Hawaii Growers

Sup guys looks like everyones still growing some killas. I've been out of the loop for a bit and have been wondering about the status of recreational MJ in Hawaii. Anyone got the skinny?
Hey HiloReign! It's been awhile. Hopefully things have been well for you. I don't have any inside info, but I'd guess 2-5 years. Even if they pass legislation this next round I'm sure it still won't go into effect for another year or two. Just my guess.
Been good my friend, thanks for asking. It has indeed been a while but it's good to see familiar people! Visited Oregon recently and I'm just a bit jealous of their mmj program. Hurts to see Hawaii lag behind when I think recreational weed would cause a small tourism boom as well as generate some $ through locals as well. Not to mention all the people who can get help, get high, or get a job. It's all good though; hope it has been the same for you too rik~

On another note, after all these years of growing I still have trouble sprouting my seeds. I'm starting to think a ziploc in the closet hasn't been working for storage and these jiffy-pellet peat moss deals have not allowed a single seed to crack. Usually just run tap water+peatmoss pellet, no soak nothin. Anyone sprouting beans on the regular that wants to share with me? I'd appreciate that big time.
Been good my friend, thanks for asking. It has indeed been a while but it's good to see familiar people! Visited Oregon recently and I'm just a bit jealous of their mmj program. Hurts to see Hawaii lag behind when I think recreational weed would cause a small tourism boom as well as generate some $ through locals as well. Not to mention all the people who can get help, get high, or get a job. It's all good though; hope it has been the same for you too rik~

On another note, after all these years of growing I still have trouble sprouting my seeds. I'm starting to think a ziploc in the closet hasn't been working for storage and these jiffy-pellet peat moss deals have not allowed a single seed to crack. Usually just run tap water+peatmoss pellet, no soak nothin. Anyone sprouting beans on the regular that wants to share with me? I'd appreciate that big time.
I used to never have a problem starting seeds until I moved to our most recent house. Apparently there's something about the well water that seeds don't like. It's got a pH of 7.6 and a decent amount of calcium, magnesium, sodium and chloride so maybe that has something to do with it. Anyway, I started soaking my seeds in distilled water from the store with a little bit of hydrogen peroxide for 12 hours-ish or until they start to crack and then I just put them in some coco or peat moss mix or Root Riot cubes and I've had very good results since. If I'm using Root Riot cubes I poke a hole all the way through with something thin. It might not matter, but I figure I just give them a little pathway for the taproot to go down.
I started manually cracking any seeds that don't split in 48 hrs. Sometimes the shells are too hard and need a little bit of a jump start to get going.
I usually just let my seeds float overnight in a cup of filtered tap water with a little splash of h202 and they will often just sprout on the surface of the water. I just started some 3 or 4 year old Karma OG seeds I kept in my fridge and they all popped in less than 24 hours.
I started manually cracking any seeds that don't split in 48 hrs. Sometimes the shells are too hard and need a little bit of a jump start to get going.
I usually just let my seeds float overnight in a cup of filtered tap water with a little splash of h202 and they will often just sprout on the surface of the water. I just started some 3 or 4 year old Karma OG seeds I kept in my fridge and they all popped in less than 24 hours.

How are you cracking them? Pliars, tweezers, teeth etc. I would like to try it.
Damn I used to crack seeds open with my fingers if they wouldn't germinate too, I just haven't had much luck. Thanks for the replies guys, I'm beginning to think it has something to do with my tap water; i've no idea what's in it.
I'm going to grab some filtered water and try a small splash of h202. It seems by the time my seeds can sprout they've already been taken over by fungi.

Eh you guys are super helpful; thanks ah!
How are you cracking them? Pliars, tweezers, teeth etc. I would like to try it.
I just use my fingers and squeeze near the pointy end of the seed just until the shell splits, sometimes the seed tail will immediately start growing within a couple hours. There's also a guy named woodshed on IG that sells a seed cracking device he makes.
Damn I used to crack seeds open with my fingers if they wouldn't germinate too, I just haven't had much luck. Thanks for the replies guys, I'm beginning to think it has something to do with my tap water; i've no idea what's in it.
I'm going to grab some filtered water and try a small splash of h202. It seems by the time my seeds can sprout they've already been taken over by fungi.

Eh you guys are super helpful; thanks ah!
If that doesn't work then it might be your storage conditions. I keep mine in a mason jar taped black with electrical tape in the fridge with some small dessicant packets. It's worked well for me so far.

The Jiffy peat pellets should be fine I think. We sprout a lot of other plant seeds in those and we have good results with them. I soften them up a bit too by just squeezing around the sides a bit.

The H2O2 was a good tip I picked up from someone on here. I think it's pretty helpful for getting rid of any nasty microbes on the outside of the shell.

Keep us updated and I hope the best for your efforts!
If that doesn't work then it might be your storage conditions. I keep mine in a mason jar taped black with electrical tape in the fridge with some small dessicant packets. It's worked well for me so far.

The Jiffy peat pellets should be fine I think. We sprout a lot of other plant seeds in those and we have good results with them. I soften them up a bit too by just squeezing around the sides a bit.

The H2O2 was a good tip I picked up from someone on here. I think it's pretty helpful for getting rid of any nasty microbes on the outside of the shell.

Keep us updated and I hope the best for your efforts!

Riot posted a study about treating seeds with 15% H202 for 24 hrs greatly increased germination rates vs. no peroxide. That is definitely strong enough to burn your skin. The article says the peroxide is actually chemically scarifying the seed coating, and allows the seed to take in more oxygen while keeping everything sterile. The study said it was 95% success with H202 vs 67% untreated.
Riot posted a study about treating seeds with 15% H202 for 24 hrs greatly increased germination rates vs. no peroxide. That is definitely strong enough to burn your skin. The article says the peroxide is actually chemically scarifying the seed coating, and allows the seed to take in more oxygen while keeping everything sterile. The study said it was 95% success with H202 vs 67% untreated.
That's some good info! I didn't do anywhere close to that concentration. I probably did around a 1/4-1/2 teaspoon in a couple ounces of water with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Not very much, but it was enough to have the little H2O2 bubbles doing their thing on the outside of the seeds shell. It seemed to be helpful. I might have some 70% H2O2 around here. Maybe I'll dilute it down to 15% and test it out.