Have 1500 acres of land and debating an outdoor grow. Need advice on Pros and Cons???

Ok, I have read alot of threads and guides on here about outdoor grows. Most that I've seen talk about gorilla growing on federal/private lands and NOT on your own property. I am curious what people think about growing on my own property since it is a substantial amount (1500acres)? I believe there is enough areas to conseal a grow. Also, the argument about not growing on your own property so it cant be tied to you, well what if it is discovered and you say the same thing " Never knew it was there, had no idea, must be some punk kids growing on my land i didnt know about" things like that....But i'm also equally as curious about what the laws are if you do get busted and cant get out of it? Obviously jail etc., but could they seize your property?

Any info anybody wants to jump in and share would be greatly appreciated, trying to get a plan going for the start of next years harvest...
What state are you in do you have medical marijuanna? If so stay with in your guidelines and get a couple scripts. Grow monster plants within your guidelines and pig out broski
Not going to say specifically what state its in but its in the south and it definitely doesnt doesnt have medical marijuana laws.

Brings me to another question, what strands would be best for southern states, drought tolerant, etc...


Well-Known Member
If you have 1500 acres, dont sweat it. Just dont plant them all together. I fly a lot and I can tell you that unless you plant them in a plot, they cant be distinguished from the air unless you try to plant them in a corn field or something of that sort. I would suggest just planting along the edges of a field with the other scrub. Get yourself a cheap GPS and mark each plant. That will get you close enough. Dont get greedy and dont tell anyone and you'll be fine. From the air, green is just green. the only way it can be noticed is when there is a pattern. On that much ground, you would have to be very sloppy to be noticed

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
The only concern I would have is leaving a trail from the house to the garden. The cops bust grows in corn fields around here all the time. The property owner says "I had no idea" and thats about it.
Thanks thats good advice, especially from someone that flys alot. Also, *jedi thats what i was thinking, obviously i wouldnt plant in the middle of a corn field, it would be concealed and not in a pattern, but i think the same thing about people growing on other peoples land that it would be the same if the land owner just flipped the script and acted like it was a gorilla grower and that you had no idea. Barring that you dont have any evidence laying around your house or fingerprints on stuff, if they even went that far to try and investigate it.
Also, if any experienced outdoor growers have any advice on growing strains in southern climates and which ones would be the best? That would help me narrow down some choices
dude that is so perfect I am so jealous of what you have...do as many as you can handle and spread them out all over the place 10 here 10 there ect and if ever caught you could deny ever seeing them and blame it on kids since 1500 acres is enormous....just plant it far from the house so its believable


Well-Known Member
Thats a tough question.

I think you should be able to grow a pound on 1500 acres. Use good nutes.:weed:


Well-Known Member
hop on the 4wheeler and go sow some seeds, or cone wichever you prefer, start planning now and youll have a few plots ready by spring