Well-Known Member
Thank you East, appreciate it. I took care of them for a week they were fine, I put fruit in with the babies, good ecosystem for nats to breed in and they were licking on the fruit. I live right up the mountain a couple miles from you, heres a pic of the chopper:You probable know this but had to make sure. My friend's had babies but he didn't keep everything wetter then normal and their little tongues got stuck on stuff the mom no worries. That's is my 2 cents. Hope the Nirvana goes good for you . I had some and it was ok but there are way better brands at least I didn't spend a lot of money but time is money. It is lunch time now but it sounded like someone was getting their plants taken that copter is very loud and still makes my heart jump even when I have the right amount of plants. Glad I didn't have to work today so I can watch the action.

they were flying FUCKING low, sorry but fuck is my favorite adjective.