having tons of trouble and really considering dumping my whole garden and starting over


Well-Known Member
Id go with budfarmer420's advice :) just dig them up as gently as you can, and replant in some Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil. Just get as close to the roots as possible when you dig up without damaging them - leave the rest of the soil around the rootball otherwise you could shock the plants pretty bad.

Make sure you have good drainage holes in whatever containers you put them in, and that there is a space between the container and whatever tray you are draining on to, that way the pots dont just sit in drained water.

Then just introduce food to your plants gently at first. I started with quarter strength my first feed, then just water, then half strength, then just water, and now full strength. I feed them, then give them just water the next time they dry out - im still cautious with food since I burned a few plants to death early on. Mainly though, just hang out and keep your girl green - so long as she isnt wilting or looking bad its generally a sign you're doing ok!

new ky grower

New Member
My plants are looking bad also. They are outdoor plants and looked great until I transplanted them to 5 gallon buckets today. They are now wilting and look bad . I know I didn't hit any roots can anyone give advice ?



Active Member
-yellowing bottom leaves on one(cupping one) and yellow/brown tips on another
-had brown spots but honestly think it is burn from foliar feeding under the light
-fucking purple, almost like blood red fan leaf stems. also like purple veins on the hard stems. This issue particularly bothers me, but ppl seem to think its ALWAYS a calcium def.

^^^your plants are trying to tell you to FEED them, and not just cal/mag. Hit them with a light dose of base nutes and they will start to bounce back.

The drooping leaves are probably from over watering, underwatering, or lack of o2 in the root zone. I think someone else already mentioned adding some extra perlite next time might improve this.

This is my opinion and I'm sticking to it.
I don't know why man, but I'm leaning toward what you're saying on this whole issue. It all seems to make sense, specifically the lack of good 02 at the root zone. I spent this morning defoliating a little bit of the damage, and worked on the box. Now I've got one big fan blowing straight out the top and three 4" fans mounted on the wall blowing just above the plants, blowing that light heat up outta there. I HAD been using a lot of frozen 2 liters for help with temp control that is unnecessary now finally!

Biggest bummer of the day: installed last fan and dropped a hammer on my hygrometer, smashing it. So there I had my temp control to watch and no way to watch it. So I had to go to wally world and buy a new one. I also picked up some garden lime. I understand ph runoff isn't an exact measurement of anything, but I hear from reliable sources that you can get a vague idea of the ph of your root ball by taking the median of the water ph going in, and the runoff going out. So for instance I watered 7.0 last time, came out with a HARD 6, maybe even lower. I'm considering the possibility of lockouts due to ph as a cause for these problems too, since all the nutes in the mix AND the miracle grow perlite must make for some pretty acidic stuff going on down there, and apparently a ph that is low enough WILL lock out nitrogen. I'll go into that experimental process if the other stuff doesn't work, so it looks like I am going to get a whole lot of practice at being patient at this point.

To be honest what I really want to do is get these plants healthy enough just to say fuck it and flower them so I can move onto the next set which I am MUCH more prepared for.


Active Member
My plants are looking bad also. They are outdoor plants and looked great until I transplanted them to 5 gallon buckets today. They are now wilting and look bad . I know I didn't hit any roots can anyone give advice ?
to me, the one having a bunch of trouble mind you, that looks like mega heat stress, and I'm glad I found someone else using less-than-ideal soil-judging by the looks of things. that soil also looks really dry in the pic.


Well-Known Member
You have 2 choices, learn hands on or cull em, do a shit ton of research and try again. Either take the time to allow these to finish, which will be a few more months or take all the advice u received, do some more research and give it another go. I personally would start over considering all the problems ur experiencing, fix the issues that lead to those problems then try again and grow some beautys worth the wait and time invested.


Well-Known Member
could someone tell me how foxfarm ocean forest or happy frog are any different. They BOTH say they are pre-nutes as well.
Ocean forest has a bunch of different meals in them, but happy frog has a some myco in it for root growth, u can always go with ocean forest and then add myco. which is probably what i would do.


Well-Known Member
Ocean forest has a bunch of different meals in them, but happy frog has a some myco in it for root growth, u can always go with ocean forest and then add myco. which is probably what i would do.
I like hydro. Like squidbilly said, i am using promix as well. the HP kind. and it's really nice. better than rockwool in my eyes as well. It's way better than just coco.perlite as well too. dont need to add anymore perlite as this mix is very porous as well. i like hydro. hydro is the way to go for me. but soil organic if it was just a few plants. that way i dont have to mix all the time just to feed for a few plants. but i am doing like 120+ plants. so u know....might as well mix ONE BIG BATCH and feed everyone haha. hopefully ur plants are doing a lot bettter!!!


Well-Known Member
[QUObro TE="ebenezerfagglegold, post: 10606533, member: 878203"]well the older leaves are yellowing like crazy and they're getting plenty of light even down there. you can see the bottom leaves that are yellow in the first pic. N deficiency is the only thing I can think of.. but the damn drooping and purple stems, and brown spots. I just don't get this shit, everything would seem like run of the mill stuff except for the fact that these plants, even that tiny fucker, are like a month old![/QUOTE]
Hey bro check flush 5gallons n ur pot after that just give her ph plan water 6.5 nothing else in ur water check runoff 6.3 7.0 ur runoff should read for ur soil ph if she been in the pot for 3 or 4 weeks after u flush then give her 1/4 nutrients bloom ur supplements nutrients start of at 1/2 a gallon feed when soil pot light next feed just ph water nothing else set to 6.5 bro piece