have you ever seen this mutation? FREAK PLANT 2010


Well-Known Member
Isn't it possible that the plants genetics were affected by it's mother going hermie or being pollinated by a hermie? Couldn't this cause the leaf mutation?
k guys. really sorry. my camera got stolen and i got hell of busy with work. i flowered all the ladies and theyre all dried up and in jars now. everyone almost died while i was on vacation (i gave my friend the wrong key to my house) which was fucked. all my clones died and i came home to what looked like sticks. i revived 4 out of 6 the spinach bitch included. through flower none of her nug/sugar leaves had any serration. the were not curled or basil-y just smooth edges. i wish i could show you how she smells. it is fucking crazy how much she smells like lemons. she tastes like lemons too! not even a hint of weed smell just fresh citrusy LEMONS. really cool actually. none of the other girls had this trait and were all pretty similar. i guess i got a couple ounces total. i dont have a scale. rock on! thanks for your patients.