Hawaii Growers

You probable know this but had to make sure. My friend's had babies but he didn't keep everything wetter then normal and their little tongues got stuck on stuff the mom no worries. That's is my 2 cents. Hope the Nirvana goes good for you . I had some and it was ok but there are way better brands at least I didn't spend a lot of money but time is money. It is lunch time now but it sounded like someone was getting their plants taken that copter is very loud and still makes my heart jump even when I have the right amount of plants. Glad I didn't have to work today so I can watch the action.
Thank you East, appreciate it. I took care of them for a week they were fine, I put fruit in with the babies, good ecosystem for nats to breed in and they were licking on the fruit. I live right up the mountain a couple miles from you, heres a pic of the chopper:
they were flying FUCKING low, sorry but fuck is my favorite adjective.
Thank you East, appreciate it. I took care of them for a week they were fine, I put fruit in with the babies, good ecosystem for nats to breed in and they were licking on the fruit. I live right up the mountain a couple miles from you, heres a pic of the chopper:
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they were flying FUCKING low, sorry but fuck is my favorite adjective.

That's cool bro, it happens to be my favorite VERB! LOL
The other one was grey, i hate how they tell us GH is "self" funded and in order for them to still get funds is to..well you know, and how GH is still around to make funds for other drug eradication programs..these bastards better not forget i have the right to bear arms and an ohana as far as i look at it that could be a "terrorist" for all i know ;-) frustrates me how i never noticed them until i went legal.
heres some pics of the areas i found mold on. i went to ohanas in kaneohe and dey never have that greencure stuff. any other suggestions. and hows dis dirty little worm.
oh yeah. I would cut that moldy part off. and that's from those caterpillars/worms whatever is on your finger. I think all of us who grew outdoors here encountered that once in their grow life.

you should take some time in your garden to inspect those plants for more and if you see any, pull em off.
heres some pics of the areas i found mold on. i went to ohanas in kaneohe and dey never have that greencure stuff. any other suggestions. and hows dis dirty little worm.
There is another Bicarbonate it is called Old Fashion Koolaau Farmers should have. Get something to kill those worms they are causing some of the rot. They are many types be sure to use a sticker Tri ton -b I think.
I think you're mistaken, all it is is a jar with a special filling on top that helps the fermentation process while keeping the seal. All I do is add organic pickling cukes from my garden, with a little sea salt and some fresh dill and garlic and spices. I keep them around 65 degrees in my wine chiller and in 3 days I have home fermented pickles. The natural acid forms, and there is no vinegar added, they are completely alive with probiotics. Commercial pickles are basically boiled and canned in vinegar, and there is nothing alive about them, I fully agree! What did you think I was talking about?
This is it: http://www.perfectpickler.com/pages/How-It-Works.html

You're assuming that I'm actually putting any thought into what you have to say... i really don't want to be an asshole to you, that's not my intention, but i really don't find much value in your opinion/opinions or anything else you might have to say.
heres some pics of the areas i found mold on. i went to ohanas in kaneohe and dey never have that greencure stuff. any other suggestions. and hows dis dirty little worm.

try this homemade mixture with baking soda Coots when mention.
Green Cure (potassium bicarbonate) is a product that will stop mold in it's track, it actually kills mold spores, Baking Soda (sodium bicarbonate) will also work, mix one tablespoon each of baking soda, horticultural oil(neem oil) and insecticidal soap together in one gallon of water. Then spray them down brah. Moving forward spray your plants with this concoction every two weeks as a preventive measure. cheehoo!

you can probably take that thing down soon, like week or so looks like to me and still be in the smokeable range. i would just chop off the brown mold out and let her grow. i WOULD NOT be putting any kind of spray or anything on those buds at this point. let mother nature get her cut and you can have the rest. if you can move her, just put her under something to keep the rain off of her if at all possible. pick off all caterpillars you see and last of all that is a very nice plant my friend!! great job!!!!
Braddahs, mahalos for the tips. Will def make some of that mix up and use it as a preventative measure. mahalos for all useful info let's hope this harvest brings me much joy. It already has. Again, this is my first grow so I can only expect things to get better. Now I just gotta find some good genetics. Aurite. Alohas braddahs
Thank you East, appreciate it. I took care of them for a week they were fine, I put fruit in with the babies, good ecosystem for nats to breed in and they were licking on the fruit. I live right up the mountain a couple miles from you, heres a pic of the chopper:
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they were flying FUCKING low, sorry but fuck is my favorite adjective.

So where are today's pics Fuck 4 hours of them you would think 1 hour would be enough but no my wife just laughs and says fuckem.
Cuz they ain't finding shit those desperate bastards! but cheese and rice man I know, I wouldn't doubt it if they come back tomorrow also. My wifey was getting pissed because they were flying so low, and when she gets mad it starts a chain reaction so she had me going too..no pics today haha, but GH probably got a nice mental image of my okole off my porch today :lol:
I'm not sure if anybody on here has mentioned this, but if you guys are planning on ordering seeds soon, now might be a good time. The euro is down and I've noticed that seed prices have dropped at a couple of seedbanks (the attitude, nirvana) in the past few weeks. I wanted to order some Kali Mist seeds from The Attitude and I think they were around $125 a month ago or so, last week they were around $119 and now they're $108. I have to wait for a little while longer anyhow. I finally got to get on a computer after packing and moving for the past few weeks. Moving back to Maui tomorrow. I'm going to miss the Big Island, it's so rad on so many levels; definitely more my style, but my wife is too sensitive to the vog. Oh well, live and learn I guess. Maui's cool too, just in different ways. And I got to agree that the Doc has some pretty great quotes for his signature lines.
You're assuming that I'm actually putting any thought into what you have to say... i really don't want to be an asshole to you, that's not my intention, but i really don't find much value in your opinion/opinions or anything else you might have to say.
It's refreshing to see such honesty in a time where the world is so full of bull and fake politeness. Not only will I like this, but I've repped you again as per the usual schedule... ;) Seriously, I'm so used to getting my ass kissed, it's pretty nice to get a little hazing once in a while from Coot... You'd think I'd want to curse you with regularity or something, bit nope... Luv ya all the same my man...

I'm on a plane to Oahu this morning, gotta head over for some business that'll turn into a leisurely weekend. Look out Femme Nu!