Hate to say it...but fuck Christmas.


Well-Known Member
Aw, Kodanky-Dank-Pie... use this time as an escape from the real world if nothing else. Just you, and an excuse to become intoxicated if you're not into the religious aspects or festivities. If you're alone or Christmas brings back some bad memories, I hope you find some peace x


Well-Known Member
Yeah, stores rip everyone off, you have to spend money on ass holes that you normaly do not talk to, what a waste. and they wonder why everyone is going broke. I so hate christmas to as it is the only time of year that i have to see scumbag family members that are fucking ass holes, They are way over weight and load the fuck out of there plate, then like every other year say they are going to lose weight...lol, so i told em they could start by not eating, but that was a slim chance since they where on there 5th plate and wonder why they have medical problems, fat fucks. to top it off you get the jerks that are maxed out on credit that buy all kinds of junk and put a show on like they have money lol.I told everyone this year that things where hard so i did not even buy em a fucking christmas card....sorry about my rant,as things will be better tomorrow as everyone can start taking down there over price christmas tree along with all the lights that are a waste


Well-Known Member
If you have one, every family should play the Wii over the holidays; what a great way to stay in shape and convince everybody the aerobics is for fun.

And credit is of SATAN.

If it must be plastic, use a debit card with an overdraft limit...