Have the boys ever caught you toking?


New Member
i'm on probation right now. i was skating while waiting for my friend at like midnight, someone thought i was vandalizing a playground and called the fuzz...

i tried running but there was a cop at the top of the hill with a taser... i hit the deck fast.

i'm on probation right now, i haven't smoked in a good while (about 1 1/2 months) after failing my first 5 UAs lol. i only got 3 months left of sobriety, by the time i get off, my plant will be nice and cured for my pleasure.... oh man i can't wait.


Well-Known Member
got caught while doing the bike test..... ;) And then i got caught counting cars for the school to make new zebra crossings :P !!!!

all younger ages, hey i even had a gramm cocain on me and a smoke.. police came, i was like shit wat should i do.. ?

So i decided to tell em : AHHH fuck you got me.... no point,, heres my weed guys.. the police looks at me says.. this is what i like, truthfull people... continous to search my other m8.. tells me to sit down he's done with me.. then he throws the weed away right next to us and asks us to leave.. we do, we go back get the weed.. and the cocaine was still there ;)

haha just imagin if he caught me with that.. fuck....... fuck !!!!!!!! :) Dont do that anymore btw. just some crazy shit.
I never got caught, but the closest I came was when my buddies and me were rollin through the streets with the music loud and the bass booming and I was smoking a blunt in the backseat, when we accidentally rolled past the home of a cop who was washing his car. He must have been been heading back inside when he saw us, cuz he whipped around and ran for his car! Needless to say, we sped the !@#$ out of there and pulled into a quiet, little side street. We must have been hella lucky, because he rolled right past us without turning but that was a hella sobering experience. :shock:


Well-Known Member
busted for paraphenilia twice and a bowl of weed once, not even a criminal offense here though(and i got a warning for a pipe first. then for the weed and pipe the 2nd time, the cop just wrote me warnings for them 2 but he had to change it since u cant get 2 warnings for the same violation of course, its a municipal code violation.(which means they dont gotta give u a lawyer and u dont have to appear u can just send in your ticket and the fine it says you owe just like w/speeding tickets and such.)


Well-Known Member
i'm on probation right now. i was skating while waiting for my friend at like midnight, someone thought i was vandalizing a playground and called the fuzz...

i tried running but there was a cop at the top of the hill with a taser... i hit the deck fast.

i'm on probation right now, i haven't smoked in a good while (about 1 1/2 months) after failing my first 5 UAs lol. i only got 3 months left of sobriety, by the time i get off, my plant will be nice and cured for my pleasure.... oh man i can't wait.
I don't know you where you live but in England a common trick the old bill (cops) pull, is to raid your house the day before you come off probation, caught my mate with plants aswell.. :(


Well-Known Member
thell usually just take it where i live, they dont want to bother with the paper work of givin you a fine for smoking a small amount.

ill bet those pigs smoked the stash they took from me


Well-Known Member
closest i ever came was a couple years ago. i was smoking with a friend in the burger kind parking lot around midnight. i was parked under a street light so you could see in the car. i had the bowl in my left hand and i reached for my cds on the floor with my right. my bowl was in plain sight for all to see. when i came up there was a cop driving by starring right at me. it all happened in slow motion. i looked at him, then the bowl, then back at him. he drove slowly past and left. i thought he might turn around so i booked it.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
drove onto some random farmers field on the top of a big mountainous hill, literally just sparked up a big fat King-L when a rambler jumps out of the forest, "what're you doing! calls police, drug driving and all that lot, so i just popped the reef on the grass, walked to the pigs and explained (as you say, courtesy does go a LONG way. after we were wrapped up, the dude officer walkes up an sais "you know what, if you want to smoke your weed, why aren't you over in XYZ like everyone else? :D he was sound. the woman not quite so. a few days later my mate wrote his car off while following him (same mate as field) and the same cops turned up. i did a runner with the weed soooo fast, first thing she said to him was "i'll bet you were racing around with your mate weren't you" :D

so never gotten into anything bad for smoking really


Well-Known Member
closest i ever came was a couple years ago. i was smoking with a friend in the burger kind parking lot around midnight. i was parked under a street light so you could see in the car. i had the bowl in my left hand and i reached for my cds on the floor with my right. my bowl was in plain sight for all to see. when i came up there was a cop driving by starring right at me. it all happened in slow motion. i looked at him, then the bowl, then back at him. he drove slowly past and left. i thought he might turn around so i booked it.
Nope, and hopefully never will. Knock on wood...

I usually smoke at my house though, so I'm usually never in public, only maybe 5% of the time


Well-Known Member
Yes, and I was very lucky, this incident happened before I was legal. So I am stopped at a red light, it's 3pm and no cars in sight. I start packing my bowl and start puffing, on my third puff a LA Sheriff's pulls up right next to me. He turned to me while I was puffing, he say's "oh yeah" and I just shrugged my shoulders. The light turned green and I started to drive, I was expecting to get pulled over but luckily he just gave me the worst high ever.


Well-Known Member
yes back in HIGHschool,,,i and i friends were in the park i had a ounce or two on i,,,,,we saw people with walkie talkies and nonsense so we ran got guns drawn on us then all the "FREEZE" buisness but i kept running and got away with 2 blunts i had in my pocket threw the rest (got it for free girlfriend dad was the man)_funny when all was said and donr a couple friends saw the babaman chasing i but couldnt catch me,,,lol


Active Member
closest i ever came was a couple years ago. i was smoking with a friend in the burger kind parking lot around midnight. i was parked under a street light so you could see in the car. i had the bowl in my left hand and i reached for my cds on the floor with my right. my bowl was in plain sight for all to see. when i came up there was a cop driving by starring right at me. it all happened in slow motion. i looked at him, then the bowl, then back at him. he drove slowly past and left. i thought he might turn around so i booked it.

that was a close one


Well-Known Member
I live in nz and we were parked in some driveway out in the country just heating up the knives when a cop rolled up, we all shoved our weed down our pants but kudnt hide the gas cooker he just took these and didnt even notice the spots all lined up on the dash!


Well-Known Member
I was driving around at like midnight or something, smokin a couple blunts with my friend. i had about a half ounce in my pocket, and he had about the same in his. we got done with the blunts and threw them out, and i took a left turn. as soon as i get my car straightened back on the street a cop POPS his lights and siren on right behind me and i pull over to my right, into an apartment complex parking lot. all of this time when im pulling over, im TRYING to get the bag out of my pocket, but my hand wouldnt go in to my pocket..!?!? i tried like 6 or 7 times to get my hand in there but i was freaking and couldnt. my friend had the same problem. I parked, and 2 cops jumped out of their cars from probably 40-50 feet away, and started trotting pretty fast over to my car. they got close enough to see my face and my friends faces and then said "oh wrong guys, carry on!" or something to that nature. hahaha. i guess they weren't lookin for our white asses haha


Well-Known Member
I was driving around at like midnight or something, smokin a couple blunts with my friend. i had about a half ounce in my pocket, and he had about the same in his. we got done with the blunts and threw them out, and i took a left turn. as soon as i get my car straightened back on the street a cop POPS his lights and siren on right behind me and i pull over to my right, into an apartment complex parking lot. all of this time when im pulling over, im TRYING to get the bag out of my pocket, but my hand wouldnt go in to my pocket..!?!? i tried like 6 or 7 times to get my hand in there but i was freaking and couldnt. my friend had the same problem. I parked, and 2 cops jumped out of their cars from probably 40-50 feet away, and started trotting pretty fast over to my car. they got close enough to see my face and my friends faces and then said "oh wrong guys, carry on!" or something to that nature. hahaha. i guess they weren't lookin for our white asses haha

hahahahaha damn! now that would make me shit my pants. you are one lucky mofo.