Having some leaf problems.. Please help

yea your plant is probably starving...give it one feeding a week, ph to 7 and go full strength dose. What strain is this?
Regardless of what the pH in the soil currently is... it's not what what your plant wants it to be.
Go up. Or go down. The plant will respond accordingly. Any way you do it - go slowly.
You never said you had one either. Good luck. I'm sure you have all the answers and just don't know it yet.

Sorry, no need to be agitated.. Post #4 pretty much says I have a PH tester of some kind.
Post #10 says I have a PH tester.
most of my posts say I PH my water to 6.5
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Lets try again... This is Blueberry strain growing in a 3'x3'x6.5' grow tent using 900 watts of Mars Hydro LED's. I am using entire Foxfarm line with Foxfarm OF soil in 5 gallon pots. They will be in flower for 3 weeks on the 5th of this month. I tried posting both pics, sorry about the sideways one. I use about 1/2 of what the feeding chart says to use as I was recommended to do. My fan leaves just under the buds are turning this redish purple color on the edges and curling down. Can anyone help me out on what I am doing wrong? Im thinking it might be a "P" deficiency but I am unsure. Any help would be much appreciated.
it looks similar to one of my buddies problems the temp is low and possible air hitting leaves to much with cold air creatig the purple raise the light and raise the temp and
it looks similar to one of my buddies problems the temp is low and possible air hitting leaves to much with cold air creatig the purple raise the light and raise the temp and
During the day when lights on I open my tent. My room stays between 70-80.
During night room may drop to as low as 65.
I use 900w LED so they do not get very hot at all especially since I open the top of the tent up.
the cold is completely your problem and it is an easy fix warm it up in a week theyll turn around it is common mistake i see this often
whats the temp under the canopy thats also important this time of year because it can be to easy to look at you to look at the top of canopy and thinking all good but under is to cold for your chlorophyll AB production and they die off after they turned purpleish i use a little temp gauge with humidity over and under the canopy
it looks similar to one of my buddies problems the temp is low and possible air hitting leaves to much with cold air creatig the purple raise the light and raise the temp and
Had a grower tell me same thing and not to worry. Thank you for you info. I will try to keep temp up and see if this helps.
i had one looked about the same with the red markings mine was root bound

I have them in 5 gallon squat pots. I see no root near or coming out the holes at the bottom. Can it be root bound without reaching bottom of pots? Plants are only about 3 feet tall just bushy. :)
I have them in 5 gallon squat pots. I see no root near or coming out the holes at the bottom. Can it be root bound without reaching bottom of pots? Plants are only about 3 feet tall just bushy. :)
one i had was in a 3 gal. pot ez check when dry before watering lift from pot look at and if lots of root on side that the problem maybe
i've heard 1 gal. a mouth... don't know how true

I'm no pro but all of my research points to possible Molybdenum Def. I have root bound many a plant and they always yellow starting at the bottom with no red. It's worth a read anyhow.

Quote: Leaves will turn pale and have a fringed or scorched look. Their growth will also slow or look strange. Older leaves that have experienced chlorosis will have rolled margins, slowed growth, and tips that curl inward and are red.

From here.

Quote: The initial symptoms may appear similar to a nitrogen deficiency (yellowing of older, lower leaves). Leaves may become mottled or spotted. However, the tell-tale sign of a molybdenum deficiency is the leaves may start to display a unique orange, red or pink color around the edges which will start to move toward the center of the leaf.

From here.
Well it seems the purple leave problem has stopped or slowed down but now I think I have a new problem. Ok let me give more info first in some feeding past. You know I am using the entire foxfarm line. So by the foxfarm soil chart I fed 1/2 of week 2 flower on 25th oct. and 1/2 chart on 31st oct. Then on 5th around the time of this thread I fed 1/2 chart on 3 week flower and started seeing yellow tips the next day. So I panicked and ran another gallon of water at 6.6 through it using a few drops (maybe 1ml) of "kelp me kelp you" to PH as its the most acidic and I always forget to add that as its not on the chart. Now here it is 3 days later and those yellow tips are getting worse. I will post a closer pic of the top cola. Thank you for any help again.


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