I've started some Zamaldelica seeds, and I wanted to document my search for a trippy smoke that I hope to find from this strain. What I mean by trippy is a feeling like looking at the world through fresh eyes. I want that feeling where everyday sights are now new and amazing, like a blind man who is just now seeing for the first time, or like I am on a different planet. I want to go outside, and be keenly aware of all the living things around me, where it seems that all the animals and plants seem to notice that I notice them. In fact, it is almost like they gather around as if they know that I am one with them, and mean them no harm. In a phrase from the Wizard of Oz, I want to feel like I'm "not in Kansas anymore".
Even though I have experienced weed like this in the past, it was rare, and seems to be extremely rare in my experience these days. This is setting a very high bar to get over, and it is very unlikely that I will be able to find this again. However, comments from posters here on ICMAG about Zamal and Zamal crosses have given me hope. I hope that these ICMAG contributors do not mind if I quote them here, because they make me believe that they know what I am talking about. I hope you enjoy these quotes as much as I did when I read them.
Dubi - "I remember walking with a friend in the city, totally disoriented. We were walking in streets we know since we are children but we almost coudnt recognize them. It looked like a different place or city for us. We neither knew what we were doing or going, walking without direction around the old streets of my city."
British Hempire "wow, what a smoke, very very potent, all in the head, a clear, electric, euphoric racing high, I'm a very experienced, hardcore smoker, I smoke all day every day yet this stuff had me higher that I think I've ever been before and positively messed up my friends who tried some. I took a walk to my friends house, a place I have been many many times and couldn't find it, walked up and down the street looking for the house, then had to ring him on my mobile phone as I got really confused, just awesome stuff. I have been in a satate ot total euphoria on this stuff, makes you talk a lot about mad ideas, sing silly little songs to yourself and wander about looking very baked but grinning insanely, just as close to herbal acid as I've ever experienced, straight to the number one slot on my list of best smokes."
Terpene - "...all I can say is HOLY S***. If you are looking for the terror ridden, thai clarity..." "First two hours were INTENSE, scary to the point anyone who wasn't a seasoned smoker would not want to be high anymore..." " see at 2 frames per second and there are a lot of "whoa, how long have I been here...... wait, did that just happen?" moments."
Xinox - "...first time i try it, i just look at the street through the window and i literally bug on it..." "you have some kind of slight stroboscopic effect. Then you feel some waves in your body, like you are carry in a wave. We also try this weed at 5 on my vaporizer and the conclusion of the assembly was clear that this weed is heavy shit..." "The high is strong but also very clear, it's indeed very psychedelic and long lasting. This pheno is almost hallucinatory, with some very visuel kind of effects. I'm quiet sure that this weed could easily paralyze a beiginner."
Dubi - "Zamal has a unique kind of high, it's crazy, psychedelic and out of control, especially i have found extremely powerful and crazy plants crossing zamal with other sats and sat/ind hybrids. It has huge breeding potential to get incredible sativa experiences in the hybrids..." "...with a terrorific electric high. It can produce serious paranoia and anxiety when correctly grown..." "...some phenos produced some of the most powerful sativa high i've ever smoked. A mix between anphetamine and LSD." "It was an overpowering accelerated, psychedelic, disorienting crazy high." "Zamal lemon produced one of the closest experience to LSD i've had smoking cannabis."
VanVulpen "...added a totally new dimension to the musical experience, and gave me the true meaning of "rollercoaster weed""
DeadM -"...another one was terrorific..many friend after one can't smoke anymore of it ..they were unable to speak and move..."
Chamba " was very intelligent and trippy in a way that I often felt like (if I smoked enough of it) of watching myself from above which gave a new perspective of the same time it took ages to put my shoes on!"
BongHitter99 - " walking back to my room and WHAM! Im fucking high now!....electric fiery energy courses through my body heat felt in chest and face my hearts pounding hard now, I know im in for a ride....feeling extreme euphoria, almost like I want to love the whole world this is some serious love weed for sure!...very UPBEAT! And motivating ..clear, no couchlock or heavy body load, .this shit is great for club hopping, partying, socializing .this high just takes your breath away in awe..."
Unknown Guest - "No doubt the very best weed I smoked in my life was Zamal. It only happened to me a couple of times to find some stash that reminded of zamal's quality in holland. The best weed is the one that was not touched nor fertilized by man during its whole life. When they hear about our HPSs and fertilizers stuff, they laugh a lot."
Laugan Gaucher - I love Haze! I don't like most of powered zamal/haze hybrids. psychotic and hallucinogenic. Like Lsd or psilocybine you can have good time and bad time at the same time."
Mosca Negra - "Gerrit's Zamal is some SUPER FINE SMOKE!!!"
All the Best,
Looking good