meeting new people. Makes me extremely anxious.

There is a huge difference between getting blasted and having 2-3 beers over the course of an entire evening. When I get totally blasted it's much more fun to be around people and be social. If i'm alone though a couple drinks doesn't make me want to call people up or go out.

I think it's just a matter of your state of mind after imbibing. I know a hundred people that can't fathom toking or why anyone would want to toke under any circumstances. To each his own.
Which is why I drink and smoke. :)

I'm naturally introverted. I dislike going out, and in fact almost NEED alcohol in very social situations because I feel uncomfortable without it. I don't like meeting new people. Makes me extremely anxious.

There is a huge difference between getting blasted and having 2-3 beers over the course of an entire evening. When I get totally blasted it's much more fun to be around people and be social. If i'm alone though a couple drinks doesn't make me want to call people up or go out.

I think it's just a matter of your state of mind after imbibing. I know a hundred people that can't fathom toking or why anyone would want to toke under any circumstances. To each his own.

true that. as long as you're responsible about it I'm sure it will do you no wrong... though I would try to get better at socializing without it... just better in general to have such an ability.. I doubt it's impossible... but for sure..each to his own.
not so, many naturally introverted people use alcohol to overcome such introversion, I don't need it to overcome it...simple.

you kinda remind me of the way all alcoholics talk... they're very dismissive... defending their 'friend'

even if I"m wrong, there's significant amounts of defensiveness in your statements...

I just parroted what you said. You said you're introverted and don't like being around people. From that, and the rest of your posts, I extrapolated that to be the reason you don't like alcohol. Then your response is "I'm introverted but I'm not," more or less. Or literally what you said (combining two posts) "I'm naturally introverted, but I don't need alcohol to overcome it."
I just parroted what you said. You said you're introverted and don't like being around people. From that, and the rest of your posts, I extrapolated that to be the reason you don't like alcohol. Then your response is "I'm introverted but I'm not," more or less. Or literally what you said (combining two posts) "I'm naturally introverted, but I don't need alcohol to overcome it."

the reason I don't like alcohol is mainly because of it's dumbing-down effect. the forced extroversion definitely isn't that great for me, but it's not the central reason I hate it.
I think you're drunk right now. the fool posted in that SAME post that he's been drunk before..lmfao

yes he said he got drunk before...

but who knows if he was just buzzed and thought he was drunk? it would be very easy to think ur drunk when u never drink
yes he said he got drunk before...

but who knows if he was just buzzed and thought he was drunk? it would be very easy to think ur drunk when u never drink

he was talkin about hard alcohol... I'd find it hard to believe he was just buzzed...
yes he said he got drunk before...

but who knows if he was just buzzed and thought he was drunk? it would be very easy to think ur drunk when u never drink

I was more drunk the second time. Slurred speech, couldn't walk in a straigh line, more social. My buddy passed out on the bathroom floor, I couldn't get the room to stop spinning when I was trying to sleep.

The first time was my high school graduation, from what I remember I had 2 or 3 cups of that white Russian stuff and an unknown amount of vodka+pepsi, second time was about 5 shots of Jose Quervo Tequila.
Ugh the spins are terrible. That's the moment when I immediately regret all my actions because I know i'm getting sick.

You don't ever want to drink enough to get the spins. Make sure you have enough food in your belly to slow the absorption of the alcohol down. And also hydrate.
Never been one for alcohol either, but I'll mix a pretty heavy eggnog and rum during Christmas... the rest of the year, I'm a chronicholic.
Digestings the word i was looking for :D!

Oh, and JägerMeister, its superb choice to go in these harsh lands, with them snow storms :joint:
Dude, i know my stash, i dont need to over smoke...Beer fucking rules next to my shiva, but only one...One beer a day is beneficial to your system, it helps to kick in the BLANK cannot write th right word, i know it but i cannot do it lol!!!fucken english!

:lol: it's all good fun my man ;)

& yeah I feel you on the medical benefit but eh I wouldn't choke down a glass of wine or a beer a day just for the medical benefit
I was more drunk the second time. Slurred speech, couldn't walk in a straigh line, more social. My buddy passed out on the bathroom floor, I couldn't get the room to stop spinning when I was trying to sleep.

The first time was my high school graduation, from what I remember I had 2 or 3 cups of that white Russian stuff and an unknown amount of vodka+pepsi, second time was about 5 shots of Jose Quervo Tequila.

Man padawanbater if i ever meet you in person there are two things ive set out to accomplish, 1 eat some dank dose with you, 2 get you super smashed!

Lol jk on the 2nd one... well maybe, but only if you wanted to... But acid for sure bro!
Man padawanbater if i ever meet you in person there are two things ive set out to accomplish, 1 eat some dank dose with you, 2 get you super smashed!

Lol jk on the 2nd one... well maybe, but only if you wanted to... But acid for sure bro!

give him some blotter, lock him in the closet and WE can get fucked up phelps and eat the rest of the ten strip ;)
Man padawanbater if i ever meet you in person there are two things ive set out to accomplish, 1 eat some dank dose with you, 2 get you super smashed!

Lol jk on the 2nd one... well maybe, but only if you wanted to... But acid for sure bro!

Haha dying to dose man! Soon though for sure! And only if you make something I can drink