Hawaii Growers

Should I name that plant bio widow, lol. I watched a few minutes of that video, I forget the couple's names, but they farm with their shit.I understand what he was saying about the cycle, but people don't eat like we did hundreds of years ago. I don't wanna use recycled McDonald's to grow meds, fuck that.

Bio Widow!!!....good one! Composting human turds has been around for hundreds of years if not longer.....the problem with sewage sludge is all the other toxic nasties that make their way into the treatment facilities, but you make a valid point, since most of our population is consuming toxic food to begin with its a good idea to steer clear from sewage sludge/biosoilds products in general.
I think we can all agree that we would rather not use biosludge from major cities, but I would trust buds grown from properly composted shit from a hippy couple that grow their own food. Plus, most animal by-product amendments are not much cleaner depending where they are sourced...lots of animals eat GMO feed and get pumped with antibiotics and growth hormones to make them fat and healthy cuz they are raised in such shitty environments.

Anyway, here's a Lotus Larry lower. I first put it outside to flower next to our dead christmas tree and the next morning it was covered in some fucked up dark mold, so I defoliated the shit out of it to get rid of the problem, pretty much till there were only budsites and no fan leaves at all. It bounced back in about a week and now looking to finish super fast. I dont really keep track of flowering times but It can't be more than 40 days in flower now. Probiotics supposedly help things ripen quicker and the terpene's are much more enhanced on the outdoor version vs. the indoor.

I got a reply back from Kellogg's and here is what they have to say.

Hi Cooter,

Rest assured that we do not use sewage/biosolids in any of our products. With Kellogg and Gardner & Bloome brand soils and fertilizers, we've taken the extra step of getting OMRI listed for use in organic gardens. OMRI is an approved certifying agent of the USDA's National Organic Program ("USDA NOP"). They reviewed every one of our ingredients all the way back to the source, as well as our manufacturing processes and confirmed that our products comply with USDA's NOP program. This means that our products could be used on a certified organic farm, so using them in your backyard will help you grow produce that is just as tasty and safe to eat as organic produce at the supermarket. Well, what you grow in your backyard should be even more tasty than supermarket produce because you can't get more fresh than picking something and cooking it that same day!

You can see all of our OMRI listed organic products on their website: http://www.omri.org/simple-opl-search/results/kellogg

Hope this information relieves your worry and you can enjoy some worry-free gardening! Please feel free to contact me anytime with your questions about our products, whether it's what's in them or how to use them, or anything garden related.

Kind regards,
Jeff Beck
Yes, I heard they don't use sludge anymore starting this year I believe.

Now on probiotics/EM, this is something you use to put life in your soil right? If you have recycled organic soil made with high quality EWC, dont you already have that and more? New research shows we don't need AACTs near as much as we thought, the microbes are there already...same with bokashi right? You don't bokashi/IMO the forest floor right? Thanks guys, let me know if I am looking at this wrong.
Here is a pic of the Love Child I found growing next to the compost pile:

I think it is from the AOS father - Mulanje x AOS :)

coots and surfd, I know what you guys are talking about. my friend just went thru the same thing with his doc. another friend was going to be his primary, but since the other friend is already a primary for someone else, doc didn't approve it. I told him to just write down that friend's address as his permanent addy. the new laws go into effect next year, so the point will be moot soon I think. I haven't totally checked out the new law, but I think they now limit how many can be grown on one property. I know guys over here that used to have no shit like 10 cards to their properties. lol. I never heard of them getting busted. aloha brothers, oh and nice plant Kalo!
coots and surfd, I know what you guys are talking about. my friend just went thru the same thing with his doc. another friend was going to be his primary, but since the other friend is already a primary for someone else, doc didn't approve it. I told him to just write down that friend's address as his permanent addy. the new laws go into effect next year, so the point will be moot soon I think. I haven't totally checked out the new law, but I think they now limit how many can be grown on one property. I know guys over here that used to have no shit like 10 cards to their properties. lol. I never heard of them getting busted. aloha brothers, oh and nice plant Kalo!

Thanks for the info Happy!!! The (TWSSis#3xSchromFrost) are coming along pretty nice. Hope all is well!
I usually get about dozen seeds from every dyna widow I harvest. Finally decided to try one. Here she is.

She looks like straight indica.I was planning on putting her outside, but I'm thinking indoor would be better for her.