Have Any Of You Heard Of The Urban Grower Show?


Well-Known Member
One of the few weed shows worth watching. None of this crappy gangbanger style talking stupid slang like so many of the younger yahoos.


Well-Known Member
yeah this guy is awesome i am always checking his channel for updates. but watcher beware this guy remo works for advanced nutrients so any product recommendations should be met with suspect. other than that this is a great source for info.


Well-Known Member
yeh check his channel out a few times.You guys seen this movie yet: [YOUTUBE]CqFiucWKo-8[/YOUTUBE]


Well-Known Member
Yeah I watch strain hunters as well the guys from greenhouse have been killing the cannabis cup for like 5 years now. I have been watching remo for about 3 years now. You didnt know in 2009 Advanced Nutrients had to let him go to the American viewers at least because the feds caught wind of advanced nutrients being used for marijuana,


Active Member
hey check out leatherrebeljustice on youtube for the schizo smokes salvia infinate x funny ass shit i took a few bong rips of 40 x and rolled from the living room into the kitchen hahaha