Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

i have a 2 month old goin right now, been doin good until about two weeks ago... i havent changed anything im doing but the tips of the leaves are turning yellow, then brown. and random brown spots on the leaves, but very few. what am i doing wrong? 400 watt MH about 10 inches above plant, room stays at about 78. using fox farm open ses, beastie blooms, cha ching .:confused:

ok dude-you have grown those plants for a2 months.after they have grown a while then they start to absorb almost every nut. whats in the soil and the ph starts to change.maybe it that or your plant medium is to small and roots cant properly absorb nutes.

keep up the good work... :peace:
Nice post. Remember growers, however, that in nature a plant is deficient of lots of nutrients and elements and molecules. This is a good guide when having problems, but remember problems in nutrients aside from nitrogen and calcium are much more impreative than any others.
Hey guys im new to the fourm and i have one question my friend brought me 3 plants over, cause he couldnt hide them at his house, and i have alot of space were i live. Anyways he brought them over in a plastic garbage bag, and the stem bent on 1 of the plants and i took 2 Mcdonalds straw and sum tie wrap to fix it. Well on the other one the stem was bent in two different places and i couldnt find anything big enought to reach it. so i broke the stem off and its standing striaght up about a 6 inches in the air. Would it grow back? or did he kill it?
whats up guys,, i dont know if i have a problem or not ..i have a 28 day old big buddah blue cheese plant that was so dark green the first 20 days but in the last week the leaves are a bright light light green or yellow but not shrivled or dying its just the color,, bright yellow ,,and all the new leaves are doing the same ..its very healthy but changing colors...what could this mean and how if i can fix it ? please help thanks so much! -d
here is a pic i hope you can see,, notice the newer leaves a super light yellow color
What kind of nutes? How often?, looks like hydro in hydrotron? What kind of light?
What are your PPM, PH in your soup and your run off? How often do you flush?
How often do you change your nutes and what kind?

Right off it looks like PH lock out. Second guess would be Zinc def. (rare) but not with PH off.
its made so the roots are in water 24 7 a buddy of mine said thats bad and should only be watered in the day time ,,but yet again a problem..the bubbleponic systr=em im using callls for the roots to be constanly flowing in the water ,,my leaves are totally yellow now with a couple little spots but not dry,still healthy but i dont know how to fix the problem ,,how often should i flush the water and how do i keep the res,,cold ?
i need a 123 on how to revive any chance of switching to soil?
someone help amnd thanks to everyone who has!
Good post would love some more pics though

ever since i started growing in a new location i have had serious problems. Growing in promix soil, using complete fox farm nut program and am very carfull not to over fertilize, have good ventilation, veging under 220mh in 4by4 room, flowering under 1000hps in 8by8 room. my tap water is at 6.5 ph and when i test run of water from soil it also is 6.5.
during veg they grow kinda slow and usualy have a strang ieregular shape and look, not long before older leaves start to yellow and discoler, rust spots sometimes black spots. after they are moved in to flowering they really start to go down hill, lower leaves twist, curl and are completly scorched with woody stem and purple striations. they do produce a small amount of good quality bud but by havest time they look so sad, all the leaves are yellow with lower ones scorched and curled.
i have been trying everything for over two years, it's not insects mabye a lock out or some strange enviormental issue. i have even started over using seed i got from the same plants and sterilized the entire room and it came back. i gave a friend seeds and he is doing fine.
sorry for the long jumbled post, and help would be greatly appreciated.
thank you.
Hey there guys got a we prob, started to germinate my chronic seeds 4 of. 3 sprouted but 1 of them sprouted with 3 cotlydon leaves. I's this ok? Doesn't look like there are any proper leaves cumin out. Should I jst wait n see wot happens. Cheers guys
Hello guys, I just had an accident, I had just set the position of the lamps above my 2 seedlings(1 white rhino and 1 blue mystic), but apparently the lamp was loose and it fell to a position really close to the young leaves of my babies and I didn't see it.The white rhino was severely injured, 2 large leaves were destroyed and 1 small leave still developing also got burnt.The blue mystic had 1 leaf destroyed, but thankgod the other one was harmless.I just don't know if I should trim the dead leaves(i'm pretty sure they're dead) from the white rhino and hope that the small in development leaf save the rest of the plant.

Yes im a noob
I have two plants that look bad.
They are both outside 24/7. They don't have any bugs.
Their bottom leaves are yellow. Their top leaves are turning brown from the tips inward.
I don't want them to die, because I want to smoke them. HELP!
hey guys i dont mean to be such a noob but i cant identify the problem with my cloned friend. could it be cause i just transfered it into soil like 3 days ago? also i was wondering if i should start flowering or just wait for awhile? its about 6" thanx for any and all help
http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/ind...dID=23523485&albumID=1451586&imageID=53411800 it wont show the picture for some reason so heres the link
this link should show the clone sorry guys im still new.