Hawaii Growers

Stay safe everyone! Hopefully next year with the medical program switching over to the department of health instead of public safety we will have less teaming up with the green harvest peepers. Hopefully the health dept. will respect are privacy a little more and not share info with the feds. Wishful thinking I suppose :???:...
noticing some various imperfections with my seedlings and took short, very close up videos of each of them if anyone wants to play "guess the mistake(s) this Vcard rookie is making" :bigjoint:

This blows my mind that we waste money flying around checking on people growing and counting plants.. Spend that money going after wife beaters and child molesters.. GEEZ
Sorry I'll calm down now and some some bubba K..
Thanks for the head's up, though I'm a legal grower as hard as it is sometimes. How do you know when they're here or where they are? I also had a chopper fly pretty low and hang out for a while, but I didn't look outside because there's been so many lava activity helicopters around it didn't really phase me too much. It did cross my mind at the time though.

It's pretty much word of mouth, dirtboy said he got a visit at his place by the NED asking to do a compliance check and he let them in his greenhouse to count plants. They used to have a pretty up to date thread on icmag of when GH was flying but no one has posted in it in a while.
noticing some various imperfections with my seedlings and took short, very close up videos of each of them if anyone wants to play "guess the mistake(s) this Vcard rookie is making" :bigjoint:

What kind of soil are you using? If you are using bagged soil it may be a little too abundant in nutrients for seedlings and you may want to consider cutting it with some peat moss or vermiculite. Seeds are self-sustaining for the first few weeks and don't need any ferts for those first weeks. The seedlings look fine for that stage...sometimes they come out a little haggard but eventually sort themselves out.
More perlite in the soil Rory. Kaloconnect nailed it, premix soil has plenty of nutes and seedlings don't need much. Also possible overwatering? At that stage in that big of containers I would say 5-7 days between waterings depending on conditions. It's equally important for the roots to get air, and they can grow to find water in the bottom of the container.
ya bagged soil. 2 weeks from sprout is in 3 or 4 days, so ill leave em alone until then. i have some more perlite left over and can mix more into their permanent pots.

overwatering was def an issue. ive left em alone for 36 hours, got them in 3 or 4 hours of direct sun last 2 days and theyre doin great. leaves are growing great, yellowing almost gone, wilting halted... 2 nodes in... thanks both of ya...
It's pretty much word of mouth, dirtboy said he got a visit at his place by the NED asking to do a compliance check and he let them in his greenhouse to count plants. They used to have a pretty up to date thread on icmag of when GH was flying but no one has posted in it in a while.

Cool. Thanks.
Wow, I just learned that GH teams with medical program. Checking to see who has more than 7? My tax dollars at work?
Wow, I just learned that GH teams with medical program. Checking to see who has more than 7? My tax dollars at work?

You mean they use the same chopper? or Medics count your plants while they're rolling you out of your house? How are they teaming with the medics? Money wise?

Just wondering.... Not being cocky or anything..... I was reading back what I wrote and noticed it could be read in that manner and cause some unpleasant grief should my reasons for asking be misunderstood. :smile:
Well, my neighbor told me that they actually fly around to check if med growers are keeping within their limits. They flew over his house even though his brother who has the card had moved elsewhere. It seems like a very costly compliance program if thats the case.
I'm thinking that the overtime pay and contracts make the MJ compliance complex a self filfilling entity. Good for the economy if it is Fed Money. Excuse me for rambling. Thoughts can be dangerous. But, it ain't illegal yet.
Thanks for the head's up, though I'm a legal grower as hard as it is sometimes. How do you know when they're here or where they are? I also had a chopper fly pretty low and hang out for a while, but I didn't look outside because there's been so many lava activity helicopters around it didn't really phase me too much. It did cross my mind at the time though.
I know you all will think I'm crazy to toss out four 9', finished, full of bud plants because we maxed out what we could have per medical card but I did. I could of been set and not had to grow for a very long time if we didn't have a 3 oz limit each. I did get to choose and pick what to keep from each plant, but, I hated to throw the plants in a pile to rot away.

I don't usually let my plants get that big, so I haven't had to do that before. However, I'd rather do that and have too much at harvest than to get a bunch of bud rot, mold, thin material that I wouldn't be able to keep anyway. Seems like the laws don't take into consideration the amount of time to fully grow or all the things that could possibly go wrong to ruin a crop. I do understand the amounts set are to prevent the sale etc.

Anyway, I don't know why I wrote all this. :peace:

Well, thanks for your contribution. Do you have any experience with or information on actual compliance enforcement? My understanding was that an initiative was passed in Hawaii County for low level MJ issues to be executed as the lowest priority for HPD. I heard that that law set the threshold at 24 plants. If true then it seems that our tax dollars are being wasted looking at the 7 plant rule for Med growers. Is it a State compliance vs County thing? So, is GH a state or county thing? Sorry for rambling - I find these things interesting.
Thanks for the head's up, though I'm a legal grower as hard as it is sometimes. How do you know when they're here or where they are? I also had a chopper fly pretty low and hang out for a while, but I didn't look outside because there's been so many lava activity helicopters around it didn't really phase me too much. It did cross my mind at the time though.
I know you all will think I'm crazy to toss out four 9', finished, full of bud plants because we maxed out what we could have per medical card but I did. I could of been set and not had to grow for a very long time if we didn't have a 3 oz limit each. I did get to choose and pick what to keep from each plant, but, I hated to throw the plants in a pile to rot away.

I don't usually let my plants get that big, so I haven't had to do that before. However, I'd rather do that and have too much at harvest than to get a bunch of bud rot, mold, thin material that I wouldn't be able to keep anyway. Seems like the laws don't take into consideration the amount of time to fully grow or all the things that could possibly go wrong to ruin a crop. I do understand the amounts set are to prevent the sale etc.

Anyway, I don't know why I wrote all this. :peace:

Shhhh.....I suppose that they contract local Helicopter companies. I've also heard you can look out for their vehicles staying at a local hotel in your area. For example KMC. It would be nice to know where all the leaks are. :)
Well, thanks for your contribution. Do you have any experience with or information on actual compliance enforcement? My understanding was that an initiative was passed in Hawaii County for low level MJ issues to be executed as the lowest priority for HPD. I heard that that law set the threshold at 24 plants. If true then it seems that our tax dollars are being wasted looking at the 7 plant rule for Med growers. Is it a State compliance vs County thing? So, is GH a state or county thing? Sorry for rambling - I find these things interesting.
Howzit kupihea?

GH is a state and fed thing so local county ordinances don't affect them, but I've never heard of anybody getting busted on the B.I. for 24 plants or less. They might get their plants cut, but I haven't heard of an arrest for 24 plants since the Lowest Law Enforment Priority went into effect, so even though GH is state and fed I think they are flexible enough to not arrest you for that amount. Just my observation, don't hold me to it if GH has a bad day and arrests somebody on here for 24 plants, ha ha.