Hate to say it...

On several occasions I've encountered people thinking they had og outside of Cali. They did not. I will be happy when I get to go out of state and smoke A grade. Guys who grow (and post here) will be the last too admit this, but ask any smoker on earth what they love most about LA. Come visit!
See that's the shit I'm talking about. I guarantee there is a cut of og in every state in the usa. Why would you think otherwise? It has been around since the 90's.
See that's the shit I'm talking about. I guarantee there is a cut of og in every state in the usa. Why would you think otherwise? It has been around since the 90's.
Well then it's being kept in hiding by the local masters I guess. Never had one of the lifelong stoners that I know in each location present me with any. They all thought they had the bomb, but they all also knew it wasn't what I give them.
Oh and about the seeds, good luck! No OG there (no matter who you bought them from says).
I get it. This goes nowhere. Banter. Nighty night.
Well then it's being kept in hiding by the local masters I guess. Never had one of the lifelong stoners that I know in each location present me with any. They all thought they had the bomb, but they all also knew it wasn't what I give them.
Oh and about the seeds, good luck! No OG there (no matter who you bought them from says).
I get it. This goes nowhere. Banter. Nighty night.
You're grasping at straws. Really really badly actually. How exactly do you determine "OG"? Marijuana DNA test?
Well then it's being kept in hiding by the local masters I guess. Never had one of the lifelong stoners that I know in each location present me with any. They all thought they had the bomb, but they all also knew it wasn't what I give them.
Oh and about the seeds, good luck! No OG there (no matter who you bought them from says).
I get it. This goes nowhere. Banter. Nighty night.
I'm sure that is the case in a few states....but then again, how is that any different than what happened in cali in the early 90's? It was just a small group of friends growing it, they weren't exactly passing cuts out to people, wether you were from California or not.
As I said, most of you won't like hearing it, but it's true. I speak from the experience of smoking all around the world. I can drive a mile in any direction, walk in and choose from a variety of A grade top shelf strains (OG crosses my choice). No other place I've been has this quality, even what I came across from Colorado. Come visit.
There's even more in the bay area. Fuck la. Og is bomb but it's not all that.
I was just gifted a cut of Frisco OG yesterday. That's Frisco, COLORADO.

The idea that Cali has a monopoly on anything but washed up Hollywood actors is laughable!
Music industry/most media la can claim. But I know as a fact real og has gotten out of la/Cali because I shipped it elsewhere myself. It's the best thing about weed is that most of us share. It's why I have a real mi cut of gg4. I have a buddy in mi that was awesome enough to send me over a cut. There's shitty and fire nug everywhere you just have to know where to find it. Most of what I see in clubs is mids. No fire there at all. But I do know quite a few growers in the area that spit out fire all the time. Cheap too. Thinking where you're from has the be all end all best shit is rediculous.

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You don't have to like Cali. But you'd love the weather I'm experiencing again today and it would love you too!
Btw, I don't need dna tests to know if I'm holding OG. If the specific smell is not there, then it's not it. That's indisputable and anyone arguing just doesn't know, which frankly is more than 99% of you.
Ok I'm in a different mood than when brought this up. Time to go reup on some world class, literally right down the street.
Wow, i had absolutely NO idea that once you cross a state line, you will need to learn how to grow again! Really?? :clap:

Im from all over the united states. I've had bomb ass weed everywhere and im the type who WILL NOT SMOKE CRAP FLOWERS. Ps,the weather where im from makes cali feel like alaska lol. You would love the weather and it would love you more.
Hey wait, I'm sorry guys.
At one point in time a piece of OG rolled through your town. I get it. It really can be anywhere.
As I said, most of you won't like hearing it, but it's true. I speak from the experience of smoking all around the world. I can drive a mile in any direction, walk in and choose from a variety of A grade top shelf strains (OG crosses my choice). No other place I've been has this quality, even what I came across from Colorado. Come visit.
bull shit lol
'm in la and there is definitely fire. It's just not in clubs.
Not imagining you actually will, but prove that to me and I'll come on here and say that I don't know shit and that you do know a lot of shit.
Damn you got me thinking about '91 San Diego state. Those were some choice OG years.
Troll alert!
Not sure if you quoted the wrong post or what, buddy. But no trolling going on here. I don't understand how this is even in question, I can go to 4 different dispensaries within 15 minutes of me and get og any day of the week, and I'm not in cali. It has got to be one of the most whored out strains there are, which is fine with me because I like og.