Have i shocked this almost done plant?


Well-Known Member
Almost done.. well should be about 1 and a half weeks ago the pistils were about 20% brown then i moved it from a low amount of luminems to about twice as much, and 1 and a half weeks later its kinda frozen in time & still the same, appart from more buds have grown lower down the branches due to the extra light. Maybe the production on the present buds stopped to concentrate on the new buds that grew with the extra light, anyone seen this before?

Have i shocked it somehow?


Well-Known Member
Its the same as you or I living in a cold climate then going on holdiay somewhere hot, for a little while you cant cope and need to aclimatise. Mild shock is a possibility yes.


Well-Known Member
This is the plant

Lol thats a pic from about a week n half ago, but it don't make a dif cos it looks the same now



Well-Known Member
Yea probs, i almost got 2 grows under my belt with makeshift cfl riggs first vegged for about 2 months lol, was 5 feet tall in the end & got 2 oz

second (the one in question) vegged for 3 weeks 4 feet tall and has alot more on than first, just wont give up n finish lol

3rd grow underway got a 8x8 sealed room with a 600 w cooled hps and 9 ak47 just planted today, also got another 1 ak47 planted, will be a mother if its fem, just waiting on this bagseed to finish. Im prob gonna chop it early as soon as the ak pops up lol