Hawaii Growers

Hey guys. I wanna take a poll here amongst us Hawaiian residents. Even though it's not for us to vote on. Where California goes, the rest of the nation follows. So where do all of you guys sit on Prop 19 and why?
can I pm you my response? lol!!! I notice it's a really touchy subject.

good question though, I would really like to know what some of us think about it too.... some people, I already know thier opinion;) lol
can I pm you my response? lol!!! I notice it's a really touchy subject.

good question though, I would really like to know what some of us think about it too.... some people, I already know thier opinion;) lol

Oct 4, 2010
California is the latest state to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the bill today that converts possession of an ounce or less of marijuana a civil infraction instead of a misdemeanor. The law doesn’t actually go into effect until January 1, 2011, and it’s a minor difference from the law currently on the books. Right now, if you’re caught with an ounce of pot on you, it’s a misdemeanor that will cost you an arrest, an appearance in court and a $100 fine. After January 1st, it will still cost you $100 but you’ll simply pay the fine at the courthouse without having to appear in court. There’ll be nothing on your record and the state will save money in not having to book and hold hearings on the 60,000 or so people who get caught with pot every year. Be aware though, smoking in public or in front of a minor is still a misdemeanor.

At this point in time... No... especially after Arnold just signed the law above....
Apparently Prop 19 limits how much you can grow at home 25 square feet.... So 5 x 5 room or plot....

I know many dispensary owners that are worried about the law.. Wait and see~
I wouldn't be to worried about the 5x5 grow area. I forget which city in Cali it was, but they were telling people to not call 911 unless it was really serious (murder, rape, assault) because they had a shortage of cops or funds. Plus, if 19 passes your neighbors can't be like "I smell pot, call the cops" because it would be legal. I don't think people can determine the size of your grow area based on smell? Just my opinion.
I might be wrong but doesn't prop 215 override prop 19?

I've read that if you are a 215 patient then the one ounce limit and 5x5 grow area don't apply. But even if you're not med, cops aren't going to be going into every home looking for people with more than one ounce (hopefully).
Hi Guy's

In July I acquired a plant from the north shore of Oahu. I was told the Plant was a white widow/ afgani strain...it came in a 3 gallon container with some undesirable soil and a bit of gravel in the bottom of the pot. The plant was a clone i know this because after I harvested the plant i was examining the roots systems for deficiency’s and the roots were running threw a jiffy pellet. At any rate I took some cuttings and looking for more information on the breed. I know posting this here is a shot in the dark…but I like the strain and want to keep it going. If anyone knows what I’m talking about and would like to share any info i would be greatly appreciate it….btw the person who sold the plants to my source stated he bought the two plants for $20 from a guy who needed some extra money quickly. wateva's...heh heh heh
I've read that if you are a 215 patient then the one ounce limit and 5x5 grow area don't apply.

Then who does it apply to? The general public? Anybody can grow a 5x5 garden? if so, awwwesoommeee. too bad my friend back in cali got arrested for his grow op :(, he shoulda just waited a year longer.

But even if you're not med, cops aren't going to be going into every home looking for people with more than one ounce (hopefully).

You can count on it!

I am pretty sure my plants are buddhas breath too,

wait a sec wtf mine are 2 feet tall and yurs are 6!! booooo

haha nice plants kk. CHECK YO INBOX
Grass I stand over 6' those are over 8' but the weight will pull them down. They say size dosent matter.... I say, I'm sorry to hear that.

Sheck you had me rolling, thanks for the lough!
yeah im jealous man same strain 6 foot difference haha, u doing a short season too? I think im gonna try a short season just to get some fem seeds, gonna give colloidal silver a shot. I really gotta invest more money in my soil mixture I think thats where I really messed up this year (that and I put nearly a whole bag of water crystals in the soil, woops)
Hi Guy's

In July I acquired a plant from the north shore of Oahu. I was told the Plant was a white widow/ afgani strain...it came in a 3 gallon container with some undesirable soil and a bit of gravel in the bottom of the pot. The plant was a clone i know this because after I harvested the plant i was examining the roots systems for deficiency’s and the roots were running threw a jiffy pellet. At any rate I took some cuttings and looking for more information on the breed. I know posting this here is a shot in the dark…but I like the strain and want to keep it going. If anyone knows what I’m talking about and would like to share any info i would be greatly appreciate it….btw the person who sold the plants to my source stated he bought the two plants for $20 from a guy who needed some extra money quickly. wateva's...heh heh heh

It could have been a seed started from a jiffy puck, but more likely than not its a clone.

As far as the strain goes... a google search reveals several grows of a white widow x afghani, look em up. get some pics up in here :leaf:
oh yeah and just had some more of that hindu buddahs shit or whateveritscalled, one small hit, and im pretty dam high. dried for 3 days then into a jar and has been curing for about a week now. This was the stuff I picked a while ago (cleaning off lower popcorn budz, knew they would come in handy :cool:

o shit, after typing this message im even higher, only been 10 minutes, i feel like im getting higher..... awesomnesssss.:clap:
What would be the long term drawbacks of Prop 19? I think any sort of baby steps is still progress...How is Aiona's stance on MMJ?
What would be the long term drawbacks of Prop 19? I think any sort of baby steps is still progress...How is Aiona's stance on MMJ?

One of the drawbacks is local cities could determine that medical users have to pay a tax on what they use...

For instance.. my best friend who grows in a desert community... he is a 100% disabled Veteran...
The Veteran's Administration gives him 500 morphine pills/month.. He refuses them and instead smokes a ton of ganja he grows himself... Probably about an ounce per week...
He has to grow indoors... and pay an electric bill + the cost of supplies etc... (you indoor growers know)
and to pay $50 tax per ounce on top of that....?????? That's crazy....

It will be interesting to see the reaction of the Feds and the DEA... Many people think they will come down on California if Prop 19 passes, and enforce some kind of moratorium on the state..
Chances are pretty good that Prop 19 will pass.. We will see what happens... Hopefully we get a governor that will support the pro marijuana legislature that our state representatives put forth

As far as Aiona goes...
He is a Republican and the Republican platform does not support use of Medical Marijuana.....
Aiona is supposedly less pot friendly than Lingle... and she followed the party platform..
What would be the long term drawbacks of Prop 19? I think any sort of baby steps is still progress...How is Aiona's stance on MMJ?
Yup. I think it's progress. 1oz>0oz. And I think Aiona has a pretty strong anti drug stance. Medical dispensaries..not to sure..
Well one good possibility is that if Prop 19 passes.. The DEA will concentrate all their forces on California.... Leave us alone here...
Only downfall in this scenario is that all that incredible progress they are making against the Ice/Speed epidemic here in Hawaii would be lost!!
I wouldn't be to worried about the 5x5 grow area. I forget which city in Cali it was, but they were telling people to not call 911 unless it was really serious (murder, rape, assault) because they had a shortage of cops or funds. Plus, if 19 passes your neighbors can't be like "I smell pot, call the cops" because it would be legal. I don't think people can determine the size of your grow area based on smell? Just my opinion.

the city of Rancho Cordova said it would cost upwards of $16,000.00 a year to maintain & pay taxes on a 5 x 5 plot!