have i wasted seeds?


Well-Known Member
hey, I have germinated 3 seeds, 2 auto bubbleicious, and one BFG from justfeminzed. The shell casing has came off all 3, yet all 3 still are in a circle, not very big, basically, just the embryo from the seeds. I have planted them all in soil, and gently brushed soil back over all them, I did this yesterday to the 2 autos. I checked today, and they havent grown whatsoever. The BFG, I just planted this today.
Can the embryo, without the shell from the seed push through the soil? how long until they start showing above the soil? If they dont push through the soil, at what point can I class them as duds?
Also, has anyone tried the BFG? supposed to be the biggest yield available.


Well-Known Member
It happened to me before, and it didn't make it. I beleive the shells have the nutrients that a sprout needs. Worth a shot though.


Well-Known Member
do you know the average time i should wait and see? when i was germinating them, the shells came off, leaving the embryos. Next time, im thinking about just putting the seed straight into the soil, let nature take its course, but that way, i wont be able to see if it germinates or not.


Active Member
as long as the seeds have a tap root of at least an inch then i just dont put the head into the soil, i just leave it on the surface. if the tap root is smaller then it goes just below the surface (1-2mm). also i never keep checking on them, the minimum is 36 hours before i check on them in the paper towel and if they are under the soil i never check but give them a week to pop!


Well-Known Member
That actually happened to one of my douvle diesel ryders tried to dig it up couldnt find it let it sat for another 2 days with a water inbetween and bam to my surprise it poped soil with leaves out and all.


Active Member
The shell comes off after a few days, I would say at least plant 'em and see what happens. 50/50 chance.


Active Member
ya i have a seeds i tried sprouting in rockwool and it didnt come up i split the rockwool and pretty much manually sprouted tht shit lol and its up and growing just a little slow this was just 2 days ago i peeled the shell off but mine germed fine just didnt popped it was like bent up in the rockwool. good luck tho


Well-Known Member
well, for some reason, even though i havent touched them since yesterday, one auto bubbleicious has decided to tear in half by itself, so now, im growing just one auto bubbleicious and one feminised BFG. Have 2 seeds on order though, one auto white russian, and one amnesia seed. Ive wasted like £50 on seeds in the past year not growing now lol


Well-Known Member
it takes time to learn it. some are good some need work. when i started i had a bunch of bag seed, so i just used all of them to pratice different ways, and the ways i foudn that work the best is soaking the seed till it falls then either way put in a paper towl or stright into soil and the second way is to just stright out plant it and let it do its thing, alot easier to start in lil red cups for them. recently i messed up on a cali connections buddha tahoe, was mad at my self, but hey it was a freebie at the time so i wasent to upset, but if you got bag seed pratice with those if not my best bet is to let nature take its corse and just plant the seed in the soil,
I have a mango seedling that o germanated ina cup of water for two days then planted in soil after three days was upset and went in looking. I found the seed shell off and the tiny all white thing lol. I planted the tap root and put the top with the tip out and put easy light on it. Two days later poof got a plant


Well-Known Member
Im planning on planting the new seeds into plantpots, so no faults with generic soil. I have no bagseed, only seeds ordered from internet, which are quite pricey, which is why i dont want to mess up the grows lol. Well, so far, I bought 6 seeds. 5 auto bubbleicious, one feminised BFG (well, as well as other seeds from earlier points in time that didnt work lol) one seed i lost, one crushed, one tore in half, one is planted, and one tore in half again lol. The BFG is planted, I have moved it to top of surface of soil, as taproot is bigger, leaving the cotyledons above the surface, let it get the best chance to grow, but the taproot is def bigger than yesterday, so by the looks of it, its growing, yay lol.
Ive ordered today, 2 extra seeds, one amnesia and one auto white russian, im planning on putting both seeds straight into 12 litre pots, rather than transplanting etc, hopefully this should be ok, im also planning on doing outdoor grows with every one once they are strong enough to grow outdoors, for electricity costs, and also to get as much sunlight as possible.


Well-Known Member
thanks dutchydog, tonight i was moving the soil gently, and the BFG seedling was there, with a bigger taproot, so replanted it, with the top tip on the surface, the rest in the soil, so im hoping it will grow. The auto bubbleicious hasnt grown at all, think I can write that off, but I will give it a couple more days to see what happens. Is it best to get a cfl light on top of the seedling til it grows, or let it get as much natural sunlight as possible?


Well-Known Member
I agree with Backyardagain you should practice with bag seeds first, if they are not available to you then the best technique is to germinate seed in a small pot with pro-mix (not to dry or to damp ) 3/8" deep & please stop playing with them everyday you will either break them or pass em some decease. Patience is the best tool & perhaps the most difficult to learn for growing nice Bud.


Well-Known Member
It's not good to prod them and move them. The taproots develop microscopic hairs that never establish if they keep moving. I still fuck up more than I'd like, but the best thing is patience. Some varieties take several days, while others sprout overnite. They all spend some time putting down roots before they're ready to emerge. If you found little naked embryos maybe they were too deep? Not sure, it's a new one on me.
Sometimes they need to be adjusted when they are upside down, too shallow, etc, as they are trying to sprout. I dig next to them with a toothpick and hollow out a space that the seed and taproot can kind of "fall" into, with as little disturbace as possile. Tweezers are good to have around, too.
Maybe you should get a 5 or 10 pack so you'll have more chance of success, try 2 or 3 at a time. Best method (as you probably know) is to soak overnight in a shotglass, place seeds between layers of wet paper towels on a plate or so, cover w/ plastic wrap, keep warm and dark. They usually will all open in 2-3 days. Then , using tweezers or chopsticks, gently place them in the growing medium and cover them with a layer that's about as deep as the seed is around. You might want to pack down the medium a little before you plant- if it's too loose the seeds migrate down when you water and they get lost. Cover it with saran until the first seed breaks through, then uncover and place under the lights. You should be using a spray bottle for any watering during all this to keep the process as gentle as possible.
I dropped a Ripped Bubba into a shot glass last night, today it has stopped floating so I'll be paper-toweling it. I'll try to do some pics of the process with this seed if you like.


Well-Known Member
thanks people, well i havent touched the BFG since planting it in the john innes soil, and it seems to be growing :) Im germinating another seed as we speak, in a cup with distilled water, starting to show the taproot, so will leave it until the taproot gets 1/4 inch, is that right? dont want to touch it at all unnecessarily lol, learnt from my mistakes now lol. Once its 1/4 inch, I will place the germinated seed in the soil. Its john innes no 1 compost if that helps. Also, what point do I transplant it to john innes 2? after 4 weeks or so?


Well-Known Member
I would leave the round part above the soil, but for real, it is way easier to just plant straight into the soil...