Hawaii Growers

Mmmmmm Maaaauuuuiiii. Got some good days in at the Bay last time I was over there. Malama Honolua for me til I get back, k? bongsmilie
Here are my babies haha all naturally grown, just repotted them so i could give them a little shock hopefully get some seeds from these purps.:clap: But having trouble looking through the microscope and telling if they are ready is there any other ways of telling if they are ready to harvest? IMG_4939.jpgIMG_5629.jpgIMG_7058.jpgIMG_8432.jpg
Here are my babies haha all naturally grown, just repotted them so i could give them a little shock hopefully get some seeds from these purps.:clap: But having trouble looking through the microscope and telling if they are ready is there any other ways of telling if they are ready to harvest? View attachment 2569447View attachment 2569448View attachment 2569449View attachment 2569450
I'm not real sure what you mean by trying to get seeds. You trying to make them turn hermie? If they are close to harvest its to late for seeds. Takes at least 5 weeks for seeds to develop. How long have they been flowering?
Kihei side is solid too

wow, it must really be a long time since I last went to Maui. Keihei was nothing but a hot drive on the way to Makena. But there always was Ozeki's ribs ,broke da jaw kine ribs back in the day. But for me no other reason to stop in Kihei. Boy how times have changed!
Mmmmmm Maaaauuuuiiii. Got some good days in at the Bay last time I was over there. Malama Honolua for me til I get back, k? bongsmilie

I grew up surfing the bay. Best wave in all of Hawaii on a North west swell. If anybody tells you different ,then they never got to surf Honolua on a perfect 10 to 12 ft day,...on a North West Swell of course. It was Honolua Bay that I watched a young Aussie named Nat Young tear up the place, making David Nuuhiwa look like a grommet. It was Honolua Bay where I met and became friends with former world Champ Shaun Tomsan & Lightning Bolt Shaper numero uno then, Tom Parrish. Tom had snapped his favorite board on the first day at Honolua. He had met me that day thru a mutual friend,and at the end of the day I had pack Tom's trusty 7'8" rounded pintail, now in two pieces in my VW van. Tom make a long story short, I put Tom's board back together overnight. We became pretty darn good friends as a result of it. So anytime Tom would come to Maui he's swap houses with Gerry Lopez for a week or so. While here Tom would use Gerry's shaping room up at Gerry Olinda house. The Gerry would use Tom's Pupukea Heights home and do the exact same thing ,shape away the week. When Tom Parrish first started coming to Maui, He'd drive down from Olinda to go surf. As our friendship bloomed I offered my place for him to store his boards,and in kind he told me to feel free to use any of his boards anytime to go surf. Tom was also the Quiksilver Rep for Hawaii at the time. Because of his style(big heart), he never forgot what I did for him by repairing his board overnight. He gave me Quiksilver shorts on a regular basis. I was actually the first Maui surfer with Quiksilver shorts. Everybody back then was wearing Hang 10, or Birdwell,or Katin board shorts. Snap instead string tie, and they felt right too! Damn, I still remember my first pair of quiksilver shorts too! They were two shades of blue! lol

When ever the North shore is closing out, and there is a NW swell,...everybody goes to Maui to surf Honolua Bay Here is a good story for you smokers. While surfing Honolua Bay one day with Shaun Tomsan upon coming back to the car . We dried off and had a chat about our just finished session. Shaun had a board bag like no other board bag I had ever seen. It was all black leather, and had slots to hold three boards at once. Real cool I tell you, and on the outside of it in white paint it said Shaum Tomsan ,South African Springbok. So there was no mistaking Shaun's board bag. This day instead of parking on the cliffs at Honolua. I took the dirt road into the mouth of the bay. Had a real nice jungle feel to it. Here there was only about five cars instead of fifty. Anyway Shaun and I go surf. So he leaves this beautiful board bag on the ground next to the car. Upon his return ,we are drying off putting away our stuff, and getting ready to go back Lahaina. Shaun lifts his board bag, then I hear "What is this Puna". While we were surfing, a Shaun Tomsan admirer came up and left and ounce of buds under his board bag. Well, Shaun's a pro surfer. He needs that in his life about as much as I REALLY NEED THAT! Shaun,doesn't smoke. But he doesn't hold it against anyone who does. So Shaun's gift quickly became my gift in a matter of seconds! Ah, the old surf days! I got endless surf stories from those days too. I use to have Super 8MM of Mark Richard surfing Honolua Bay. I've never seen anybody cutback into the tube like Mark Richard. But Shaun got barreled like I've never seen before! Plus his ability to kick out while in the barrel was simply amazing!

ps If you haven't noticed my avatar is down. The Rollitup police said it was inappropriate for a marijuana social network? So they took it down for me! FUCKING ASSHOLES But they will allow blood & gore avatars?
When I was five my dad gave me my first surfboard. A Ryan Dotson 9 foot pin tail with 50/50 rails. Years later I asked him what happened to Ryan Dotson and he said he was shot down trying to fly weed out of Honolulu! I miss my dad and I miss Maui.
well bro, they may not have been the only ones with the DoDo widow and maybe they got it out, but i will never grow that and really don't even want to smoke it again. i smoked so much of that dirty widow that i am done with it. there are sooooooo many better strains out there than that one. people made MONEY off that strain and killed it to death. i am sorry to see them get busted. nobody should go down for weed. i wish the johnnys was back around, i would buy that in a heartbeat. aloha
I thought I'd up date you folks on what's happening over at the state building. For those of you who don't know, the outlook isn't good once again our elected officials played to the companies that bank rolled their coffers once again. Guys, In 59 years old, I can't keep fighting the fight. I'm fucking sick and tired of these phoney elected officials who only give a shit about issues that bring money to their pocketbooks. So, if you're hoping for anything worth the time of day with regards to medical cannabis program getting better here,...don't hold your breathe!

Thanks for the updates Puna, I appreciate it. This is the first year I've submitted testimony. I keep up on the bills I'm interested in and submit testimony whenever they make it to a hearing and hopefully it's making a difference.

Another bill you guys might appreciate is HB174. It requires foods with GMO's to be labeled as such. It's made it all the way through the House and past the first reading in the Senate.
Yeah, FUCK GMO's. And FUCK Monsanto.

Sorry. I had to get that out. :peace:

and btw, Puna, that is an epic story about the Bay. I love hearing shit like that...
zoff the island, the kid was left behind. Without thinking twice Billy makes the necessary moves to adopt the Dotson boy who eventually grows up,and becomes famous under the name of Laird Hamilton!

The North Shore was full of all kinds of happening action ,surf stories like this one. Have you guys seen "Breaking down the Door",documentary? It's on Netflix if you have their device?

Breaking down the doors. I got that on DVD. I watch it all the time
zoff the island, the kid was left behind. Without thinking twice Billy makes the necessary moves to adopt the Dotson boy who eventually grows up,and becomes famous under the name of Laird Hamilton!

The North Shore was full of all kinds of happening action ,surf stories like this one. Have you guys seen "Breaking down the Door",documentary? It's on Netflix if you have their device?

Kalo.. any chance you were using fox farms ocean forest?
I had the same problem last year.. my issue was the soil pH was too low (acidic)..
I was watering with 6.4 pH water and the soil was still around 5.0-5.3 after testing it (i have a hanna digital ph meter)
Found out from a good source that their (FFOF) sphagnum moss was really decayed and acidic (everything breaks down into organic acids eventually).

I would advise you to check the pH of your soil..
best way is to get your soil to the point of saturation (when water starts coming out of your pot, that's too much or over-saturated..)
Let it sit for about 30 minutes... Then "squeeze" the container of soil so some liquid comes out the bottom..
check the ph of that liquid

Thanks everyone for the responses, and thanks for not giving me the cowbell. I cut the curled growth off and the new growth is not curled but still a little dried out looking. Next thing im gonna try, is drill some holes around the bottoms of the pots to try improve drainage and aeration and then check the PH. Been busy with work the last few and havent had a chance to do some work in the tent.
So i saw on khon2.com that the house judiciary committee approved the bill to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana yesterday. Looks like its moving along... now if we can just get a few others to past what bills we have left for mmj...
So i saw on khon2.com that the house judiciary committee approved the bill to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana yesterday. Looks like its moving along... now if we can just get a few others to past what bills we have left for mmj...

Thats a step in the right direction, I suppose, even though now pakalolo will become more of a revenue generator for the state when they start fining everyone for having a bit of some dried plant on them. I think one reason why the legalization bill didnt advance any here, was partially because it was modeled after colorado and washington's recently passed legalization and they still are working out all the kinks in the new law and how its gonna change other things like getting a DUI for Cannabis.

I think they are trying to establish how to define a cannabis blood level, similar to alcohol, but are finding it impossible to find any correlation between blood/urine levels and impairment because of all sorts of factors like tolerance, persons body weight, frequency of smoking, etc.

I shake my head everytime I'm in my garden, just minding my own business, and thinking about how I have to worry so much about the law over a plant. This whole "We'll ignore all the BS propaganda we've been spouting for decades and make it legal if we can profit off of it" business is just ridiculous.