Have You Ever Killed Anyone?

Wierd thread, but I like death talk, so guess I'm wierd myself. My ex- served in Vietnam, and we both were just kids, really. When he returned, out of morbid curiosity, I asked him if he had to kill anyone. The story of the massacre at My Lai was horrific, and it had stuck in my brain somehow. Had this warped idea that this kinda stuff happened to our boys over there all the time. So I asked him with this in mind. He looked at me as though I had to know the answer, but he never, ever talked about it. And I knew never to go there. He never was the same after he got back though, I'll tell ya.
Had another ex- who put down our cat, who'd been bitten by a snake. We couldn't afford going to a vet at the time, so he brought some stuff home from work (he was an RN), made a cocktail (ingested and by injection), and put him to sleep. It was hard watching my beloved pet suffer, but I never felt quite the same about my ex-, if you know what I mean...
I tried to drown my already cripple hamster, i felt i should put him out of his misery, but i could not do it i found myself bawling holding a soaked hamster gasping for air, thank baby jesus he died very soon after, ya i try and help things, unless some crazy person is trying to harm my future offspring it's safe to safe i'm no hardened killer lmfao

just reading this pissed me the fuck off.

you must be fucking retarded. fuck you.
i think i just lost any bit of respect i may have had for the c-guru with his little call of duty flashback?
get the fuck outta here with that garbage. but i do know that the barret doesnt shoot a smaller round than a 7.62. so the 5.56 comment kinda makes me suspicious on the guy that called him out, im not a g.i; but i do know what the military uses and has used for the past 70 years as weaponry, and the gurus comment about the m14 comment is dogshit also because they used m14's in veitnam as snipers and i know for a fact the guy with the longest shot record before the crazy 1.5 mile or whatever shot it is now was by mr. halfcock with a m14 fitted with a night vision scope. its cool if you respect the military and shit, just dont tarnish people that have legitly done stuff like that with bullshit claiming to be fact fag.
Once I read sniper I had my doubts lol.Everyone with a fake military story makes themselves a sniper lol.
actually in a sniper team in the military, the spotter is the more experienced better shooter, and the less experienced is the actual shooter, seems like itd be pretty tough but i bet once you know the little field notes and shit on the bullet trajectory and what not its probably easy as hell to figure out, ive never used an incredibly powerful scope but im sure the same math used to hit a target at 300 yards is the same as hitting one at 1000. just bigger numbers.