Hawaiian x Mango day 80!


Well, I finally hit day 80! Since its my first time around it is quite a milestone for me :bigjoint: So, I thought ide share a few pics. They are smelling so sweet and skunky :weed: I know theyre getting close, i think maybe on sunday they get the chop chop!

I also wanna thank all the people on RIU since it would have alot more trial and error to get thru... so here ya go, alil bit o porn.




Thank for the compliments everyone!! Very appreciated......

So since no-one disagreed it seems safe to me that sunday is the day. Sunday
makes 1 day short of 12 full weeks. What a long strange trip its been!

So excited.....



Hahaha.....hell ya! I miss those old primus tunes =(

Ive had the girls listenin to music since seedlings.... Their whole lives, nothing but Hawaiian island music with some Primus mixed in to keep em on their toes! I dont know if it makes a dif but I like to think that it does!


Well-Known Member
Looks good bro, nice job, If my ladies look anything like that in a couple weeks I'll be pretty dammed happy +rep. Stop on by my grow if ya get a sec,let me know what you think


Looks good bro, nice job, If my ladies look anything like that in a couple weeks I'll be pretty dammed happy +rep. Stop on by my grow if ya get a sec,let me know what you think
Thanks incog! I checked out ur grow,,, looks sweet. Your ladies are about the same size as mine when i started to flower and looks like you have better nutes so, I would think youll be in pretty good shape come harvest time.

I was battling a ph issue for a bit as well when i learned, from some thread on this board, that arrowhead water is ph'd at 7.0. Thought i should try it. so when i switched from aged 3 day tap water, it only took about 4 to 5 days to see the differeence in the leaves. I stuck with it the remainder of the grow and no more ph issues!

Hope that tip helps someone out like it did me!


Well-Known Member
yah had the same problem prolly more my noobishness than the tap water being bad haha. they got 5.0 ph water cpl times and also got old nute water a couple times.. just to make sure I solved the problem I switched to distilled with cal/mag. All a learning experience thats why I went with bagseed for my first. Got Northern Lights beans just itching to go haha. How many did you go with on your first time? How long did you Veg for?


haha....yes indeed! def a learning experience! Fun as hell too....

So i did 5 to start with.... veg for like a month and 2 days. They were about the same size as yours when you put em to flower. I cant beleive its been 12 weeks since then!

"Damn, how time flies when your drunk as hell!".....(Early Kyler)

My containers are a lil bit on the small side but worked good for me to keep em small since i had space constraints. I have a UK cheese im holdin out to germ this summer. That should be fun!

Best of luck to ya!!