Hawaii Growers


Well-Known Member
and then he is acting like he knows me and writting me pm asking for a picture..............fucking creepy to me sorry!!!!!!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Krip buds Green. But I was just getting into KG vs Pepper. Pepper like your box and wormdrive.
ya, they is bomb.bongsmilie I'd like to take the credit but can't. it's kkday's indoor. he grew these. we just started trimming today and gonna continue tomorrow. the G13 haze is looking real bomb too. I'll get them pics up later tonight. gotta hit the beach for a evening session soon. :D


Well-Known Member
those babies are submerged eh ...wow ..how long did you dunk em for? ...btw ... loving the wax crescent !
Eh Pep....the buggahs soaked for about 36 hours....i fucked up a bunch of seeds trying to do it this way while the moon was still waning....no bueno!....it’s all about the waxing moon, as nutty as that sounds, but the results speak for themselves.


Active Member
Eh Pep....the buggahs soaked for about 36 hours....i fucked up a bunch of seeds trying to do it this way while the moon was still waning....no bueno!....it’s all about the waxing moon, as nutty as that sounds, but the results speak for themselves.
muchas gracias amigo ! ... that tip worked well , these seedlings are jammin ... gotta get some pic tomorrow ..mi casa is flooded right now .. big down pour here jus now.


Well-Known Member
Hahahahahaha Tb if it was not for your response I would have never checked this hahaha, in my thread they started calling me KonaCali hehehehe!! Always keeping the kona :) I will miss you to TB, but you know how to get at me :)


Well-Known Member
Just keep in mind that there are diesel strains out there that actually range towards acidic..... I had a grapefruit diesel that was only dialed in at 5.9-6.1pH (Everything else I have thrives at 6.4-6.7pH)
I would check the venting in your bathroom... I get the feeling that may be contributing to your problems :)
So i ran some tests on the Roots 707....the ph was 5.0 and my super soil was 5.8 (lime was added during the initial amendment mixing) So there you have it! I suppose if you never run into problems you really never learn anything. The lesson learned here….never believe anything until you test it yourself and I should know better. Obviously Roots has a quality control issue and I won’t use it moving forward. I’m leaning towards dazzling up some Black Gold and see what happens…..The good thing is the NYCD is in a locally produced soil that I’m testing out (Ph runoff is 6.3)…sad part is the soil isn’t 100% organic so initially it has some drawbacks, I have brewed up several buckets with this soil and they always bubble up really nice so whatever bullshit amendments that have been introduced to the soil by aren’t killing off the microherd, so at least it has that going for it.


Active Member
So i ran some tests on the Roots 707....the ph was 5.0 and my super soil was 5.8 (lime was added during the initial amendment mixing) So there you have it! I suppose if you never run into problems you really never learn anything. The lesson learned here….never believe anything until you test it yourself and I should know better. Obviously Roots has a quality control issue and I won’t use it moving forward. I’m leaning towards dazzling up some Black Gold and see what happens…..The good thing is the NYCD is in a locally produced soil that I’m testing out (Ph runoff is 6.3)…sad part is the soil isn’t 100% organic so initially it has some drawbacks, I have brewed up several buckets with this soil and they always bubble up really nice so whatever bullshit amendments that have been introduced to the soil by aren’t killing off the microherd, so at least it has that going for it.

gettin it dialed in eh .... how bout that Patio plus ... you did pretty good with that didnt ya ? ...that 707 is 40 dollars a bag now , i need a alternative.


Well-Known Member
gettin it dialed in eh .... how bout that Patio plus ... you did pretty good with that didnt ya ? ...that 707 is 40 dollars a bag now , i need a alternative.
Hey Pep…The Kellogg's PP would be my second choice for sure…. it’s a little heavy on the wood chips, but I wouldn’t hesitate on using it. The reason I’m going to test out the BG is the low NPK .5-0-0 so it’s fairly inert…it’s like a blank canvas….I’m going to use the KISS philosophy with the amendments I’ll be using. EWC, Guanos, Sea Kelp, Dolomite, and Trace minerals…something like that..lol


Well-Known Member
Tardis....call Life Alert and tell them that "your plant has fallen and it can't get up"!....lmao...feed'em a few crushed up blue diamonds....that’ll gett’em to pop up!....boing!