Hawaii Growers

Nice bud brah, got sticky fingers too. I started wearing gloves when I trim. Other wise I would run out rubbing alcohol. Pussy good haha.

Steetki fingahz...lol I had a nice little chunk of finger hash when i was done trimming. The Jack is a really nice sativa type high.
Last year I picked them off by hand and I thought I was doing a great organic job. When I was trimming I must have cleaned out over 200 bud worms and lost half of my harvest to poop filled buds. This year I am using Sevin to kill the soil bugs before I plant and Safer Caterpillar Killer to kill the budworms. Working great so far. Started seeing the worms in June and sprayed the Safer two times (need to use 2 tbsp per gallon and Coco wet) and I have not seen any more worms! We will see what she looks like at harvest - that will be the final test.


brah, it is sooooo easy to miss some of those green little caterpillars my friend. I find it a lot easier looking for their shit(Black little balls or specks), than the actual caterpillar themselves. Spray BT once a week for a preventive outlook.
Protecting most likely. From what I gather, that there is the native Hawaiian mo'o endiginous only to Hawaii. Looks just as healthy as the buds. Nice job bro.
Nice Brah...love the fade, what soil and nutes are you using?

alright braddah mahalo. promix bx medium. i usually use tigerbloom but just tried the floranova bloom alongside for a taste test to see which is better or how similar they are. aloha, and keep growing!!
I've got a fem plant and the top pistils are turning brown and there isn't any buds yet can they recover?the bottom of this plant looks totally fine with whites hairs

post some pic brah! have you sprayed anything on them? indoors or outdoors? if you're indoors how far away are your plants from the light?
Any Sativa experts out there?

My big plant in a can is starting to get the yellow leaves (fade) and I was wondering if I need to give her anything special until harvest?



Plant (note the yellow leaves on the ground - that is just from today):


Hey guys, need some help again. So I did a trial dry/cure on some colas that I cut off early due to bud worms. Also bought a hygrometer. So I trimmed, and dried the buds for 5 days before they went into the jar. They felt over dried, but following the advice given here on earlier posts, that should be ok right? My ambient rh is around 70-75. In the jars the rh is 68-70. Today I noticed some mold on one of the colas, also I can smell a faint ammonia smell (which prompted me to look for mold). The rest of the harvest is coming up and starting to worry, I don't want to loose the whole harvest cause I don't know what I'm doing post harvest apparently.