what i wouldn't give to get the kind of sunshine you guys get cirE. my buds would be amazing, as it is, with all the rain we've had all winter, i was lucky to get what i did

i'm not complainin tho, there are goods and bads about each island and area

that's why i love Hawaii and will never leave

i don't even want travel outside of state for fear that i might die somewhere else and have my soul all fucked up in china and shit lol. braddah needs to be home. just ranting. on that green house thing, i am imagining a lanai like you said, i used to use the clear plastic roofing over a dog kennel and shaded sides. in your area, i don't think you have to worry about bud rot so you probably wont need as much ventilation as you think. shit dries out in like 2 days there and it never rains! well hardly ever, as you know. k, let me think some more lol, stonded