Having bud problems


Active Member
I dont know what is going on with these plants. I see barely any visable trichomes, and i can tap on some of the buds, and see red hairs falling off. Any ideas?:confused::confused:
Also it seems to only be affecting the bottom 3rd of the plant, the rest is healthy.
seen as you havent given us any form of descriptive of your setup am going to take a wild guess untill you let us know your setup. well to me tapping the buds is a no no and seen as i dont know how long you have it in flowering for i guess you,ve killed it meaning once your trichomes go past a certain stage ie the drop at the end of the trichome bends that is the plants way of telling you its starting the degredation of itself


Active Member
i cant really get any clear shots of the buds in question. Using fox farm OF soil 150w hps with a few cfls for side lighting. I water when the plant calls for it, (pot lift test). Flowering on this peticular plant has been around 2 months. Again the top half of the plant is just fine, but the bottom layer of branches/buds have had alot of leaf drop, the leaves that are there, have no signs of trichomes. And not even tapping the buds, but just giving them a touch makes hairs fall off. With only 2 months in flower, and have this plant is nowhere near ready, i wanna say its bud rot.........ive cut off said branches because they do nothing but get worse. Please lemme know what you think....id really hate to lose this whole plant, considering its 2/3rds my crop


Active Member
well i just trimmed up the buds i cut, seems there was a bit of dry crispy greyish blue area in there....very small tho.....but rot?


Well-Known Member
sounds like mold or something, i cant really tell anything from looking at the pic, its not clear enough for me to confirm it though.
out of curiosity do you spray your plants? if so do you spray during flowering? if so depending on how much you sprayed and whether you over saturated the plant water collects in the buds and nodes during flowering and well moist warmth areas are prone to mold and fungus. best way get it under the microscope and check it.