Hawaii Growers

Hawaiian kind

Well-Known Member
Not trying to win just trying to make my voice heard but I know its a soft one on the ears of the people who make the rules. But think of it like this if we all send the same email everyday to the people who need to vote on this maybe they will get the point sooner or later and if not we can vote them out or at least help to get the right people in. sorry I truly dislike politics but with the fake protection they give us now we can't help but try to improve it. Aloha HK


Well-Known Member
:twisted:wow when this plants are seen by the dog"fucn bountyhunter"they're gone!!!!fucn twat that dog:mrgreen:!!!
Lol apparently Tony is showing his knowledge of other cultures by sharing his stereotypes with us.. Hey Tony you have bad teeth?

Dog makes Hawaii look bad... Just like the show "Cops" makes the entire midwest look like a giant trailerpark...


Well-Known Member
how everybody? haven't been posting lately. waiting out this flowering period is getting on my nerves.i'm the kind of person that stands at the micowave and says hurry up!!
i know the wait is the longest wait there is. so impatient to taste all the different buds. oh well, all good things come to those that wait. HURRY UP!!!!!!

Hawaiian kind

Well-Known Member
Check out this link


Hawaii: Gov. Linda Lingle gives medical marijuana patients zero respect with veto of study bill

In a move that could hinder the development of Hawaii's medical marijuana program for another year, Gov. Linda Lingle has imprudently vetoed SB 1058. This exploratory legislation sought to establish a task force to examine crucial issues surrounding Hawaii's medical marijuana law; however, Gov. Lingle has for the second year in a row snubbed patients by vetoing this legislation after it passed both chambers of the state legislature by overwhelming margins.

But the fight is not over as lawmakers can still choose to override the governor's veto, which the Senate actually did last year with a 21-1 vote (unfortunately, the House failed to follow suit). Please print and mail a letter to each of your state legislators asking them to override Gov. Lingle's veto of SB 1058. We encourage you to personalize your letter as much as possible in order to maximize its effect.
After you have sent your letter, please follow up with a call asking your lawmakers to override Gov. Lingle's veto of SB 1058.
In her veto message, Gov. Lingle cites what is for all practical purposes a non-existent conflict between state and federal law over medical marijuana as the grounds for her objection. Gov. Lingle has held tight to this reasoning through two administrations, despite the fact that President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder have announced an end to federal interference with state medical marijuana laws. Governor Lingle's reasoning is not only outdated, it irrationally ignores the fact that Hawaii already has a medical marijuana program that has been up and running for nine years, so any claim that simply examining this law somehow violates federal law flies in the face of reason.
Thank you for supporting the improvement of Hawaii's medical marijuana program. With the help of citizens like you, we can convince legislators to override Gov. Lingle's veto of SB 1058 and enact it into law this year. Please forward this alert to others in Hawaii who might also be interested in doing what is right for Hawaii's sick and dying.

Nathan Miller
Legislative Analyst
Marijuana Policy Project

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I'm gonna mail her a letter and put some 'powder' inside... LOL

just a joke guys!!!! hehehheheh I would never waste a stamp on her :)


Well-Known Member
hurray!! kkday just stopped by and left me some sweet herb. MAHALO!! Aunty was hurting LOL!! now i'm gonna fill my pipe and fade away, aloha for today all you players. aunty loves you guys, aloha and have a safe night.


Well-Known Member
hey aunty, what strain kkday had??
good news everyone. i just scored some white widow seeds from a friend that got them off line and a few choice looking seeds from a friend that was just on big island. hopefully sativas. hope its not to late for me to plant. oh well i can clone cant i? aloha


Active Member
Hey guys. Now that I have my card and all... I have nowhere to grow! I cant grow where am at and I don't know anyone here. Any Ideas?