Hawaii Growers


Well-Known Member
thanks its getting there. Gota love the indicas. I also have a sativa going in the tent but i have never grown a pure sative. Do mine in the pic look about right for 4 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Nope its a thai super skunk. Im glad it looks like yours at this point. I hope it looks as good as what you two grow at the end as well.


Active Member
Thanks Doc

THE STORM is here hiting puna now and its gonna be a big one !

Also I flowered 4 web seeds from a friend, they turned out to be, 1 male, 1 female, and 2 herms , is this normally for this strain ? or could the mother plant the seeds came from have been stressed?

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
Thanks Doc

THE STORM is here hiting puna now and its gonna be a big one !

Also I flowered 4 web seeds from a friend, they turned out to be, 1 male, 1 female, and 2 herms , is this normally for this strain ? or could the mother plant the seeds came from have been stressed?
you gotta ask your friend how long has he been working with the web strain? For stability I think as a matter of rule. One should at least have five years in with taming their beast before letting them loose on the world. Has he grown them inside or outside? These are things you need to find out if you wanna keep working with the web strain. In a guerilla grow op., Webs are so-so. Good for vegging stage because average ripper won't recognise her. But once she starts to bud, the "gig" is up! This buggar can really stink!

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
Ill say it again. I love my grow tent. Hope everyone made it ok
okay, okay Doc,we get the picture! I guess those are great for hobbyist & people who are tired of meeting dealers on dark street corners,right? But can you grow crop in it with enough meds for one year? This is all about convience right?

For me, I love the challenge of growing. I love the fact that two seasons are never the same. As much as I bitch & moan about my grow problems, yet I wouldn't want it any other way! I love the fact that my "green thumb" is growing with me with every season I have a new problem. To be able to "problem solve",in this field is also being able to grow as a 'dirt farmer'.

To me I was even entertaining the thought of switching to hydro too. But the fact that I love the earthy smell that soil gives off. Sure gydo is cool and all,but I just love soil!


Well-Known Member
okay, okay Doc,we get the picture! I guess those are great for hobbyist & people who are tired of meeting dealers on dark street corners,right? But can you grow crop in it with enough meds for one year? This is all about convience right?
To me I was even entertaining the thought of switching to hydro too. But the fact that I love the earthy smell that soil gives off. Sure gydo is cool and all,but I just love soil!
Well no I cant grow enough for a year in one grow seeing as I smoke several pounds a year. I have just restarted the indoor growing but I will be harvesting 6 oz every 2 wks and after 4 cycles it will just keep churning out bud. And who said you cant grow in dirt in a tent? I have a few in soil doing just great in the tent. I am not in this to make money I make plenty of that at my job so for me the tent is the way to go. If you dont like the idea of growing inside fine dont. Keep hoping pigs or rippers or whatever wont take your crop as I keep mine under lock and key safe at home like a good parent would :) But I can assure you it is still a challenge so a master grower like you may ever learn something. I guess Im nuts but I like the control I have in the tent to give the best possible environment and not fight all the bullshit you cant control outside. Im in it to grow the best buds I can and thats it. The people I smoke with say the have never seen weed like the shit I grow with the taste and color. I could easily sell it for 600 an oz but like I sain im not in it for the money. Oh and how did your grow fare through the storms? All is well I hope. I just re read this post and dont want you to misunderstand it. Im not trying to be a dick just laying it all out. I like outdoor for the beach hiking etc. but for growing weed im all about the safety of indoors.


Active Member
doctor D i see your point, I also am making the switch to indoors But I'm gonna keep one or two BIG ones outside as I love the challenge of maintaining them. But with a continuos grow inside I never have to worry I will run out of medicine. A fully controled environment means no mold, mildew, pests,or rippers.It's less but , more often,(also more resinous) so at the end of the year inside actually gives more while still keeping a seven count.


Well-Known Member
This thread is starting to get powdery mildew due to the indoor talk and its starting to slowly rot... bummers

I wonder if the My Hawaii Growers thread talks about indoor growing :)

Indoor bud more resinous? lol good one!

doctor D i see your point, I also am making the switch to indoors But I'm gonna keep one or two BIG ones outside as I love the challenge of maintaining them. But with a continuos grow inside I never have to worry I will run out of medicine. A fully controled environment means no mold, mildew, pests,or rippers.It's less but , more often,(also more resinous) so at the end of the year inside actually gives more while still keeping a seven count.

Hawaiian kind

Well-Known Member
Cool News we just got a load in we now have grow rooms and new things like cheap PH pens, books, new snips for harvest, microscopes and all sorts of Cool Things.

Come See us on black Friday For a sale on a cloner and Led Light make your room full with clones for just $75

Check Out Sure to grow New stuff coming in. http://www.suretogrow.com/

Green Hands Class ON Dec 2nd should come on down 7pm-9pm Free And Free Stuff come learn and share with others

Aloha From Everyone at Green Hands of Aloha

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
doctor D i see your point, I also am making the switch to indoors But I'm gonna keep one or two BIG ones outside as I love the challenge of maintaining them. But with a continuos grow inside I never have to worry I will run out of medicine. A fully controled environment means no mold, mildew, pests,or rippers.It's less but , more often,(also more resinous) so at the end of the year inside actually gives more while still keeping a seven count.
indoors vs. outdoors is a personal choice. I totally except that reality. But there is no arguing that the best cannabis in the world is grown outdoors! Sorry "Punatic", I'm gonna have to call you on your statement about indoor cannabis being more resinous. If that has happend to you on a personal level. Id say your PH was off on your soil. Or you weren't using peoper ferts/nutes. But nothing man made can ever compete with the Sun,even a room fulll of 1000 watt HPS lamps!

I will do some indoor grow myself. Not because it's better this or that. But just to have another option. We foolios on the Big Island pay the highest electrical rates in the nation! So growing indoors here fully would cost an arm an a leg in my opinion. A family of four. My electrical bills a month hang between $175.00 to $300.00 plus a month! In early spring I ran a couple of 400 watt lights as an experiment. My electric bill shot up over $100.00 a month. Think about it for a second. Those were only 400 watts too. Imagine a room with 4 1000 watt light going how much the bill would be? I get sick just thinking about it!


Active Member
It all comes down to personal choice, Buying is Not an option for me, so I chose to grow in and out. I have never run out of medicene.
But then again I don't grow for profit either.
To each his own.


Well-Known Member
I too am a fool for the sun she wins me over every time but the advantages of in doors is so tempting. That's why I'm a hybrid, get the best of both worlds!

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
It all comes down to personal choice, Buying is Not an option for me, so I chose to grow in and out. I have never run out of medicene.
But then again I don't grow for profit either.
To each his own.
first off, Happy Thanksgiving Day to you brah! Secondly, either you're heavily medicated, or I am...who is it? I don't recall ever talking about buying meds? I especially don't recall talking about selling either????

Brah, did you notice the "Ghetto birds" yesterday in afternoon? Looks like we were lucky in our subdivision yesterday....they just passed us by! I'd hope they are tired flying over my place. They seem to pass over my property pretty regularly. But my land in now virgin land! Nothing growing around here. My property is "Bu koo" with the Powdery Mildew Spores!