Having problems w/ fem purple wreck plant. pics included!!!


Active Member
i need some help please.

i planted a purple wreck fem seed on feb 9th and some mystery seeds.

the purple wreck plant's leaves are feeling kinda stiff/dry...the leaves have also gotten darker than the other plant that i have it sitting next to.

they were both started on the same day but the purple wreck made it above the surface 4 days or so faster than the other one.

any opinions?

no nutes have been used...just tap water that has been sitting out for at least 24hrs before use. and i have done NOTHING different to either plant. same treatment. fox farm ocean soil....and 8 23watt cfls between my two plants. 18/6 light schedule since day 1. a fan for circulation.

so why is my purple wreck (plant on the RIGHT) looking/feeling so f'ed up?


trichlone fiend

New Member
...some strains grow bigger, quicker, slower, wider....in general, Indica are short plants with wide leaves making dense buds....sativa and taller plants, skinny long fluffy buds. You can make plants taller by raising the lights, but, that isn't what you want to do. Keep the light close as possible as long as your not seeing any light/heat stress....this gives you better buds. Different strains, different growth....that's how that goes.


Active Member
ya its just genetics
dark green is healthy tho
i moved the purple wreck further from the cfls (i was having it directly underneath the plant for the last few days...experiementing)..

i noticed at first it flourished VERY quickly for CFLs and just water. so i thought i had it too far before. left em like that for two days or so.

while i was waiting for an answer here i pulled it back from the lights more and gave some water to it...

now (since the lights are about to go off) i went to check on it and its not as stiff/dry/brittle feeling...

so i guess that it was too close maybe?

how do they look though? and any idea if the mystery strain (on the LEFT in the pic) is indica dom or satvia dom?

sorry this is one of my first go rounds with growing.
ye like the second guy says its all about the plants phenotypes purple on the stems to indicates new growth, also judging by the size of the cups your gonna want to transplant soon as they are only destined to get root bound if they arent already