Hawaii Growers

budy budman

Well-Known Member
Wow that sucks puna. Are you just throwing it away in your compost pile or somthing? (thats what the pics look like) I wuld feed it to a cow then whait for it to poo then eat the shrooms from that. And if that don't work out a stoned cow is funny too. lol ignore me.
Now I get it Doc.......bouwt time some fun was had......I'm in.
:eyesmoke::roll: KKday _____where do do get these genious ideas??? I luv it:razz: I can see it now " McBud Burger" da kine...or select stoned fed beef.............probably good for us;-)

Puna.........let us pray for those Tradewinds my brother............I know what you mean, keep it going dude.

We are your biggest fans.............:clap:bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie:peace:


Well-Known Member
Hows it, maui stoners! What kind of bud would you grow on maui that will thrive in kula air and climate? shootz!
aloha brudda and welcome to the thread.
Dr. your right, haven't seen "maligs" and the other maui growers on either.
kk, don't those pictures of punas look like that crap i had,A&B? shit, glad i got rid.:dunce:


Active Member
"But are extremely horny and looking for old farts who's nut sacks touch the back of there knees. That's me!!!!! "

:bigjoint:bongsmilieLaughing my Fing ass off thats ME TOO!!!!!!!!

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
"But are extremely horny and looking for old farts who's nut sacks touch the back of there knees. That's me!!!!! "

:bigjoint:bongsmilieLaughing my Fing ass off thats ME TOO!!!!!!!!
Punatic, did you get hit with "powdery mildew" at all? Everybody I've talked to on the Big Island got hit to some extent. In all seriousness, the cops didn't even need to fly this season because of that fact alone. Which makes me think that the state's limit on plants(7) is outright crazy.

Oh by the way Punatic, did you see the late afternoon run by a single teardrop
"ghetto bird"? flying over lower Puna? They can fly over my place, no problem. I'm well under the limit here..


Well-Known Member
Im a grower just like the rest. I just dont like the risk of outdoor. I wish I could just get all that outdoor sun into my grow tent lol.


Active Member
Hey Puna It shows up about once a month.

I check my girls everyday and hand wipe them as soon as I see it, This is my third cycle with my clones so I think they get imune to it over time as well. The first time I got it as bad as you.and DON"T let other growers into your garden, I dryed for a relative last month and he brought me Spider mites and Powdery mildew !! That AZOTROL not sure I spelled that right, sprayed around killed ALL trace of the mites and mildew tho.

My main bone Doc in Oahu said "your f*cked for life so just go home and grow weed!"

I fought it for awhile, BUT now F it I'm gonna be the best Ganja farmer I can be !


Well-Known Member
You are correct about successive generations of clones adapting to the environment.. You can do this with powdery mildew.
It happened with my bubba where it had become invincible to most issues I had with it early on..
Many problems that folks are having with powdery mildew and other issues are because you continuing to work with new seeds and genetics that havent adapted succesfully.


Active Member
I believe you Sheck, my first plants toped out at 2 feet , now I'm pushing 5 Feet they just get better so far, I am sure that after awhile they will lose there potency but I have not had that issue yet!

I just picked up some trainwreck seeds today they got good reviews on the web, Might be a good Sativa Dom, does anyone here got some growing or smoked it? Looking for some feedback Please.


Well-Known Member
Alot of folks grow it in Cali to make hash and BHO... It tends to be great commercial weed as the high is decent and the yield is pretty high...

I cannot smoke it myself due to the fact that my friend and I grew it one season and were stuck with smoking it for 6 months in every form ;) haha

Good luck with that..

I believe you Sheck, my first plants toped out at 2 feet , now I'm pushing 5 Feet they just get better so far, I am sure that after awhile they will lose there potency but I have not had that issue yet!

I just picked up some trainwreck seeds today they got good reviews on the web, Might be a good Sativa Dom, does anyone here got some growing or smoked it? Looking for some feedback Please.


Active Member
DON'T over WATER your plants!!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When in the right size container mine only get watered every THIRD day (In DIRECT sunlight !)

Don't SPRAY your plants they WILL BURN in sun light. If you must spray wake your ass up at 5am and spray before the sun comes up so any BUBBLES on the plant will be ALL gone before the sun gets HOT. The BUBBLES act as magnifing glasses and BURN your plants.

I learned the freaking hard way with my first time too!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Now I know why you call yourself Punatic :)

DON'T over WATER your plants!!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When in the right size container mine only get watered every THIRD day (In DIRECT sunlight !)

Don't SPRAY your plants they WILL BURN in sun light. If you must spray wake your ass up at 5am and spray before the sun comes up so any BUBBLES on the plant will be ALL gone before the sun gets HOT. The BUBBLES act as magnifing glasses and BURN your plants.

I learned the freaking hard way with my first time too!!!!!


Well-Known Member
again and again and again...... I always thought about how RIU could do a little entry program full of growing info, followed by a test, before it would let you register as a new member...... lol


Active Member
Getto Bird came and took all his pictures yesterday, consentrated on one particular spot, they should be back eary in the morning in a couple days to pull more plants. Same routine as last time. I swear they are pocketing the weed Because they ARE NOT suppose to have any money left to fly, Yet I was looking the Photographer in the eyes with a one finger salute !