have to bring plants inside


so my landlord spotted my plants and i need to bring my plants inside, was wondering if i could buy some cheap lights for flowering at home depot
read the stickys but i have no knowledge of growing inside so it kind of made no sense my plants started flowering so i understood somthing about 2700k spectrum
but i dont want to straight up tell the guy i need lights to flower bud so i was wondering what is the name of the light to ask for with that spectrum,
sorry if im not making much sense just got really faded cause of the bad news


Well-Known Member
Dude if the landlord doesn't want you growing outside he probably won't want you growing inside either. Good way to get yourself kicked out or busted.


fuck him, im legit i just dont want him bitching figure just about another 30 days or so and it should be done
and no offense man but i asked for some advice on lighting not your opinion


Well-Known Member
You're right just putting it out there. To be of any help ill ask how many plants are you bringing in and how big are they? What size area will you be working with inside? And what kind of budget are you on?


Well-Known Member
What kind of budget are we talking about. Theres more to indoor growing then just throwing a light up.

Im not sure why others care if YOU risk growing in a house YOU rent. I know I pay $1500 a month in rent and ill do whatever I feel like doing within these four walls.

Edit: ^without damaging his house^


well i only got 2 plants ones about 5 ft with the pot other ones about 3 1/2, sorry about coming off as a dick dude, but needed advice on lightin and that bastard
always gives me the run around when i call him for repairs and just shows up unannounced, i pay my rent on time showed him my rec and he gets pissed cause he has
to come fix his house in the heat. and just now tells me to get rid of em


Well-Known Member
which is why i just do my own repairs around here.

for plants that big, you'll need at least 400 watts. CFLs won't do the trick. search craigslist for 400 watt lights, you can get them cheap if you go for the high bay lights.


Well-Known Member
I doubt home depot will have a light thay will help you but as uncle buck said check cl. My local page has a 400w hps with batwing reflector $50 and one with a a/c hood for $75. not going to get much cheaper then that


not for plants your size, although two might work. you can adjust the second one lower to give the shorter lady some better light.
hey man fuck you, your the idiot its called a doctors rec and i double checked with my cities police dept.

i doubt the federal gov't would get involved over two fucking plants prick get your homies dick out your mind


alrite so i got a hold of a 400 hps on craigslist for 75 bucks thanks for the sugguestions.i started to build a little room got it done for like 120bucks including the light, probably should call it a tent haha

gets pretty hot in there thou with the light going gonna start turning the light on at night to help keep it cool during the day. ill try and get some pics up hopefully gets some tips on ventilation