HAve roots, now what?


Well-Known Member
So I successfully built a DIY aerocloner, and have had great success growing roots on cuttings. I have yet to get a live plant from one because they die within a few days of planting in soil? I'm using a mixture of 50% soil and 50% sand with no nutes. Should I be using a transplant hormone or anything? Is there any secret other than just poking a small hole in the soil and sticking the thing in there?


Active Member
I would not use the 50% sand, maybe go to a 80/20 mix soil to sand, probably even a little less than that 90/10. Then you must use some nutes. A very mild dose, roughly 1/4 strength will be perfect for young transplants. Make sure also that the nutrient you are using has been either dissolved or mixed with water. Then just water your plant in after transplant with the nute solution. Wait about a week, and hit it with half strength. Then after about 2 weeks, you can switch to full strength as the plant should be well adjusted and starting to expand its root system.


Active Member
Also, forgot to mention. You should leave the cutting in the cloner until you have roughly 3-6 to maybe even 8 inches of roots. This seems to make it easiest on the plant, and will inturn get your plant to start growing as soon as it hits the soil and nutes. If you transplant as soon as you see roots, the plant will dry out and die. (most often, not always)