Hawaii Growers

Hey howzit? Sorry for the slow reply. Hopefully you checked Google for this answer and didn't wait for an answer. I just got some powdery mildew for the first time during the last couple weeks. It was really hot and humid with no wind. So, obviously I'm not an expert on this and had to look up some info on this too. Here's some of the things I found:

  • Make a solution of 2 teaspoons organic apple cider vinegar per quart of water. Spray on the plants to eliminate and/or prevent mildew growth.
  • Add ½ teaspoon baking soda per quart of water. Spray.
  • Oil sprays consisting of neem oil, sesame oil or fish oil work on powdery mildew as it does on many fungal diseases.
  • Milk sprays have been very effective in eliminating powdery mildew. Combine 40% milk with 60% water. The milk’s protein acts with the sun to create a natural antiseptic, killing mildew as the result. Milk sprays should be applied in bright light every ten days as a preventative measure. This method can be employed to resist mildew on any garden plant.
  • Cinnamon oil, garlic oil, coriander oil, clove oil, jojoba oil, cottonseed oil sprays.
  • Applications containing copper, available at any garden center.
  • Hydrogen peroxide added to water (1 tablespoon per gallon) oxidizes the fungus cell walls, killing it.
  • Limonene (oils extracted from citrus rinds) mixed with water at the rate of one teaspoon per pint offers fungicidal properties and will aid in control, but not eradication.
  • Sulfur burners as a means of control. Stay out of the area when using this treatment as it can cause respiratory inflammation in humans. Follow directions and wipe down all walls and windows when completed to remove any residue.
Also Mandala Seeds website says lecithin sprays, and baking soda sprays and garlic extract, but didn't give ratio instructions. Potassium bicarbonate is supposed to work too. And I'm pretty sure a guy I know sprays kombucha on his plants to fight powdery mildew. He also said kombucha is one of the best things you can spray on your plants in general and that guy can grow some super healthy trees so I tend to believe what he says.

I don't think I would necessarily endorse all of these, but it's what I found with a quick search

I've used milk sprays for powdery mildew on my pumpkins, cucumbers and something else that is prone to powdery mildew, but I can't remember what it is right now. The milk spray works, but I think I was mixing it 2 parts water to 1 part milk so a little less than the above ratio recommendations and it was working good. I think I'd try the vinegar spray before milk though. I'm not sure I want to spray milk on my plants.

Anyway, let us know how it goes and what you decided to try.
lemon water works too. change of ph is all thats required (thats what the milk does)

Thanks. I've not heard of the lemon water or the apple cider vinegar mixes...that I remember anyway... I wanted to answer but really haven't found a way to totally get rid of it with all the plants in the yard that have it. I've started to spray neem oil as directed on the bottle as a preventative, and I've not had it for a couple of grows now.

All these storms lining up will be the test I guess.
lemon water works too. change of ph is all thats required (thats what the milk does)
Good info. I've got some stuff that's supposed to work on powdery mildew and bugs and it's just citric acid and yeast so that makes sense.

I think the milk also gets bacteria to colonize on the plant that also eats PM if I remember correctly. Probably a similar effect to what the yeast does in the product I have.
Keep the air moving and its not such an issue.....
+1. That and controlling temperature swings if possible.

Funny thing, if I keep plants outside in full sun they never get any PM but if I have to put them in the greenhouse to finish up without getting rained on they will sometimes get pm even with a fan, but usually minor enough to remove or wipe off by hand until harvest.

I need to do something about exhausting hot air during the day so the temps don't get too high.

P.s. The DEA chopper has been flying BI this week but no reports of ground crews doing any compliance checks.
yeah boys!! mahalo for the replies. green cure is mean when it comes to pm i was just wondering about home remedies like the lemon juice and the vinegar kine stuff. If you get pm use green cure and apply once a week and that shit will be under control. I'm gonna post pics of my greenhouse grow soon......i get DJ original blueberry, Bubblicious from nirvana, original sour diesel, skunk #1 from sam the skunk man, tangie and sour banana sherbet from crockett. Everything is poppin and budding up nice. Alohazzzzzzz
yeah boys!! mahalo for the replies. green cure is mean when it comes to pm i was just wondering about home remedies like the lemon juice and the vinegar kine stuff. If you get pm use green cure and apply once a week and that shit will be under control. I'm gonna post pics of my greenhouse grow soon......i get DJ original blueberry, Bubblicious from nirvana, original sour diesel, skunk #1 from sam the skunk man, tangie and sour banana sherbet from crockett. Everything is poppin and budding up nice. Alohazzzzzzz
Right on, I'm looking forward to seeing your greenhouse. It sounds like you have a nice selection there.
yeah boys!! mahalo for the replies. green cure is mean when it comes to pm i was just wondering about home remedies like the lemon juice and the vinegar kine stuff. If you get pm use green cure and apply once a week and that shit will be under control. I'm gonna post pics of my greenhouse grow soon......i get DJ original blueberry, Bubblicious from nirvana, original sour diesel, skunk #1 from sam the skunk man, tangie and sour banana sherbet from crockett. Everything is poppin and budding up nice. Alohazzzzzzz
Ill take some original sour d and skunkman sam skunk#1. May I ask where you got those? Nice selection
I almost went and bought some fans for my little greenhouse during the couple hot humid weeks. I didn't though and I think the tradewinds are going to be back on track for awhile.
Same here. Rainy season brought the wind with it. Dead calm here for months and now its breezy as fuck. Making the stems strong....
yeah boys!! mahalo for the replies. green cure is mean when it comes to pm i was just wondering about home remedies like the lemon juice and the vinegar kine stuff. If you get pm use green cure and apply once a week and that shit will be under control. I'm gonna post pics of my greenhouse grow soon......i get DJ original blueberry, Bubblicious from nirvana, original sour diesel, skunk #1 from sam the skunk man, tangie and sour banana sherbet from crockett. Everything is poppin and budding up nice. Alohazzzzzzz

And I'm interested in locating the Tangie seeds by Crockett.

Just spent a fun week in Portland. Buying is easy but smoking in public is a no no. Tough when we were staying in Hotels. Tried lots of edibles. A good buzz but no solid head high. Just mood elvation. Also went to a cannabis fair last Sunday and got a lot of free samples. About 30 booths with an area in the corner where you could light up. Very friendly people but of course they were vendors selling their wares.
Wazzup braddahs? I'm in the home stretch of moving to a different property. I wish I could never have to do this again, but that's not reality.

Anyway, over on icmag, SurfdOut said GH is flying windward Oahu today and that means they'll probably be there at least a few days so if you have friends over there hit them up on the coconut wireless to give them a heads-up. And everybody should make sure their plants are tagged and legible. Stay safe braddahs :)
Wazzup braddahs? I'm in the home stretch of moving to a different property. I wish I could never have to do this again, but that's not reality.

Anyway, over on icmag, SurfdOut said GH is flying windward Oahu today and that means they'll probably be there at least a few days so if you have friends over there hit them up on the coconut wireless to give them a heads-up. And everybody should make sure their plants are tagged and legible. Stay safe braddahs :)
Fukn hell dude, hate moving. Hate that shit for you!!!
Fukn hell dude, hate moving. Hate that shit for you!!!
Thanks, I can feel your moral suport engulfing me like the fogs of San Francisco! I feel like I'm rising up on wings like eagles! The rest of this move should be a breeze now! Your enthusiasm has lit a fire in my soul! Thank you good sir and kudos to you! Ha ha, and I have a strong dislike for it myself :)
Mahalo for the heads up. I heard them buzzing around this afternoon but they didn't hover. My 3 plants probably aren't worth the hassle, but they're tagged properly.
Did you see how many were flying?

And I agree with you, I highly doubt they'll mess with you over 3 plants, unless maybe they were trees and still it doesn't matter if they're tagged properly.

And your Oregon trip sounded cool. I wouldn't mind checking out a legal state just for kicks even though there's plenty of places here that you'd think it was legal (including smoking in some public places) if you didn't know better. Or I'll just hang out here until it's legal, that's more likely, ha ha.
Thanks, I can feel your moral suport engulfing me like the fogs of San Francisco! I feel like I'm rising up on wings like eagles! The rest of this move should be a breeze now! Your enthusiasm has lit a fire in my soul! Thank you good sir and kudos to you! Ha ha, and I have a strong dislike for it myself :)
Laughing my ass off, sorry brah. I hope everything finishes up well for you, dear sir :)
To me, it's kinda like Prohibition being over. I had my first toke in 1970. Now 46 years later I could walk into a store and buy pot legally. It felt strange but very enlightening. Even if I couldn't smoke in public it is a start in the right direction.

BTW, at the Cannabis Fair I saw Jorge Cervantes sitting at a table pushing his book a Marijuana Encyclopedia. I'd gotten a lot of info from his You Tube videos about growing and it was a treat to shake his hand and thank him for his efforts. Now I wished I'd picked his brain about growing in tropical areas.