Have to harvest!


Active Member
ok so I believe I have an issue with security! The other day I came home from a family day out, and some one watered my plant! They went in my shed and grabbed my watering pal, watered her and left the pal out! It’s two days later and I am SKETCHY! I can’t go another minute knowing someone has been watching me... I’ve done research and I’m not sure how close I am to harvest. About seven maybe eight weeks after signs of sex, bag seed, lil frosty, it’s been in soil, indoor and outdoor (flowering completely outdoor) about 45-50% hairs turned orange but everyday more hairs sprout, I also plucked a few nannars too! Thinking I should cut my losses and try again later? What do you guys think?
there is really nothing to harvest that early, it would be pretty rough smoke.

for the sake of your family, and security its IMHO best to terminate.

for me the least of my worries of a unknown person(s) on/in my property is a plant, its more a safety issue at this point.

this is why growing outside in incorporated area is not legal, not because of the plant but because of the possible conflicts and violence, trespassing.
Here she is


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She looks like she could use another week our two but you'll have to make the call, that's f*kd having someone come by and water. Better a little early than nothing to harvest though...
I wasn’t stoned at that moment and I stay on top of it when it comes to the watering schedule, this is my first grow but my fiancé is the one that NEEDS it. I just need to know if I chop it now will it still be good smoked with a week to go? I I decided to chop should I give her the 48 hours of dark or is that necessary?
So now rippers are taking care of there future product ((odd)) you sure someone didn't just piss on it and steal your watering can??
I thought about someone peeing on it or dumping something on it to kill it and just topped it off with water? Ether I have to do something now
I wasn’t stoned at that moment and I stay on top of it when it comes to the watering schedule, this is my first grow but my fiancé is the one that NEEDS it. I just need to know if I chop it now will it still be good smoked with a week to go? I I decided to chop should I give her the 48 hours of dark or is that necessary?

Dark period is pointless...maybe your fiancé thought it needed more water and didn't wana tell you she did it.