Having to turn work down.


Well-Known Member
shit aint been right since 9/11...got worse when gas skyrocketed to 3 sumthin a GAL. in and even worse when the housing market crashed!! I turn wrenches at a GM Dealership.


Active Member
Turned down a south Africa job a couple weeks ago and one in Europe a few months ago, tradesmen are in high demand latly


You know i had a lot on my plate as well awhile back. The moment i realized it was too much i told my punk ass boss to kiss my unwiped dirty ass
seconds later i realized i left my phone in the office. so i walk back to get only to walk in on my boss (who's married) having sex with a co-worker.
So i guess he must've been so scared i would tell somebody (I'm not like that) that he begged me to stay and he stopped giving me on/off work like
that. so yeah i guess you could say i have been busy enough that i felt a job is not worth the money you make from it


Well-Known Member
Ugh, have any of you been so busy that you have to turn work down? Between turning a wrench, my union gig, and my grows... man, I feel tapped out here. What's worse is I just picked up a gig that will have me out of town on a 2 week on, 2 week off rotation.

Now I have to deal with having someone else babysit my stuff.

What a freaking juggling act.
i didnt know they had unions in alaska.. now i know... its good to stay bizzy... esp in a boring as sstate like alaska id imagine


Active Member
Was the co-worker Hott? Lol and that shits fucking funny I totally would have demanded a raise at te very least.


Global Moderator
Staff member
i didnt know they had unions in alaska.. now i know... its good to stay bizzy... esp in a boring as sstate like alaska id imagine
Only the city's are boring.
BS traffic, beggars, petty dealers, muggers - fuckem.
Living away from even the fringe of civilization is really living !


New Member
i didnt know they had unions in alaska.. now i know... its good to stay bizzy... esp in a boring as sstate like alaska id imagine

jeeze dude,are you for real or what? ...boring,not hardly.If you are into going outside there is lots to do.And lots to do inside...:weed: