Hawaii Growers


Well-Known Member
KKday I be happy to share any of my strains with you brah... I need a few weeks to catch up with clones as I have started several new seeds
In fact I be happy to share with anybody that I have sat down and smoked with.... (sorry anonymous new dude looking for clones and seeds to buy ) :)
The Bubba you guys tasted at the party is the purple pheno.. but it only started turning purple this last set of clones... I just started curing today but it already has an incredible smell and taste.... I would love to get my friends here all Irie with the bubba so you can try it again before growing it.. Got a bunch of seeds going too.. Fem Og/Kg... purple bubblegum f1...
So I'll be happy to share wit ya!
If you have any insane strains that you think would be a good cross... im up for it... Tunda mentioned Blueberry.... Imagine a nice blueberry bubba... Or Blueberry Fire Og...
Also I have the Colloidal Silver technique down for reversing sex on plants...... only expense is you have to buy .9999 pure silver.. (not .999 big difference in purity)..

Well I hope we can get together at some point... Im thinking a bubble hash party on Thanksgiving weekend.. I'll bring the full melt and we can all bring leftovers ;)

Keep up the harvests.
I'm too irie to stop talking story so Im cutting myself off!

Malama All
i like the flow in here! thanks for the warm welcome! been readin up bigtime on the outdoor seems like everyones similar in the whole moving outdoors to bloom, veg indoor. most of my skill is inside as in the past my ops had to be private and enclosed. ( now i got some space i might be building an a frame for simple greenhouse )

besides reading dis thread a few runs. whats everyones tried and true outdoor strain? landrace local? hybrid? obviously sativa?

im currently keeping very strong WW and rhino mothers. opting to try a few cuttings outside. yup i love white strains/ trades anyone :)


Well-Known Member
hey Alika, sounds so ONO!! i'm there!!!!.

crondiesel, aloha and welcome. pull up a chair, fill your bowl, and enjoy. lots of aloha here.

hey Dr.G. how your na'au's? kk said you sick. malama babe. by the why, mean Pang "fish", Ron went kinda phyco when i showed it to him, LOL!!!


Well-Known Member
Shecky I just making trouble. I got some Keahi were growing but the mother comited suicide over the railling but I got another cutting that will be the new mama. I have a place in mind were we might beable to hold a bubble hash party I'll see if it's cool. Get back to you all

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
which one?:bigjoint: We get four,count'em,...four,...outdoor seasons here on the Big Island! You are aware of that,right?

Sorry, gotta go dogs barking big time! Will be back! possible rippers in the hood!?

30 minutes later, "false alarm". Just a family of pigs in the lot next door Perfect time to give two of my Pit Bulls a much needed bath! You know it's unfortunate that this screwed economy has forced good people into doing bad things to try and make ends meet for their families. Then I get sick to my stomach every night when I watch the national news, and have to watch these GOP members vote against a 'Public Option'. The only thing that would make this health bill worth paper it's written on would be to have a public option. For whatever reason this country is not ready for a single payer option?
Oh yeah, am sure you must be talking about normal short season. 90 day wonder weed we use to call it in Lahaina. It was perfect for the holiday season,waist hign buds. It was so easy to hide from the "ghetto birds", but more importantly it also offered stealth from the fucking rippers.

I had a good friend kick down some beans to me awhile back. I'm using a few of . The strains from him are:

1. Malawai Gold
2. Hijack
3. Blueberry Skunk x Princess Diesel

From my bean stock:

1. Great White Shark
2. Cheese
3 White Rhino


Well-Known Member
Hey Doc ask your Mod pals to sticky this thread....
Much more views and replies than the other outdoor stickied threads...

Seedlings started-
Raskal Og Fire
Mosca's Sonic Fly
Raskal Blue Bubba
Dr. Candymans- Ape Dawg
Subcool Deep Purple x Island Og Gold (fem) (og x kg)


Hey everybody. I'm new to register but have been reading this thread for awhile. Had one girl 5ft this summer that got me 1oz, but not as dense as I would want. Anyway, I have 5 2-3" plants outside, some seeds from a friend who said they were from Big Island. How tall can I expect them to get in this short season? Thanks for any info.
Anybody see the Wailers at the Shell? It was a great concert


Well-Known Member
Aloha Boys and Aunty the store is almost open just a last few things like paint and shelves. See you all then Aloha HK
checked out the bruddas today, aloha to them. nice little shop, still waiting for some stuff to come in, but had what i wanted. give the dudes a look at, really nice dudes, plenty aloha. you know me, gotta have the Hugs. i think i scared them a little, no hand shake for aunty, hugs all around. hey, it's all aloha, yea?!
anyway, nice to have some alternative to shop at. aloha aunty


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody. I'm new to register but have been reading this thread for awhile. Had one girl 5ft this summer that got me 1oz, but not as dense as I would want. Anyway, I have 5 2-3" plants outside, some seeds from a friend who said they were from Big Island. How tall can I expect them to get in this short season? Thanks for any info.
Anybody see the Wailers at the Shell? It was a great concert
Wow I have 2 footers that I'm probley goina get about a oz each. How did you grow it, what nutes did you use, are you a narc? Lol


Well-Known Member
Today up mauka greenhorn tryed to brake one cola off behine my back, I take my off that guy for five seconds. Un real!! Lol

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hey no way brah! wasn't me, was the wind! the wind blew YOUR screenbox over:mrgreen:...
and it broke the cola, wasn't me:lol:


no just a newbie. i used miracle grow soil and ferts. it grew too lanky and not very dense. i had to pull it early, bugs. live and learn and try again