Hawaii Long Season Guerrilla Grow '13

This is my 5th year growing on/off in the beautiful state of Hawaii. This year I plan to document all of my Guerrilla grows from start to finish. Will be growing Feminized blueberry, OG Kush, Sour Diesel, and 2 other Hybrid strains. I am going to be using LST to provide more stealth and lower height plants.
I will be sharing some of my knowledge about selecting good guerrilla locations as well as other tips for novice guerrilla growers in order to keep their ladies safe and undetected. I will be utilizing 3-5 different remote locations(30 minutes minimum from any trail) so as to not keep all the eggs in one basket and also to avoid someone stumbling upon my gardens (tip #1)

So far only the blueberry strain has been started. Others strains will be germinated in a few days.
Here are a few pics of some of the blueberry baby ladies


Been lagging on updates since the biggest ladies are about 8" or so. But here are a few pictures showing some growth of the different strains.
Loving the new fluorescent CFL tubes helps a lot when the weather is bad like it has been with all this rain.
Starting to prepare my soil for the season.
Making a supersoil type mix all organic. Haven't decided on which organic nutes to use but definitely some top dressing guano as well as some compost teas with molasses.

Did some more scouting last week and have decided to utilize 3 different locations. All of them being south facing slopes(more direct sunlight at hottest part of day). Also no need to worry to much about trees on the west side of South facing slopes as they shouldn't block much sun, be concerned about the trees in the east though.
Will be doing some in the ground but most in grow bags as 2 of the 3 spots wont allow me to dig.
Being on an island I cant stress enough about having spots that are a bitch and a half to get to. Will be hauling in the water as no streams near by so I will be getting some heavy workouts in this summer.



Thanks guys. Took the first 3 hopeful ladies outside a few days ago as they reached the height that I transition from indoor to outdoor(about 1ft or so) they are in partial shaded spots for 5 days then they get full sun. Will be posting pics of them soon as well as a shot of what I got in my supersoil this year. Its cooking now for another 30 days.
So far 3 hopeful ladies are outside hardening to the sun in partial shade (about 1.5ft tall now) will have outdoor pics by end of week
The pics below are those still under a foot tall so will be inside/partial sun for now.
I thought id show the supersoil type mix ill be using this year in the bottom 1/2 of the final grow pots/ holes....
6 cu. ft Roots organic 707 mix
2 cu ft. sunshine mix #4
60 lb worm castings
8 cups Espoma tomato tone
5 lb High P bat guano
2 pound green silica sand
1 lb dolomite
2 cups glacial rock dust
2 cups azomite
3/4 cup epsom salt
1/2 cup high N bat guano



Well-Known Member
Looks good. Were you shopping at the Garden Exchange in Hilo? That place is rad. Where did you pick up the worm castings?


Well-Known Member
Do you have those plants vegging inside? How high are your lights, if so? Some of them look a little stretchy. The ones outdoors might have a little something going on with them too. I don't know, but some of the yellowing in the leaves might indicate something. What do you think?
No sir im on oahu and I get my worm castings from a local guy but yea they are a bit stretchy due to my lighting situation. got the T5s on an angle leaning up against a chair lol too lazy to hang it properly with chains I guess. The yellowing could be from something in the soil im assuming, it was composted and had some organic nutes in it, shouldnt have used it to start the babies but its all I had layin around here when I started them. They are vegging inside but I am starting to get them used to the sun. 1 hour yesterday in sun, 2 hours today, 3 tomorrow, etc. then once about a foot tall they hitting the woods except for the OG kush and one Frost that are really good genetics from a long time grower in Puna, so I am gunna let them get about 2 feet then take some cuttings and keep my fingers crossed that they are females when I sex the clones! Dont want to lose these genes, only one OG made it out of a few of em