Have you ever felt like you F**ked up your life?


Well-Known Member
everyone has felt that way at some point. weed can screw up your life if that is all you live for. you need to compartmentalize it into theres a place and time for everything and getting high all the time all day long will cause you to not care or become a lazy sit on your ass dude. you have to chose the right time for everything. now is when it all counts towards getting the life you want to have and not just for next month, but in 5-10-15 years. weed can play into that and you'll be great or it can motivate you to sit on your ass to play xbox all day. your choice!


Well-Known Member
the peer pressures of life can be overwhelming sometimes. they tell us education is important, the more you learn the more you earn, when its more like the more indoctrination we hammer in you skull the more useless material possesions you can buy with counterfeit money.
it doesnt matter if your the dumbest person alive or spend 10 years going to school, both can feel like they've wasted their time. if you want to see other places, volunteer overseas. if you want a nice house, build it. anything worth fighting for more then likely wont be easy.
i blame wal mart. wal mart is just a front for cheaply made products from overseas. people dont see we're shopping ourselves out of jobs.