Hawaii Growers

Anyways, Doc hows dis? $17.99 a pop. What you think?
How can that be, bra you from the states and high school for you was over a decade ago.
I'm not from the states! Lol what gave you that idea? I'm oahugrown, born and raised. My Hawaiian roots run strong. In fact my cousin is a all-state defensive end for kamehameha. And highschool for me was almost 2 decades ago. I think you got me confused with someone else.:D Where did you get your info from anyway?
Anyways, Doc hows dis? $17.99 a pop. What you think?
not really a fan of LED yet, maybe when the technology gets better. Let me know how it works for you though.
With all the lil stuff like worms, flies, nutrient burn etc...my problem is "too much water."
Anyways, Thanks to the fellas at Green Hands of Aloha for always throwin' down the knowledge. Aloha Bruddahs!

:neutral:Wondering why you edited your post? And you still haven't answered my question. where did you get your info from about me? Cause it's wrong.

Originally Posted by herbsDaword
How can that be, bra you from the states and high school for you was over a decade ago.
Uh oh... This shit's gonna get crazy...
That's pretty low accusing him of being from the states..
There are some lines you shouldn't cross..
Thanks Bro

Anyone see there is a shop on north shore now? Hes a cool guy and has a small shop but there is fox farm soil and other things there. He is next to the gas station near the sugar mill. Not sure the name sorry.

where you get that Led?

Dr when you fyling home to Nebraska you white hick I know you tan well but thats just a cover for your red neck.
Oh I see why you think he is from the mainland... because of those posts he made on his grow log...
If you didn't already know where he was from, I could see why you would think that...
Funny thing is a couple pages after that, he talks some crazy shit... and then pictures.. WOW!
Oh I see why you think he is from the mainland... because of those posts he made on his grow log...
If you didn't already know where he was from, I could see why you would think that...
Funny thing is a couple pages after that, he talks some crazy shit... and then pictures.. WOW!
Lol! What posts may that be?
hey guys has any one use 50% top soil and 40% compost and 10% manuree as a soil mix for plants outdoors, cause i dont really want to use bagged soil and shit !!!
I was just trying to see if someone would go through the 500 pages of posts to look for it..
BTW I could have been talking about anyone :) I made sure not to make any specific references to you!

Sheckster you trickster!! Lol. I went back to my journal to look what you was talking about!:lol:

I did notice I do alot of crazy talking though! Hahaha.
So I have been having grasshopper issues.. the small ones... eating little holes in my leaves!

Don't know too many solutions for grasshoppers....

Here is a solution for the smaller ones..

I wanted to keep things organic....

For the organic purists out there... This is by far the best method I have ever seen for small critters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bad Boyz on Duty!!


Solo Hunter---

note the grasshopper damage on the plants!

Wow! Lau Lau!! That was some bullshit right there! Im a mma trainee too and i thought that was some bogus action right there! Sherk was getting owned but must say that was a good fight