Hawaii Growers

2014-02-12 20.45.21.png
The first pic is of the duckfoot cross . This strain is very stink, sticky and stoney... it has a very sour smell in the jar. If you smoked sweettooth then its kinda like that sour but way more potent... very pleased with this strain. We crossed it with our purple chernobyl so well see wut that turns out to be next run
2014-02-12 20.44.52.png this is the Purple Chernobyl.... sorry if I had the strains mixed up haha the first plant was very spicy peppery like with earthy hashy after taste.. the other three plants had there own flavors too one was grapey one taste like trainwreck and the purple one taste alot stronger grapes and hash ono licious... got the next run goin and new seeds to start hope your 2014 is as sticky as mine aloha
Did you register with the rickdabrick name at both sites? Once ya let me know that I will pm Cannazon, LOS is a private site and one needs to be referred, use referer Swami, Rising Moon, or surfdoutnhawaii....:-)

Thanks Surfd. After I posted last night, I emailed the Cannazon administrator and he got it figured out real quick. They just missed my registration. And I just got my LOS account activated today also. RIU is the only forum I go by "rikdabrick"; on all the other ones it's "Lightweight". Thanks for your willingness to help a bruddha out.

On a side note, your plants are looking good :)
On another side note, I'm missing the "Like" button a little bit. That's my thing; cruise around and hit the "Like" button. You guys have a bunch of posts I would be "Like"ing, but I can't just be posting ^^^^Like^^^^ below everybody's posts; it would be too much. And most of you guys who have been around for awhile are also the only guys I rep on this site and RIU just tells me I need to go rep someone else, but ain't nobody got time for that!


Anyway, thanks guys for keeping it real.
Any of you ever deal with root mealybugs in your soil? Pain in the ass cuz you don't know they are there till your plant starts mysteriously yellowing and budding slows down alot. One or two of my plants had them, I chopped earlier than i wanted and threw the soil in a trash bag. Gonna brew up some neem/karanja tea mixed with Cap's bennies for the beauveria bassiana, and drench everything.

Anyone have other suggestions that arent outrageously priced bottled pesticides?

I just looked them up. Have you looked into any type of predator bug, bacteria, fungus, etc. I'll look into it too. I've got one plant that's got some weird yellowing and pretty much stopped flowering a few weeks ago and it should have at least another week to go. So, if it doesn't do anything, that will be about a month of totally stunted flowering. My other plants are looking good on cruising along normally. They all have the same soil mix. I really hope I don't have a mealybug problem with that plant. It's in a 300 gallon planter and that would be a lot of dirt to fix. It's probably not the case; probably just a little soil hypochondria on my part.
I just looked them up. Have you looked into any type of predator bug, bacteria, fungus, etc. I'll look into it too. I've got one plant that's got some weird yellowing and pretty much stopped flowering a few weeks ago and it should have at least another week to go. So, if it doesn't do anything, that will be about a month of totally stunted flowering. My other plants are looking good on cruising along normally. They all have the same soil mix. I really hope I don't have a mealybug problem with that plant. It's in a 300 gallon planter and that would be a lot of dirt to fix. It's probably not the case; probably just a little soil hypochondria on my part.

The cap's bennies I have aka OG Biowar has a bunch of strains of bacteria/fungus in it to battle mites and stuff, I guess I need to brew it up stronger than I've been doing.

Also, DE won't work as the Root Mealybugs are already deep in the soil sucking the life out of the roots. If you dig around some in your soil and expose your roots, if you see any white, waxy mold looking stuff you have root mealybugs. Next time as a preventive I will mix more karanja and neem meal into my soil mix. Luckily only one or two of my plants are affected.

"The foliar pack is designed as a 100% safe, non chemical spray for insect control. It contains the following species at 5 billion organisms per gram each.

-Bacillus thuringiensis: for the destruction of caterpillars and fungus gnat larvae.
-Beauveria bassiana: will control a number of pests such as termites, thrips, whiteflies, aphids, and beetles.
-Metarhizium anisopliae: will infect spittle bugs and weevils, and thrips.
-Verticillium lecanii: will infect and kill aphids, whiteflies, rust fungi, and scale.
-Paecilomyces: will effectively eradicate many pests, including several species of spider mites
-Bacillus spp: for control of powdery mildew
-Rhodopseudomonas palustris- photosynthetic bacteria
-Rhodospirillum rubrum-photosynthetic bacteria
-Saccharopolyspora spinosa"
Yeah smells pretty dang good, is that what Flo smells like? She is a nice plant, is she good with mold?
Mine didn't do that great with mold, shitty breeding most likely. The Flo leaning pheno I had of Flojack smelled hashy, earthy, kinda spicy. I imagine the smell is a lot more subtle than Albert Walkers, isn't that diesel? I tried writing you back at LOS, but your inbox is full. Thanks for the kind words though, and explaining. Really helped!! :)
Mine didn't do that great with mold shitty breeding most likely. The Flo leaning pheno I had of Flojack smelled hashy, earthy, kinda spicy. I imagine the smell is a lot more subtle than Albert Walkers, isn't that diesel? I tried writing you back at LOS, but your inbox is full. Thanks for the kind words though, and explaining. Really helped!! :)

I think it may just be an indoor selected plant. If a plant really doesnt have a chance to prove its mold resistance it is not possible for a breeder to select for it. Thats why i dont really wanna grow any strain that was bred indoors which 95% of commercial breeders are doing. My plant seems to be doing pretty well so far.....
flo should have a berry-ish type of smell. this Flo32 has it with a little zinger from the 32. Albert Walker has no comparison. it is in a class by itself. its not chem, og, diesel. it has complexity in flavor, smell, high. straight Dank. no worries bro, you can fill da bucket up with killas den give um back :) nah bully all good!!

Yeah smells pretty dang good, is that what Flo smells like? She is a nice plant, is she good with mold?
not sure on mold yet bro, I know she gets a larger than normal top which I garuantee will mold if too much rain. my buddy breeds for indoors as he is an indoor grower. dirty has one so he will be able to finish it out as much as it can go outdo and will be able to tell. aloha guys, keep pumping, I am about to germ some seeds for a short first part of the long season. my plan is to do maybe 1 or 2 as big as I can get um during long season and do the rest all indica hybrids which should finish early like July sometime. at least that's the plan. aloha guys, good luck!!