Hawaii Growers


Well-Known Member
I think my dog is tired of me breaking wind (nearly shitty my pants mind you) and blaming it on him. I better invest in a muzzle jic


Well-Known Member
HAHAHA it was awful Doc!...just awful! I’m contemplating changing my profile name to “swamp ass”....I hope the stanky ass stays with me until tomorrow, I’d love to crop dust a few co-workers
Misery loves company…chaaahooo!
LMAO wtf cooter.

I have no words, just tears from laughing.


Well-Known Member
kona girl i got it all figured out for you, hook up with greenhorn move to oahu, rent a room from me and now you can grow, live in hawaii, have a man, and not have to worry about me going in your room when your not home to smell your panties because i wouldent do that to my boy. lmao


ey wassup im a newbie
im from oahu and its late into season if i plant my babies into da ground now how much weed should i get. and is switching from sunlight during the day and a 60 watt CFL at night bad for my hunnies. There only light two or three inches now

let me know

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
:lol: if I'm busy at the moment, there's always pepperbelly, lol.

kkday broke his bank and is using a bunch of snake oils:shock: he's using advanced nutrients, the whole line! double:shock: lol. he's getting awesome results though. the buds are so sticky and smell so good. you can smell the different fragrances between the strains. can't wait to see the finished product. oh ya, the medium is just promix from ace hardware.
Yo Ro, I thought I told you guys not to waste all your money on Advanced Nutrients!? I love their products, the organic ones that is! But some of their products aren't worth the waste of money. For instance 'Bud Ignitior', a waste of money. X factor, another waste of your hard earned dollars. I'd seriously stay away from 'Bud Candy',too. Your buds will take on the flavor of the Bud Candy. Which in my opinion is straight up chemical smell! Like I said before, I now keep several AN products around that I use on a regular basis. But without a doubt. AN products are best used in a hydro enviornment.

I highly suggest doing side by side grows. You'll get a better idea as to which product works best for you.

Basically I'm finished with my indoor experiment. After several years of learning about it. I've come away with several observations What I loved most about it, was the ability to keep a clean grow enviornment. What I least liked about it, was the carbon footprint I was making was rather large!
But the part that kept me coming back,...SECURITY! When you grow indoors you almost remove the ripoff element for that particular grow everytime.


Active Member
Word ! sup errryone ? hope you doing good out there ! I been busy clippin an js came up for air... i did get in fight with some bugs that put black spots on the leaf underside ...they fly and look like mircoscopic crabs ... i think they like bathe in the neem oil, but stay out of the fruit ....anyone know abt them ? Aloha


Well-Known Member
Word ! sup errryone ? hope you doing good out there ! I been busy clippin an js came up for air... i did get in fight with some bugs that put black spots on the leaf underside ...they fly and look like mircoscopic crabs ... i think they like bathe in the neem oil, but stay out of the fruit ....anyone know abt them ? Aloha
Spider Mites? I get them on my plants but i've never seen one fly...azomax will keep them at bay

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
I think you should PM b-dawg, I have a feeling you guy’s might get along (cooter shooting his cupid love arrows) heh heh heh.
On a lighter note, I blew a magnificent fart today, it was wall to wall stink, let me tell you…it was so nasty that my dog turned around and smelled his own butt, then he growled at me and ran out side, haven’t seen him since…I almost died laughing
Somehow the second part of the comment sort of invalidates you as a reliable matchmaker :D

Hey guys been super busy with a new job, glad to see everyone is still doing ok (cept for Kona :( )


Well-Known Member
Yo Ro, I thought I told you guys not to waste all your money on Advanced Nutrients!? I love their products, the organic ones that is! But some of their products aren't worth the waste of money. For instance 'Bud Ignitior', a waste of money. X factor, another waste of your hard earned dollars. I'd seriously stay away from 'Bud Candy',too. Your buds will take on the flavor of the Bud Candy. Which in my opinion is straight up chemical smell! Like I said before, I now keep several AN products around that I use on a regular basis. But without a doubt. AN products are best used in a hydro enviornment.

I highly suggest doing side by side grows. You'll get a better idea as to which product works best for you.

Basically I'm finished with my indoor experiment. After several years of learning about it. I've come away with several observations What I loved most about it, was the ability to keep a clean grow enviornment. What I least liked about it, was the carbon footprint I was making was rather large!
But the part that kept me coming back,...SECURITY! When you grow indoors you almost remove the ripoff element for that particular grow everytime.
banks not broken yet, somthing about the AN line up the makes the colas rock hard even the sativas.
im using a nute free soilless medium in smart pots in flood pans and they get nutes in every watering that is PHed at 5.5-5.8 and at 1600ppm. i didnt pay $1500 for a rubbermaid set up but is it hydro or not?


Active Member
KK - You nute every watering at 1600? Not hitting the girls with just ph'd water (maybe some micros) in between?