have you ever seen this mutation? FREAK PLANT 2010

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i guess this begs the question why are there no strains of weed that were specifically developed NOT to look like weed? can't get any more stealth than that, right? that plant is awesome. i have 2 plants I'm growing right now that have random fingers of leaves that are not serrated and have very few veins but nothing like that. i love it.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it will be a shit smoke... (my guess anyway).... Regardless, I'd make sure to care for it perfectly....Then CLONE! If this turns out to be a great smoke, you'll have more to go around.... If not, well, it's no skin off your back....


Undercover Mod
Male, clip and save the pollen. If its female then breed it with something nice or take some clones. I'd like to see that crossed with some kind of autoflower strain.
yeah male or not,for the sake of novelty its genes WILL go on. ive been really into the idea of taking a male with great traits and pollinating a branch or two on one of the ladies anyway so this is my man/woman for the job. i wonder if it will produce poor quality nugs. i dont see why it would and i am kinda interested in why MIDNIGHTTOKER said "I'm sure it will be a shit smoke... (my guess anyway)." and his theory or thoughts behind this hypothesis. not that i agree or disagree with that statement. just interested. i always lay in bed at night and obsess over things and lately its been this plant/grow. really into it so i dont think ill let it die.


Active Member
Yeah I mean if the plant is healthy i don't see why it would produce shit smoke. Unless somehow this abnormality is something fucked up in the genes and will produce abnormal buds or something...honestly never seen anything like that haha
scribed!! "turned out to be males flashing their big sweaty nuts in everyones face." this gave me a good lol, but yeah man ur plant is lookin crazy! cant wait to see where it goes.. PeAcE


Well-Known Member
yeah mann, i think that fuckin plant is awsome man, keep it healthy and keep RIU UPDATED PLZZZ.. relly wanna c wer this one goes man that plant is different but in a gud way..i think..lol :joint::mrgreen::eyesmoke:


New Member
yeah male or not,for the sake of novelty its genes WILL go on. ive been really into the idea of taking a male with great traits and pollinating a branch or two on one of the ladies anyway so this is my man/woman for the job. i wonder if it will produce poor quality nugs. i dont see why it would and i am kinda interested in why MIDNIGHTTOKER said "I'm sure it will be a shit smoke... (my guess anyway)." and his theory or thoughts behind this hypothesis. not that i agree or disagree with that statement. just interested. i always lay in bed at night and obsess over things and lately its been this plant/grow. really into it so i dont think ill let it die.

ya dude dont listen to midnight toker, u never know, maybe the deformed genetics will put its THC production into overdrive!


Active Member
Maybe you could market it and sell it as a stealth plant, who knows what this oddity will bring you.
ya dude dont listen to midnight toker, u never know, maybe the deformed genetics will put its THC production into overdrive!
thats true. but im not saying MT was wrong. there is really no way of knowing if this deformity will have an adverse effect on the shit. watch, im gonna get all stoked on this plant, it will be male, i will use it to make seeds, germinate a ton of them and never see this trait again. a once in a life oddity and all for nothing but the novelty of it to show for it. god i hope its a girl. ill put up more pics in a couple days. still following the same rounded curling edge pattern. serration in the leaves IS however more evident.
well shes looking a little droopy today. she looked great yesterday though. her bottom leaves are starting to yellow, is that normal? i gave her a little bat shit for some N. . the new growth is pretty serrated so i guess the whole "stealth" idea is out, still looks fucking weird though. i hope she doesnt have a dicks hiding behind her sexy exterior. im gonna take and sex some clones as soon as those bottom branches bulk up a bit. heres some pictures of the sexy little thing...DSCF3410.jpgDSCF3413.jpgDSCF3407.jpgDSCF3408.jpgDSCF3405.jpgDSCF3406.jpgDSCF3409.jpgDSCF3411.jpg


fuckin hell! i cant get good pics with mu camera! their always so yellow under the HPS any tips on getting the "high times" shots i always see on here?