Hawaii Growers

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The amendments were:
1) Reduce the number of plants to 7 (requested 10 plants in the bill) but keep the provision in the bill that removes the “immature” and “mature” definitions in the prgram;
2) Reduce the patient caregiver ratio from 1:5 to 1:3 (requested was a 1:5 ratio);
3) And put the bill into effect July 1, 2050

That's not a misprint. It goes into effect in 2050. I was really stoked to see this bill pass and then I read that... really lame. No point in passing this bill; it'll be legal long before then.
The amendments were:
1) Reduce the number of plants to 7 (requested 10 plants in the bill) but keep the provision in the bill that removes the “immature” and “mature” definitions in the prgram;
2) Reduce the patient caregiver ratio from 1:5 to 1:3 (requested was a 1:5 ratio);
3) And put the bill into effect July 1, 2050

That's not a misprint. It goes into effect in 2050. I was really stoked to see this bill pass and then I read that... really lame. No point in passing this bill; it'll be legal long before then.

Yea that was pointless.... bum trip but thanks for the update...
things aren't gonna change for us cannabis users until we decide to take matters into our own hands! We elect political figures because we believe that they represent our "core values",or so they say they do. Then these "pricks", get into office and pull an 180 degree pivot on our core values! Why? Because some corporate lobbyist puts big bucks into the pocket of our elected officials. It's a sham, and a shame all in one!

How many of you have asked , "why can't we be like Colorado & Washington"? I know I have countless times, over sleepless nights wondering how our coward elected officials were gonna respond to the cops response to bill HB150. Well, once again the intentions were good, but our elected officials have balls the size of "spanish peanuts", when in fact we need our lawmakers to have balls the size of "Cadillac Hubcaps"!

We need to move forward and try to change our laws ASAP. In case you were wondering. I'll tell you why we can't follow Washington or Colorado. In order for us to do that we need to change the law. These states got recreational cannabis put on the ballot because of "ballot initiatives", something the state of Hawaii currently won't allow. WE have to change that, so we too can have the will of the people heard! Until that day, we can look at our lawmakers like a bunch of "cock teasers", with their bullshit. Cause that's all it is is bullshit!

It's also time to explore the possibilities of change the laws of these lawmakers too. I think we should have term limits on both federal & state jobs in both houses. Fuck these cowards who bend over and drop their pants & grab their ankles for the Honolulu Police without any questions. WE need true elected officials who will follow the will of the people, and not fall prey to their own moral standards.
I wonder how much apathy played in Hawaii cannabis bill going down? If you sit and wait for others to do the work, shit will fly back in our faces,....and here it comes:


You could have less than an ounce of weed and lose your home! What kinda bullshit is this?

Malama Solomon is one of the co-authors of that bill..
Unfortunately we just elected her in November..

You are right about the apathy of this crowd we belong to..
Who is leading this sad charge to nowhere? Where is NORML or whatever the other group that supports MMJ in Hawaii..
No offense to these advocates but lining up testimonial witnesses for hearings and committees never worked in California or anyplace else for that matter..
It's a legislator's ploy to get the public to feel like they are stakeholders in the legislative decisions..
Then the legislators turn around and do what is best for them politically..

A political movement is what it will take.. something similar to what the Tea Party is doing..
Ironic how all those nutjobs from the tea party can organize themselves and effectively take out US senate seats (and almost a presidential election), yet we have a supposedly "more unified" cause...
they always date the bill forward like that. it will actually take effect on the next calendar year i believe. that is just there so the bill can advance with no time tables.

that other bill is lame and won't pass. Roth is ok, Rudermann got his place by growing the shit back in the day. no way would they let this bill stand as is. im just happy ashida didn't get in or we would all be fucked!

now where's everyone's pictures at, fuck the politics!!! aloha
The amendments were:
1) Reduce the number of plants to 7 (requested 10 plants in the bill) but keep the provision in the bill that removes the “immature” and “mature” definitions in the prgram;
2) Reduce the patient caregiver ratio from 1:5 to 1:3 (requested was a 1:5 ratio);
3) And put the bill into effect July 1, 2050

That's not a misprint. It goes into effect in 2050. I was really stoked to see this bill pass and then I read that... really lame. No point in passing this bill; it'll be legal long before then.

they always date the bill forward like that. it will actually take effect on the next calendar year i believe. that is just there so the bill can advance with no time tables.

I believe Highhawyn! is correct.
I wonder how much apathy played in Hawaii cannabis bill going down? If you sit and wait for others to do the work, shit will fly back in our faces,....and here it comes:


You could have less than an ounce of weed and lose your home! What kinda bullshit is this?

DLNR wants to seize everybody's land so that they can sell it to the highest bidder. LOL what a piece of shit bill.
they always date the bill forward like that. it will actually take effect on the next calendar year i believe. that is just there so the bill can advance with no time tables.

that other bill is lame and won't pass. Roth is ok, Rudermann got his place by growing the shit back in the day. no way would they let this bill stand as is. im just happy ashida didn't get in or we would all be fucked!

now where's everyone's pictures at, fuck the politics!!! aloha

I didn't know that about how they date these measures. Thanks for the info.
Though the House killed one Cannabis recreational bills. We(Hawaii), still have a couple of pokers in the fire to hold strong to:

  • HB 667 which would clarify existing medical marijuana laws,
  • HB 668 which would transfer the state MMJ program from the Department of Public Safety to the Department of Health,
  • SB 467 which would legalize the personal use of limited amounts of cannabis and requires licensing to run a marijuana establishment,
  • HB 471 which would allow each county to create "compassion centers" for medical marijuana patients can purchase meds.
  • SB 472 which would decriminalize an ounce or less of marijuana, making it a civil fine of no more than $100.
  • SB 686 would increase the amount of cannabis medical marijuana patients can grow to ten plants and up to five ounces of cannabis.
  • SB 687 would allow Post-traumatic Stress Disorder as a qualifying condition for medical cannabis.
  • SB 695 allows for limited, controlled industrial hemp production overseen by the state Department of Public Safety.
  • SB 738 would decriminalize cultivation by people 21 and over and require licensing to operate "marijuana establishments"
  • SB 739 would make possession of up to an ounce a civil violation not to exceed $100. It also removes requirements that students caught with cannabis must be reported to the Board of Education.
Waddup Rollitup,
I've been in and out of this thread for a while and finally decided to join.I am a medical
Grower from the big island and decided to get acquainted with some fellow growers.
So hit me up if u wanna shoot the shit...pics are coming as soon as I figure out how to post them lol
Waddup Rollitup,
I've been in and out of this thread for a while and finally decided to join.I am a medical
Grower from the big island and decided to get acquainted with some fellow growers.
So hit me up if u wanna shoot the shit...pics are coming as soon as I figure out how to post them lol
Aloha brah, welcome to da thread!
Thanks for posting that Puna Bud...
I have a hard time finding sites that provide updated info on our current legislation..

Let me know when you consider running for a congressional seat in the state... I'd make a mean campaign manager :p