Have any of you ever thought of farming


Active Member
i live in south Dakota and farming is a huge part of my family and community. My roommates parents actually farm only organic corn, beans, and have organic beef. you only need to hire been walkers if they are organic beans, what is'nt hard to do. i did it for 3 summers and we would just walk the been feilds smokin bowl after bowl bullshitting at 7 bucks an hour. Where i live farmable farm land is 1500 an acre and whats been getting more and more popular is rather than trying to start to compeet with the big dogs farming is to buy farmland and rent to them, a win win situation and you still have all the hunting rights to that land.

farming is a huge huge investment, something you get born or married into rather. if you dont have the equiptmnet to do it you will have to have it hired done for you thus loosing profit.

oh and as for growing in corn and around the perimeter, is a bad idea. a wonden and a cop will show up to your place telling you what they found by flying over and have every right to go inspect to make sure its wild and have you kill it off. they spotted my roommates 10x10 patch of ditch weed growing by a shelter belt that they had no idea existed.

the way to do it is plant one maybe two plants in a clearing in the shelter belt no closer than 10 feet to each other.


Well-Known Member
ur young, you've got a bit to learn... none-the-less, props to you 100% for wanting to be legal and legit, bro.

Do find a way to do that. If you aren't in a medical marijuana friendly place, and playing by all the rules, no one should make weed growing a career choice. Every time you try to move your product you are taking a huge risk.

breeding dogs is like being a farmer... only the pet mills make real money doing it. i breed dogs and it hasn't made me hardly any money at all. the breed i have typically does go for 800+ ... good luck getting that reliably for a pitbull though. And forget english bulldogs, last time i picked up a paper i found 27 ! adds for english bulldog puppies.

Being your own boss would be great. But not so much if you still have to work your ass off. Farming sounds like a helluva lot a work to me. And a thin profit margin.

old pothead

Well-Known Member
Good morning all well i just watched king corn pretty good flick but i was wondering
What if a person had 10 acres of land 20 cows 1 bull inside of a barn with stalls where they can't move as much
and you use the rest of the land to farm organic feed is what you give lettuce broccoli no corn at all
would you be able to sell them within 9 months of birth if so will they bring in morn money that 1 acre of corn
Each head of livestock will need 1 acre of pasture to graze on.Plus at least 5 lbs of grain a day.Most people raise cattle as a bank account,they borrow money against the cattle.Every new calf is a new source of income.
Start raising holstein cows and sell them to dairy farms.Buy your genetics and a couple high producing cows and breed heifers.Sell the bulls for beef.


New Member
If they ever legalize marijuana, I'll be doing some farming all right :twisted:

Has everyone been to change.gov to post your marijuana related question and to vote in favor of others marijuana related questions. The time is now, so stand and be counted.


New Member
There are several threads about it, they're in politics and toke and talk I think. I'm just trying to get it out there, I figure most people aren't aware of it.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Forget corn. The corn/fuel rave is a con for big Corp. Farmers. With one or more cow(s), you need fences, barns, tractors, corrals, HD Truck w/ trailer,..... it don't stop. Lots of info on Mother Earth News, and check out the Organic growing sites. Bigger isn't automatically better. Smarter is better. Think about the market in your area. $800 for a dog..., The 'Po Folks would use that money for a tiller, water well, etc. Anybody can buy & drop a pot seed in the ground. It takes study time to get the big harvest. Same as any business, do your homework. Something low maintenance, low overhead, something that you can do alone, that is easy to market. The best I've been able to come up with is growing organic, fresh veggies for #1). Local Restaurants, & #2). Pick & deliver a truck load at a time to the local, farmer's market, sell to the vendors, get your money & go home, or take another load. Shelled peas (via a pea sheller) & fresh peas, beans & tomatoes does well. Restaurants pays a fortune for chemically grown Veggies. Fall, & Winter crops could/should also be grown. Grow the weed on a place that isn't connected to you, 20 per year would support you well. Start small with contracts to sell you shit.


Well-Known Member
Forget corn. The corn/fuel rave is a con for big Corp. Farmers. With one or more cow(s), you need fences, barns, tractors, corrals, HD Truck w/ trailer,..... it don't stop. Lots of info on Mother Earth News, and check out the Organic growing sites. Bigger isn't automatically better. Smarter is better. Think about the market in your area. $800 for a dog..., The 'Po Folks would use that money for a tiller, water well, etc. Anybody can buy & drop a pot seed in the ground. It takes study time to get the big harvest. Same as any business, do your homework. Something low maintenance, low overhead, something that you can do alone, that is easy to market. The best I've been able to come up with is growing organic, fresh veggies for #1). Local Restaurants, & #2). Pick & deliver a truck load at a time to the local, farmer's market, sell to the vendors, get your money & go home, or take another load. Shelled peas (via a pea sheller) & fresh peas, beans & tomatoes does well. Restaurants pays a fortune for chemically grown Veggies. Fall, & Winter crops could/should also be grown. Grow the weed on a place that isn't connected to you, 20 per year would support you well. Start small with contracts to sell you shit.
Very smart post. Corn fuel is an agribusiness scam. Barack is knee deep in it also. Being a senator from Illinois in the state and federal government he has seen plenty of influence exerted on him from Archer Daniels Midland, who is the largest agribusiness corp in the USA, and based in Illinois.

Also, this scam is causing starvation in Mexico and causing more immigrants to flee to the U.S.

The cheap corn that was produced due to government subsidized corn was sold to mexicans cheaper than they could make it themselves. This forced all mexican corn production out of business. Then speculators at the chicago grain exchange speculate on the value of corn world wide.

Recently they have driven the price of corn up to astronomical levels because of the ethanol legislature that has been passed. Now mexicans cant afford the corn we sell them. And they have no corn infrastructure to make it themselves becuase we drove it all away.

This is how we affect the world around us people. Were over here bitching about Illegal Mexicans, when we are driving them here. We are starving them to death. Not you or me per se, but the government policies that we support.