Anyways, Doc hows dis? $17.99 a pop. What you think?

I'm not from the states! Lol what gave you that idea? I'm oahugrown, born and raised. My Hawaiian roots run strong. In fact my cousin is a all-state defensive end for kamehameha. And highschool for me was almost 2 decades ago. I think you got me confused with someone else.How can that be, bra you from the states and high school for you was over a decade ago.
not really a fan of LED yet, maybe when the technology gets better. Let me know how it works for you though.Anyways, Doc hows dis? $17.99 a pop. What you think?
With all the lil stuff like worms, flies, nutrient burn etc...my problem is "too much water."
Anyways, Thanks to the fellas at Green Hands of Aloha for always throwin' down the knowledge. Aloha Bruddahs!
Lol! What posts may that be?Oh I see why you think he is from the mainland... because of those posts he made on his grow log...
If you didn't already know where he was from, I could see why you would think that...
Funny thing is a couple pages after that, he talks some crazy shit... and then pictures.. WOW!
Lol! What posts may that be?
I was just trying to see if someone would go through the 500 pages of posts to look for it..
BTW I could have been talking about anyoneI made sure not to make any specific references to you!