Having problems 4 weeks into flower


Well-Known Member
Having similar problems with all three of the plants there in fox farms ocean forest soil ph runoff betwee 6.5-6.8 watering with ph water of 6.5 feeding them at about 800-900 ppm each watering fed them 700 ppm this water not sure wat the problems are with them looks like maybe lack of nutes there some fading on the upper leaves on them and curing yellowish tips don't think its lock out bottom leaves on them are yellowing which is most likely lack of nitrogen but ive been giving the the fox farm trio the mid level upper leaves on the nl x skunk are yellow curling in and crispy maybe phosphorus def not sure any help or ideas on what is wrong I was thinking about flushing them next watering with 6.5 ph water but not sure if that's a good idea if its lack of nutes. Also how does the bud production on the look for 27 days into flower decent or no?20130808_213542.jpg20130808_213553.jpg20130808_213521.jpg20130808_213531.jpg20130808_214015.jpg20130808_213948.jpg20130808_213956.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks hungry to me.. Up the feeding a bit and make sure it has some N in it.

Buds are coming along nicely, don't go crazy with the food, just raise it slowly. How often are you feeding? With that size pot I would imagine almost every day or day and a half.


Well-Known Member
there starting to dry up faster now but about every 3 days and I have decided today when I fed that im gonna go regular feed at around maybe 1000 ppms then next time at around 500-700 ppms to get an Idea of what there eating


Well-Known Member
Looks a little like N def but to me also looks like early stage Mg def.

Especially on those leaves that are turning white, also on the ones where the tips are curling upwards.

I think if you up your feeding as planned and see how they progress.

Personally I would up it to 1000ppm and keep it there for feeding days.
