Have my plants been growing normal?


hi everybody

it's my first time growing and I've tried to do what's best for my plants with little budget.
I've picked my closet for my pilot plan & my lighting are Fluro's.
this is a photo of my plants after 6 weeks from seeds, I wanted to know have my plants been growing normal?



Active Member
Looks good homey. Like the last guy said closer or more lights wouldn't be a bad idea, they seem pretty stretchy.


Well-Known Member
is that alum foil on the walls? ditch it & paint the walls flat white or get some mylar. alum foil is only reflects about 70% of light compared to 90% reflectivity for flat white.


Active Member
You need more light in there they should be small and bushy that doesn't have enough generations for how tall it is although it is looking rather healthy, i take it you're growing in soil


Active Member
What flo's are you using i'm using 1 250w and look how bright this is, is that actually reflective sheeting? it look's like tin foil that's not a good idea either (bad light reflection) and it reflects heat as well as light, you can really harm you're plants
Set up.jpg


thanx all for your comments
I live in Iran & I collected some of the best strains available in Iran, some good stuff that had my mind blown.
I will bring the lights closer & once they grow bigger I will put some extra fluoro's on the side wall to make there more shinier for them.


what are the laws like for growing in Iran? from what our propaganda machine tells us,I would assume stoning could be a penality.
Iran is a complicated country, they sell cannabis seeds here as edible nuts but they fight with cannabis dealers & producers & Users, even more than other drugs like Heroine or Opium which is very popular here.
in last five months pot price got very expensive here like 5 times more, I used to grow some plants in our backyard but since we moved in an apartment that wasn't an option anymore. so I decided to set up indoor growing & it has to be very discreet so I wouldn't tell anyone but close friends.